8. Downhill

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*Emma's P.O.V.*
*3 days until they leave to go back to L.A.*

"Hello m&m's Emma here, and you're watching my daily vlogs. It's currently 6:33 am in Canada and I'm on a quest to look for some hibernating animals right now. Oh wait, I think I found some."

I walked into the room with the sleeping children quietly.

"As you can see there is a bundle of some here. It looks like a wild Hayden Summerall and Johnny Orlando."

I quietly laughed so I didn't wake them up. I moved the camcorder to mine and Laurens bed.

"It looks here we have a sleepy Lauren Orlando. It appears to me her hair has some how become a rat's nest."

I turned the camcorder to face me, "it looks like now is the perfect time to plan a SURPRISE wake up call."

I set the camcorder on the tv stand and ran to the bathroom then grabbed 2 cans of shaving cream, Johnny or Hayden doesn't use this and I bought some at the store. I went back into the room and made sure my camcorder was able to record the whole room. Once everything was in check I started my surprise attack.

I started on Lauren. I went over to the bed and sprayed shaving cream all over her carefully because I have a special way to wake them up.

I walked over to the boy's bed and did the same. I reached under my bed and pulled out an air horn. I placed it in the air and hit the button. They all screamed as they woke up. They all glared at me realizing all the shaving cream on their bodies. I was laughing hysterically at all there faces.

I picked up the camera, "well guys it looks like this wake up call was a success." Giving a smirk to the camera.

Suddenly all 3 of them came over and hugged me, "NOOO!!! aww guys well it looks like this wasn't a success, we'll at least it was for a brief couple minutes. Guys, do you have anything to say?" I pointed the cam at them.

"You could've done better, I'm disappointed in you." Hayden said.

"Gosh Emma, now I'm all sticky. Thanks!" Lauren said.

"You're welcome. Love you boo!" I said.

"Well I don't know about this, but prepare for a bigger prank coming your way Emma." Johnny said.

"Yeah whatever, well guys this is definitely how you start a morning in our friendship." I then shut my camera off.

"Oh my gosh, that was possibly the funniest thing I have ever done or seen." I said.

"It was a little funny. I'm going to get in the shower." Lauren said.

We all replied, "ok."

"Hey Emma!" I heard Johnny call.

"Yea-EWWW" I went to turn around to face Johnny when he enveloped me into a messy shaving cream hug.

I tried to pull away, but he pulled me into him tighter. I blushed madly at that. Giving up I decided to hug him back. I heard him sigh in relief.

"You doing ok there j-bear?" I asked him using his most hated nickname.

He groaned, "not anymore, I thought you were mad at me cause I got shaving cream on you earlier. So I hugged you  tighter and then you called me that nickname that I hate."

"I'm sorry. I could never be mad at you. I mean who could? Look at those beautiful green eyes you have that hold nothing but love and kindness." I said happily holding the side of his face with my hands.

"Aww thanks Emma." He said leaning into my touch.

I nodded going over to my duffel bag getting new clothes for the shower.

Little did Johnny and Emma know that a Mr. Hayden Summerall was recording the WHOLE thing. He might have posted it on snapchat.

*Johnny's P.O.V.*

I could wipe the huge smile that appeared on my face when she said all that to me. I would have jumped in the air screaming in joy, but I composed myself quickly.

I went into the small room with a sink near the bathroom and tried to wipe some of the shaving cream off my face.

Hayden came into the "bathroom" a few moments later, "Hey dude what are you going to do about Emma? We're about to back to LA in 3 days."

"I know, I know I already have it all in place."

"You better. She's a special girl treat her right. Ew gross I sound like my dad."

I laughed, "I will. She will never forget what I'm going to do just for her."

"Ok, you sound a little obsessed. Chill."

I laughed again, "oops."

He then walked out. We all finished what we were doing and taking showers when there was a urgent knock on my door. We all froze, I looked threw the peep hole to see my mother looking worried, sad, and upset. It had looked like she had been crying with her big puffy eyes.

I opened the door, "mom? What's wrong?"

"Pack your stuff know we are leaving in 4 hours."

"WHAT WHY?!?!?" We all screamed.

"I'll tell you in a bit. Oh it's so sad. I don't know what to do." She said. It made my heart break as her voice cracked throughout her sentences.

"Ok, mom well pack just go back to your room and calm down."

She nodded and headed back to her room.

I turned around and looked at all the sad and confused faces of my friends and sister.

We quickly packed all our things in a matter of an hour and a half. I was thinking of how this whole Emma and I situation thing was going to work out.

We cleaned up the room, and then went to my mom and dad's room. We knocked quickly wanting to know why my mom was crumbling at our door.

She opened and pulled us into her room. It was cleaned and they had there stuff together to. I looked at my dad and almost had a breakdown myself. My mom and dad both looked like there about to burst out crying.

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" Emma asked. We had a deal that Emma would call my parents mom and dad and me and Lauren would call her parents mom and dad.

This caused my mom to loose it. She cried hysterically.

We were all confused. My dad spoke up, "guys, um, just sit down real quick."

My mom was still crying in his shoulder while my dad was holding her.

"What's going on!" I finally said.

What he said scared is all out of our mind.

"Emma, your mom is in the hospital."

A/n: I'M SORRY! DON'T KILL ME. I had to make some conflict because a nice story can't move on without a little conflict. Mwahaha prepare for the next chapter.

See yah ^_^

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