Jacob why

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I've been staying in my room and had no contact with others except my best friends from north carolina through my phone.

I told them everything and they told me everything that's happened. For some reason when I leave drama starts and trust me there was no drama in North Carolina until now.

I've also been eating less like I get hungry but I have no appetite to eat.

My first friends and they turn on me.

Well I guess I did turn on jacob.

But I've changed. I keep playing the moments in my head when he yelled at me.

But he was upset and now I am. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

Jacobs pov

I cant believe I did that. I haven't seen her and can't contact her on anything.

Her. Kaet.

I needed her. I could let her go that easy. I had to fix this right now.

I start walking over and hope no one sees me.

I looked to cross the street but a tree was in the way so I just crossed.

Out of no where a car comes hits me and I blackout.

Kaets pov

I hear sirens and can hear my family say "Its jacob!!! He got hit!!!"

I jump up and sprint out to the street as I see Jacob with a breathing mask on going into a back of a ambulance.

I cry. And I cry hard.

I run back to my room and unblock him on everything. I shouldn't of ignored him.

I did this to him. He was probably coming to me.

I cry more and my parents confused because if they ever find out we have a thing for each other they'd kill me.

They hate the idea of boyfriends and I can't date until 16.

So I decide I need to cool down.

I still cry but not as hard and end up crying myself to sleep.


Jacobs pov

(3 days later)

I wakeup in a hospital room.

What happened I thought. My eyes were still burry when o hear someone say,

"Nurse come quick! He's waking up!"

I remember that voice. It was kaets.

Then I see kaet getting rushed out by nurses and relize how badly my body hurt.

I was too tired to answer anything.

They told me what happened then I remembered. It was a blur but I still see the memory in my head.

Kaets pov

I visted him in the hospital which was a 20 minute walk. Today when I went jacob woke up!

Before they told me he might be in a coma but thank God he isnt.

They rushed my out before I could say hi but now that he's ok is the best thing ever.

I sit in the waiting room for the nurse to inform me if he's ok. They called his parents which went to get lunch.

There parents then came to the hospital a few minutes later with chickfla in there hands, his favorite fast food.

"What happened kaet? Did he really wake up?" His mom said almost with tears in her eyes.

"He... he did, I'm waiting for the nurse they need to make sure every things ok with him" I say.

"You are such a great friend. You can stop by anytime I'm sure he'd love it." His dad said.

I honestly think they want us to date... well if our parents get along then maybe it would work out which are parents are pretty good friends already.

"Yeah of course! Well when jacob gets better make sure he uh, stops by or something. Oh here's my number, tell him to call me if he's in the mood... I think it'll get his mind off the pain if he talks to a friend"

"Great idea!" His mom says as I write down my number and hand it to her.

"Well I don't want him to be over whelmed by too many people so I'm going to head out... thanks for letting me vist him."

I say goodbye and head out.

*incoming call from (random number)*

It has to be jacob.

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