Epilogue: What I Need

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Note: You guys are the best!!! I cant believe it. I got inspired and wrote a BONUS CHAPTER for all of you. Im very thankful, I mean it. Enjoy my little thank you gift for you 😘💙💙💙

Wedding song: Collide by Taylor Ann (imagine it in a ballad version 😉 )


"Where's Yuki-chan?" Benio asked her bridesmaids.

"With the men." Subaru says while fixing Benio's hair into an elegant up-do. "Don't get jealous."

Her comforting presence is contagious but it cannot reach Benio. She's so nervous, her heart is pounding every time she thinks of what's about to happen. This is the day she didn't think would come.

Fifty nights ago, Rokuro asked her to marry him and now, the day has come. It might seem rash and hasty but for people who puts their life on the line often, it seems just about right.

"It's quite fast Benio-chan." Subaru pulled out a velvet box with a shiny silver barrette inside. "Congratulations with everything" she whispered as she pins the precious accessory in her hair. Benio pulled her Mistress into a hug hoping she could feel all the sincerity she wants to show.

"Thank you for everything..." her hold tightened. "...onee-chan" That's when Subaru let her tears fall. She have always wanted to break Benio's walls down and let the girl see her as someone who cares about her,not just a mere teacher. They held each other for quite a while until Subaru felt nervous that she might have ruined her makeup. She didn't though, Benio looks perfect.

Rokuro looks dashing as well. For a boy who spent his days wearing exorcism uniform and casual pullovers, appearing in a sharp white suit is really something to look at.

"Rokuro you look great!" Atsushi hollered. Ryougo along with the guys were his best men and brothers who will stand with him on his very special day. "For sure you're all pumped up for the honeymoon!"he teased earning a hit from Ryougo. Rokuro hadn't come to think of that in reality.

"I can't believe you're getting married before me." Ryougo says holding his little brother's shoulder.

"You're so slow with girls." Rokuro teased. He just smirked and dismissed the mocking. With a quick final hug, they all went to the ceremony hall.

"Lee-yoo-gooo" Miyuki blabbered pulling on Ryogou's braid. "Mama?" She asks him eyes wandering through the crowd in search for her mother.

"Mama's in a special room. You will see her later." he tried to make it as convincing as possible.

"Mama" the question now turned to a demand. 

"Not yet. We will see mama later." He pulled out a pack of strawberry gum drop from his pocket knowing he'll win because it's her favorite. She looked happily at the sweets and forgot about her tantrum making Ryogou proud of himself. 

The wedding bells rang as the procession began. Elegant candelabras illuminate the white Corinthian  walls while soft music from the piano and violin duet fill the room as the ceremony commenced. Everyone clapped and smiled whiles some teared up, including Benio. This is truly one of those magical days one can ever experience in their life and both of them are thankful for being able to spend it with one another.

   Fall to the frozen ground all alone Lost in the coldest shadows i know

    You're the bright light, Getting me through the dark night washing away the tears cried 

as our worlds collide...

 Hands on her waist, Rokuro sways with her gently to the music of their first dance as husband and wife. Their eyes says all they can't use words with. 

"You're quiet Benio " Rokuro commenting with a playful smirk. 

"Teasing your wife on your wedding day." she chastised matching his teasing. "It would be easier to talk if I don't love you this much." His hold tightened as she burried her face into his chest. The dance ended but they wished it never would, the audience clapped and cheered. The party was in full swing with everyone dancing and having fun. Atsushi tried to hit on other girl exorcists from neighboring branches while Arima and Subaru enjoyed a slow dance which got everyone talking.

In one corner, Shimon grabbed Mayura hand taking her by surprise.
"What do you want?" she asks annoyed but her heart was beating loud with the contact.

"Dance. You look pathetic here." he says pissing the girl, yanking her hand free but he's stronger. He took her by the hand and lead her out to the balcony, far from the party.

"Stop feeling bad for yourself." he spat out. Mayura froze in place, tears threatening to fall.

"You dont know how it feels. Stop talking like you understand." she says voice shaking, so fragile. He pulled him to her, caging her in his arms. It made her feel warm and his scent filled her head.

"You're right, I don't" his arms tightened around her. "But I feel something for you and you still love him. Does that count?" She couldn't believe what he's saying and she cant tell why her heart is pounding. Her arms slowly embraced him, accepting his heart.

The night ended and everyone has to part. The couple hugged and thanked all of the guests.

"I'm sorry for everything" Mayura whispered to Benio as they hugged. "I'm happy that he gets to have someone like you." Benio always thought of her as a sister and she was filled with happiness when Mayura finally seem to find peace. After a few threats given to Rokuro if he hurt his wife, they were off to their vacation, leaving Miyuki in the trusted care of the evryone else.

He opened his eyes to the sunlight peeking in the curtains illuminating the beauty beside him, his wife. Rokuro cannot think of anything he did to deserve her. She slowly opened her eyes and see him staring.

"Stop staring idiot" she muttered stretching her arms,letting the satin blanket slide into her soft skin. He kissed her cheek and held her to him, aiming to get as close as possible.

She sat up and looked around. "Is this even real?" She asks him while she closes her eyes and tilts her head back resting it on his shoulder.

"I want to think that it is." He whispers, inhaling her scent. She lightly bit the skin in his jaw.

"Did you feel that?" She asks palyfully. "I think this is real. How did I ever end up with an idiot?" She asks feigning disappointment. Rokuro chuckled and lifted her to let her fall back down on the plush bed, pinning her down.

"It's crazy how I love you." he says looking down at her. "Stay with me always Benio, please." It came out like a plea but he didnt care, he'd beg her a million times if he had to. That's how much he needs her.

She touched his face with her hands. "I promise, I'll never want to leave." She pulled him to her, feeling his warmth, his heart.

From the day she fell from the sky, they needed each other, they loved each other.

No matter what comes their way, they'll just be getting stronger, together.

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