XIV: Feed

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It was something I cannot explain, something magical. All my pain and weakness faded the moment I saw the child wrapped in a pink cloth. A smile was pasted on my face, feeling like it's going to be there as long as I see her.

"Thank you so much Subaru-sama" She gently places the baby in my waiting arms making me feel like it's the most precious thing I ever had to hold. I was suddenly very aware of anything that may potentially hurt her. My keen sense I developed when I was fighting is activated now even without the threat. She softly coos and stare blankly ahead, digesting the world in her vision scope.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered to her treasuring our moment together, hoping to make a connection with my own daughter. She reached out a hand and touched my cheek lightly. "Thank you Miyuki." I say hoping she understands. "Thank you for taking Mama home." She rewarded me with the most pure and unforgettable smiles I'll ever see in my lifetime.

"Time for check up." A nurse announced walking in the room. Without any further inquiries, she proceeded to checking my vital signs, pulse, heart, blood and my IV. "Are you feeling stable now? Not nauseous?" She asks after checking me. I shook my head in response.

"All men except the husband, out you go!" she commanded in a voice no one would even dare question. She reminds me of an angry bear, irritated after being interrupted in her hibernation. All men walked out without a word leaving me, Subaru, Kinu and Rokuro.

"You'll have to feed her now, it's very important serving as your first interaction with one another." As she says that, the swollen feeling in my chest had become pronounced leaving me uncomfortable. I felt my face heat up knowing what I had to do in front of Rokuro. It might seem absurd to be shy after doing it once before but that had been rash and impulsive, I have to admit. Not even a kiss had been shared by us since then so the reason of my reluctance can be justified. Rokuro's expression tells me that he doesn't have any idea of what's going to happen.

"I remembered I have something to do." Subaru-sama suddenly saying prepping to leave dragging the agitated Kinu with her. So it's just us now. Miyuki's lips trembled lightly before crying loudly, indicating her discomfort. She's hungry and I don't have time to act immature.

I sighed loudly, a sign of giving up. "Untie Rokuro." I commanded, keeping a straight face.

"Huh?" He asked stupidly. Dumb Rokuro, you're such an idiot for leaving me alone every time they give me lectures about being a first time parent.

"Untie my hospital gown." I stated as if it's matter of fact. His face was beet red in just seconds realizing what he needs to do. 

"Ben.." He was cut off by Miyuki's demanding cries. He gently untied the knot on my nape leaving the clothing to sag down my shoulders. Here it goes. I shifted Miyuki to one arm as my other one exposes my breast ready to feed my child. It's such a peculiar thing to do, much more so that it felt natural to me. She quickly latched on, which is not a very comfortable feeling but bearable. Rokuro on the other hand was like a stone in the corner, his back on me.

"Rokuro, stop being such a child. You have seen this before."I complained, irritated due to the feeling of discomfort. He slowly turned towards me, face crimson like his eyes which is averting me as if his life depends on it.

"How can you even say that?!" he counters, his embarrassment almost oozing out of him. I can't help but laugh knowing Rokuro. He's still such a kid but maybe that's why I liked about him too, he just cant make me say it out loud. 

There are a lot of things in my head that I won't be caught saying out loud.


This one is a bit humorous taking break from all the drama. I'll be uploading this weekend because I think uploading one by one is not doing any good for my readers. I'd like to upload more chapters at once so sorry in advance if there's gonna be some waiting.

ARIGATO everyone! Thank you, really. I mean it.  :) 

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