jacob woops

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kaets pov

jessie opened the front door and w walked out. I saw jacobs mom come out as the police pulled in.

"So what happened?" i could hear one of them say

"well someone was stalking jacob and sent a picture of his house and said they were in the driveway. Im not sure if it was a prank but i dont want it to happen again" his mom said in a firm tone.

" let me see if the nighbors know anything" he says writing down what she said walking over here.

"kaet dont give anything away" she said

"im sorry ths isnt right i have to tell"

"hi girls do you live in this house?"

"i do and me and jessie teamed up and went after jacob on here. sir im so sorry please dont get us in trouble heres the messages and we were mad at him and im so sorry" i say crying.

"oh you guys did it? uh we get this all the time with one of there friends doing it. guys! fale alarm it was these girls" he said calling back to the res of the police.

they then leave and jessie goes home.

i walk up into my room and thoughts flood into my head. im not worth it. jacob hates me. everyone hates me. i fucked up. im a mistake.

my heart beats faster and i start shaking up. my body rolls into a ball and i find myself having anxiety attack.

come on kaet pull yourself together.

but no i cant handle this. i pack my book bag and write a note, i leave it on my bed.

im running away.

jacobs pov

i cant believe kaet did that to me. well i deserved it but it scared the shit out of me.

i pack my bag for tutoring and hope in the car. thats werid i usually see kaet at the bus- stop thinking about her jacob.

my mom gets in the car and doesnt say a word. she has a worried look on her face. i wonder why. oh yeah her sons fucking depressed.

which is weird why im in a good mood today.

we drive around ten minutes but we went an opposite direction of school. i guess a new route?

i look over as we pull into a lot with a buliding that says therapy.


i begged her.

good mood gone.

"honey im sorry you really need this i cant just have you almost harmimg yourself. youll feel better i swear" she says

i dont say anything. i sit there. i never thought me jacob sartorius would ever need therapy. 

we walk in and they greet us really nicely. i still dont say anything. my steps get heavier as i walk. i really dont want to be here. if anything that crazy bitch kaet needs to be here.

woah i really called kaet a bitch? ok maybe i do need therapy.

they FINALLY call my name.

i walk into the office.

"hi im mrs. pine your new counselor, dont be afraid to tell me things that you need help with. what ever is said in here, stays in here. not even your mom will know"

"my mom knows too much already. im suppose to be that perfect 13 year old guy. but im no where close. if my fans found out the fucked up shit ive done goodbye my career"

"thats one of your problems. you want t be this perfect guy but nobodys perfect. not me not you and not this kaet girl your mom told me about"

"kaet is perfect. im just not the right guy for here beacause i end up playing her not meaning to but i really love her and i really hate myself for not giving her the caring person she deserves"

i end up explaining to her every little detail about me and kaet. start to finsh. she seemed trustable. well what do i have to lose. 

i already lost kaet.

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