Jacobs talk

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I sit down next to Jacob.

"When you said you loved me did you really mean it?" He says

There was a pause.

"Of course jacob! I don't know how or why but something between us is just something that can't be broken. Jacob I am in love with you" I said.

"Well I don't know what say to that. Except that I am in love with you too."

In the moment I lean towards him and he leans toward me and we place our lips together when all the sudden...

"Hey sorry I forgot my-"

There was a pause when I saw it was jessie.

"Oh gosh... jacob I'm sorry I have to.. uh ... go" I say gathering my stuff.

"Jacob! How dare you go make out with her and not even tell me. You are a fboy and I don't want to be your 'best friend' and as for you-" she says pointing at me.


"Oh it has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH HER" she says.

Then suddenly I get knocked down with my jaw throbbing.

I lay on the floor crying in pain when jacob gets up and punches her back.

She hits her head on the table and instantly passes out.

I relize jacob still had broken legs and is know passed out on the floor with jessie.

"JACOB!" I sceam.

I dialed 911 and they came and took jessie and jacob away again.

I know your like what about his parents. They were at work so I had to ride in the ambulance with him.

I sit in the waiting room as jessies parents arrive.

"Oh hi your kaet right? We've heard about you" they say to me with a fake smile. Wonder what jessies told them.

"Yeah I'm kaet, she's in room 577" I say

They rush off and jacobs parents show up.

"Kaet! Thank goodness your here! I don't know what would happen if you weren't there to call 911... and what happened to your face?" They say.

"Its a long story..." I say

"Well we have time, you know boy always doing dumb things and getting hurt" they say but It wasn't dumb. He did it to protect me.

I decided not to makeup a story and just tell the truth.

"Well uh jessie got mad at me and jacob and she punched me and jacob didn't like it so he tryed to get up and-" I had to stop. Tears were streaming out but they needed to know. At least I didn't tell them about us kissing.

"He punched jessie and she blacked out and then he blacked out from putting too much pressure on his legs... I guess... I don't know" I say as they hug me

"Honey I'm so sorry. It's going to be ok."

Its all my fault. Again. I did this to him. If I just never talked to him again. This wouldn't happened but I decided let's tell him your feelings and get emotional because he has a chance of dieing.

I can't help it though. I can't help crying when he's hurt or wanting him so bad. I can't help it.

I soon fall asleep in the hospital.

I woken up by, "Kaet... Kaet jacobs ok"

I wake up alerted and see Jacob on cruches beside me.

"Jacob." I say and hug him lightly not wanting him to be more hurt.

We went home and they dropped me off which my parents were already asleep so I just went to bed.

*New text message*

Jacob😍: jessies confirmed In a coma...

Me: aw I feel kinda bad :( but she deserves it

Jacob😍: tru.

Me: goodnight 😘

Jacob😍: sweet dreams 😚

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