7.Wait, What?

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*Lauren's P.O.V.*

"Should I start vlogging?"

I choked on my pancakes, "wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, I mean I've gotten so many comments saying I would be a great vlogger." Emma replied.

"I think you should do it." Johnny said.

"Aww, thanks your such a good friend." Emma said hugging him. He hugged her back tighter than I expected. The hug lasted so long it caused Hayden to cough to get their attention. They blushed as soon as they separated.

"Hey, Johnny can I talk to you." Hayden said. Looking at Johnny like he needed to tell him something important.

"Yeah let's go." He said.

*Johnny's P.O.V*

We walked outside the hotel to sit on a bench.

"What's up?" I asked hayden.

He replied, "yo, you have to do something about Emma. You two are head over heals for each other."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Even Lauren knows it." He said.

"Ok well I have a plan, but I'm going to wait until the last day here."

"Ok. Tell me plan." He replied eagerly.

I told him the wonderful plan to catch Emma's heart.

We walk back inside to see Emma recording Lauren on her camcorder. My parents were sitting at a table a few spaces away from us.

"Oh, look Johnny and Hayden has decided to come sit with us after there 'talk'." Lauren said. Emma moved her camcorder towards us.

"Oh hello!" I said happily to the cam making Emma smile. She then moved it towards Hayden who had stuffed his face with the rest of his cereal with milk dripping out of his mouth, "um-hi (crunch)." He spoke barely.

We all laughed as Emma put away her camcorder away.

After breakfast we all decided to go out to a small park near the hotel.

We walked to the park after saying goodbye to my parents.

While walking Lauren and Hayden were ahead of us walking hand-in-hand, I let Emma jump on my back to give her a piggy back ride. At the park, we had a race to the swing sets. Since we're all lazy, it was a tie. We played for about 4-5 at the park. Before we left we saw the sunset start to go down. Emma and I were standing In front of Lauren and Hayden. As we were watching the sunset Emma layer her head on my shoulder, and looped an arm around mine. I layed my head in hers with a smile on my face. I can't wait for my plan to take action.

After the sun was about half way down, we started walking home. It was about dark by the time we got there. We checked in, telling my parents we were back.

The girls had quickly fallen asleep when we got here, like they changed there clothes and went to bed. Hayden and I thought that was a perfect time to prank them. I downloaded an air horn app on my phone and set it off. Hayden had already went behind the wall, I threw the phone on the bed then sprinted behind the wall to join Hayden.

We heard the girls groan and shut off the alarm. Me and Hayden jumped out from behind the wall and yelled boo. The girls screamed which caused Emma to chuck my phone at me, luckly I caught it before it hit my face.

"Johnny? Hayden? What are you doing?" Lauren asked.

"Pranking you, what else would we do?" I said.

"I'm going back to bed goodnight guys." Emma said going back to bed. She is so adorable.

"Same, night guys." I said going to the other bed. I'm pretty sure everybody else went to bed after that. Soon my plan to catch Emma's heart with be at play.

A/N: Hello best fans in the world! I know you all are about to kill me I know. I know this chapter it short, but I gave you guys what you wanted. I love how you all wanted me to update, but I don't want just comments telling me to update, I want feedback, opinions, and ideas for the story.

I didn't update for a month or two because I felt like my story was lame, but everybody was commenting on how they wanted me to update so badly. So I finished up this chapter and gave you whatever this is.

Like I said give me feedback, opinions, and ideas for the story!

See yah ^_^

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