Jacob i have to go

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I roll over and I'm lying on my side. I open my eyes are Jacob is next to me half asleep. I look at the time 3:02. After lunch me and Jacob were so tired we took a nap.

I rest the hotel bed for a few minutes checking my phone now and then. 3:05, 3:07, 3:10.

I decide I have to get up and can't just lay in bed for the rest of the day. I sit up and pull the covers off of me.

Suddenly the pain hits me. It's not like the other pain, it feels like my insides are being torn out of me.

I scream and roll on my side. I grab at my stomach.

"Kaet??? Oh my gosh what's going on are you okay??" Jacob screams at me.

"I...I need to.. to go to ... a hospital" I softly say as the pain get worse. Jacob grabs his phone and calls 911.

Tears fall out of my eyes as my stomach feels like it's being stabbed over and over again.

I groan in pain as the pain fills my stomach.

My vision gets blurry as I whisper "jacob" and all goes black


I start to open my eyes. I try to sit up but my stomach is sore.

"Hello kaet" I jump at the voice. A female doctor walks in.

"Hi..." I say looking at the doctor funny.

"I'm doctor Lydia, I have a few questions for you."

"Sure.." I trail off.

"Have you have sharp pain before this incident?"

"Yes but I thought it was minor"

"It's alright. Have you eaten anything bad?"

"Not that I know of"

"Any signs of fever or chills?"

"Yeah I have been feeling alittle odd lately"

"Kaet your have Appendicitis"

"What's that?"

"Your appendix ruptured, it was inflammated. You'll have to recover for the next 6 weeks, so no hard exercise and physical therapy for those 6 weeks."


"There's someone here to see you, I think we're done here"

The doctor leaves and Jacob walks in.

"This I guess this is goodbye" he says

"What? Jacob I can't leave you!"

"I called your mom she wants you home because of all this and I still have another month of tours. You need to go and rest please for me."

"Ok Jacob... I really don't want to please I can handle it"

"No kaet please go home it's for the best"

I start to cry but I don't want Jacob to see so I bury my myself in my pillow. He walks out and I wipe my face. I start to get out of the hospital bed and call my mom.


"Kaet are you okay? I want you home on the next plane here. Oh and we're moving kaet. We can't handle it here. We're moving back to North Carolina, I got and amazing job offer I just can't give up. Please don't be mad I know oh had a lot of good friends here but it's for the best"

Tears start flooding out of my eyes.

"Ok... mom.. goodbye"

I wipe my face and turn on my phone. I look at my wallpaper and it's a picture of Jacob and I. I smile. Then I slam my phone down and run out of the room. I run down the halls and look out the window. I run down the stairs and push open the exit for and run to Jacob.

"Jacob. I'm gonna miss you. I'm moving and I don't know if we're ever going to see each other again but just know I love you."

He puts his hand on my face and says " we will always find a way back to each other kaet" and kisses me.

Then he turns away saying "goodbye kaet"

"Bye Jacob"

Time to go home.


**hey! If you got this far in the book just know this is probably not the end! And I know I kinda rushed everything but this book is getting wayyy to long and kinda boring tbh... so I decided to write a new one. I'm going to be making a sequel to this book about how kaet and Jacob meet again years later like when there grown up. That way I can update more bc when this book use to be interesting I use to update a lot faster but it got boring to write so if I start a new one I can update faster. Just be checking for a new Jacob sartorius book coming soon !!

                                          - Carolyn <3

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