5. Dares Can Be Fun

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*Hayden's P.O.V.*

When all of a sudden....

I farted. Yes, I farted. (Lol did anybody get scared of that cliffhanger in the last chapter?)

"Hayden, dude, what the heck?" Emma said, plugging her nose.

"I had to let it go, (song reference....) it was sitting in its chamber for to long." I said.

"Go to sleep." Lauren said.

"I'm totally ok with that." Johnny said walking back into the room after sprinting away when I farted. We all fell asleep within the next twenty minutes.

*Tomorrow Morning*
*5 more days until they head back to LA (Yeah maybe made a HUGE timeskip..)

*Johnny's P.O.V.*

Everbody was awake around 11:30 in the morning.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah, what's up man?" I questioned. Expecting it to be him asking Lauren out because of his change in demeanor as I said yes. Its like he didn't want to ask the question.

..I was.....wondering.....if I could ask Lauren out to be my girlfriend!" He said the last part really fast.

"What was that last part? Say it slower." I said. I heard what he said I just wanted to get it on records so I can show it to Emma later.

He drew one long breath and said, "Can I ask Lauren to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes thank god." I said excitedly.

He stared at me confused, "wha?"

"Dude Emma and I know about your crush on Lauren, not gonna lie she likes you to." I told him. Then I stopped the recording.

His face immediately turned red and had a huge smile plastered on his face. Which soon immediately faltered, "Just how am I going to ask her?"

"It's all you man." I said.

*Emma's P.O.V.*

"I've seen you and Hayden get close lately." I said to Lauren chillin' on our bed.

"Yeah. I like him a lot." She replied.

I said, "Aww. Hey lets have a lazy day yeah?"

"I love that idea. Just us four chillin." She said.


"Ok, ok, we're here. What's up?" Hayden said looking directly at Lauren nervously. Mmm wonder what Johnny told him? Have to ask him later then.

Lauren replied, "We have decided to call today lazy day."

"Thank God. I am tired." Johnny said jumping right on to Me.

"JOHNNY!!! Get off." I yelled/groaned.

"NEVER!!" He said wrapping his arms around me. Suddenly my heart stopped and I blushed madly. Thankfully nobody seen that.

"Fine." I grumbled and started playing with his hair.

Hayden did the same to Lauren, but they immediately just started getting comfortable.

"Hey look a movies on." I said noticing a movie is on.

"What movie?" Hayden asked.

"Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory." Johnny replied.

"Lol, we're just sitting her at 12:00pm already watching movies." Johnny and Hayden move to the middle of the bed so they are in between Lauren and I.

"I know right?" Lauren said.

We all just nodded our heads.

After about 4-5 different movies it's was almost 6 o'clock.

Johnny and Hayden were whisper/arguing about something until Hayden said, "Hey Lauren, can I talk to you?"

"Uh, yeah lets go." Then Lauren and Hayden walked out of the room.

*Lauren's P.O.V.*

Hayden and I walked outside the hotel room and I heard a loud thump from the inside of our hotel, but ignored it because it was probably Emma or Johnny being stupid.

"What's up Hayden? You ok?" I asked after about a minute.

"Yeah, it's just something I wanted to get off my chest." He said nervously.

"Go ahead." I said. I didn't know how to feel about what is about to happen. We both sat against the wall.

"So, Lauren, these past few days have been really fun." He started, I nodded my head.

"But I've really only had one thing in mind, and it was you." He said looking me in the eye.

I thought I was going to pass out right there in the moment.

"I know we're only 11 and all, but I really like you. I think your sweet, caring, thoughtful, funny and you always make my day better." He said.

"Hayden what are you trying to say?" I asked him with a big smile on my face after he was quiet for a moment.

"What I'm trying to say is Lauren Orlando will you be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly.
(A certain person requested me asking if I could have Hayden ask Lauren out over truth or dare game, but I couldn't think of a way. Sorry.)

I just smiled, "I would love to." I kissed his cheek and both of our faces went red.

"Lets go to the dorks inside." He said getting up sticking his hand out for me to take.

I heard another thump and laughter from inside.

"Yeah, let's go." I said. I couldn't contain the smile I had on my face.

We walk in to see Emma and Johnny on the bed with red faces out of breath. Mmm wonder what happened.

"Is it official." Johnny asked looking directly at our conjoined hands.

"Yep." I said giving Hayden's hand a squeeze.

We got back onto the bed and continued watching movies.

*Johnny's P.O.V.*
*A little after Hayden and Lauren went outside.*

"Johnny get your phone out!" I frantically whispered.

"Why?" He replied back quietly.

"Because I want to get this on record. Now let's go!"

Johnny started to record and we ran for the doorway and we both tripped on our own feet with a loud thud. We tried to suppress our laughs.

We got everything on record.
We heard them start to come in so we sprinted to the bed really fast. Of course we fell again, but we laughed this time. We jumped on the bed and I'm pretty sure our faces were red and we were out of breath.

They came in, Johnny asked if it was official, which it's is, and we continued our marathon until we all fell asleep on our bed. I was crowed the WHOLE time, but I'm happy mine and Johnny's otp were together. Finally.

A/n: You know, I love you guys a lot. I've gotten messages telling me to update and I love that, but I'm feeling a little rushed. So now updates will be 1 to 2 times a week. Remember to vote and comment what you think.

ALSO, I updated a few days ago and I seen that I had 1.12k reads and I almost pooed myself. Thank you guys so much.

See yah ^_^

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