3. Pools and Pizzas

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A/n: I really like the new song Johnny made recently. I'm so proud of him.

*Laurens P.O.V.*

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked Emma.

She replied with, "Idk, but I don't wanna just sit here."

"Neither do I." Johnny said coming out of the bathroom.

"Oh, let's go to the huge indoor pool downstairs." Emma said.

"I'm down." Johnny said plopping down on our bed.

"Me too." I said.

I didn't hear Hayden say anything so I look over to find him asleep on his bed.

"Do you guys want to doggy pile on him?" I said. They nodded their head vigorously.
Before we can even walk over there Hayden spoke up.

"Hey guys I'm like low key awake, but if you scream I will give you nightmares for the rest of your years." Hayden said sitting up.

"Whatever Hayden, I'm going to call and ask if we can go to the pool." Johnny said.

"Go for it, know one is stopping you." Emma said. Oh, they so like each other.

"Shut up Emma." Johnny said walking out of the room.

*Johnny's P.O.V.*


"Hey Johnny everything ok?" My Mom said answering the phone.

"No, we're bored and we want to know if we can go to the pool we say downstairs?" I said.

"Umm," she took a deep breath, "I guess as long as you stay down there. When you done come back upstairs immediately. You need to take your phone, towel, cover clothes, and your room pass."
She said.

"Ok, bye love you." I said.

"Bye love you to." She said before hanging up.

I walk back into our room with everyone ready to go, "Hey you guys got ready before I did?"

"Well yeah, you were taking to long on the phone." Emma said in a duh tone.

"Ok, well let me get ready." I said in a mocking duh tone.

Emma just smiled innocently. I swear her smile could be the light to the room.

About 15 minuets later we were ready to go. Emma and Lauren had purses to hold phones and the hotel pass.

Lauren was holding the hotel room pass and her and Hayden's phone. Emma was holding my phone and hers in her purse.

After taking the elevator to the bottom floor we were at the pool.

"Lets swim!" Hayden said already out of his cover clothes and jumping in the pool. Luckly this place was empty or they would be unhappy to have two immature kids (Lauren and Hayden) and two slightly mature teens (Emma and I) jumping around in the pool.

"You were supposed to wait Hayden." Lauren said jumping in the pool.

Emma and I were ready to jump into the pool.

"On the count of three we jump into the pool." She said, I nodded.

"1, 2, 3!!" The we jumped in.

We swam around and did tricks and challenges then Emma said, "Look a hot tub. I'm getting in first!" She said already getting out of the pool.

We all ran over to the hot tub.

"Aww this feels nice." Emma and Lauren said in sync. Then laughed.

Hayden and I purposely jumped into the hot tub splashing water everywhere.

The hot tub was one big circle. It would start left to right from Me, Emma, Lauren, then Hayden.

We sat there for about 20 minuets cracking jokes and splashing around.

"I'm ready to go I'm tired." Hayden said. I wouldn't blame him it's like 8:00 pm. We swam here for 4 hours.

"Your always tired, but yeah lets go." I said.

We all got out and dried of then put out cover clothes on.

We arrived back at the hotel room, "Hey Lauren let me have the room pass." Emma said.

"Here ya go." Lauren replied.

Emma once again opened the door with her magical hands.

I texted my mom that we were back at the hotel.

*Emma's P.O.V.*

We were all laying down around 8:30 trying to figure out what to get for dinner.

"We should just order a pizza." I said. I didn't want to really look at everything in the hotel menus they always leave.

"Ok, I'll order room service." Lauren said, walking to the phone.

I went on Instagram to take a selfie of me in mine and Laurens bed until Johnny jumped on the other side of the bed, "Watcha doing." He said.

"Taking pictures for snapchat. Wanna take one together?"

"Yeah sure." He said.

I got the picture ready, and soon as I snapped the picture, Johnny made a funny face which I saw and started laughing. So the picture basically looked like Johnny making a funny face and me laughing at it. I captioned it, 'He makes me laugh like no one else. Love you Johnny❤😛!' (just pretend I tagged him). The truth is I was being serious about the last sentance in the caption, sadly I know Johnny doesn't feel the same way.

Johnny's phone digged (is that a word?) and he looked at the post.

"Aww why thank you Mrs. Rose for that amazing complement of me and I love you too." Johnny said poking my nose. My stomach erupted with butterflies as the words, 'I love you too' came from his mouth.

"Why you are welcome Mr. Orlando." I said in the same tone poking his nose.

"Ok love birds, the pizza will be here in about 20 minutes." Lauren said.

I blushed madly, and Johnny had a light blush, but it looks cute on him.

Yeah, I have a HUGE crush on Johnny Orlando.

*About 20 minuets later*
Knock knock

"Yay the pizza, I'll get it." Hayden said.

Hayden comes in with the pizza and we start bashing.

"Did you pay the guy?" Lauren questioned Hayden who had pizza stuffed in his mouth. We all laughed when he looked up and said, "huh?" he said.

"He doesn't need to it gets added in to the bill after where done staying here." I said.

After two pizzas were gone and everyone was full, it was about 11:00 at night and decided to call it a night.

I texted my mom and dad telling them 'goodnight love you'.

They replayed the same almost immediately.

"Goodnight guys." Lauren said.

"Night." Johnny, Hayden, and I replied in sync.

I'm pretty sure everyone fell asleep after that. I don't know I fell asleep myself.

So how do you like it? I put in a little Layden and Emny.
You should like totally comment what you think. No pushing just suggesting.

See yah ^_^

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