Chapter one

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Hi guys, this is my first chapter of this story, I'll do my best to make it as good as possible. I have so many idea's for this book, there's going to happen a lot in it :) I hope you'll like it!

''MOM WHERE ARE MY SHORTS?'' I screamed while I was looking in my suitcases trying to find my shorts. ''Let me look.'' My mom said while walking up to one of my suitcases. ''Here they are!'' Giving me my shorts mom walked towards the door. ''How... I looked in there like three times!'' I said confused. ''Well then look better next time. Oh and it's almost 2pm, the NEO Meet & Greets are at 3, you know that right?'' She chuckled. ''Yeah mom I know, I will be ready in 30 minutes'' She nodded and walked out of my room. I will meet my everything today.. Justin. And when I heard I won some VIP tickets to the NEO party in New York I couldn't believe it. But it's really happening. My parents and I checked in at an hotel in New York so it would be a lot easier with traveling. We will stay here for like 4 more days and then we head back home to Ohio.

I got dressed and did my make up as I rushed to the lobby where I found my parents waiting for me. ''You ready?'' My mom smiled at me. I nodded. ''Let's go then!'' My dad cheered. As we all took a seat in the taxi my dad looked at me and smiled. ''You look gorgeous sweetheart.'' I smiled and looked out of the window. ''I hope Justin will like it to, but I think he wouldn't notice it.." "Well, You're just one of his silly fans. ofcourse he wouldn't'' Dad joked. Woah, that was rude of him, why would he say something like that but I know he's right.. Why would he even look at a girl like me. I just sighed and looked out of the window again.''

''We're here, that's 50 dollars then.'' The cabby said. My dad handed him the money and we all got out of the car. I looked at the huge building in front of me and saw a lot of girls waiting at the entrance. I waved at my mom and dad who were going to spend a day with eachother. I promised I'll take care of myself and got back to the hotel by myself. I walked over to all the waiting girls as I just leaned against the wall and looked a bit around. Finally the doors went open and we could all go inside. Some girls were already screaming a lot, but I stayed a bit quiet. I was just so overwhelmed by all the people.Soon we could go towards the Meet & Greet area. I was the last girl in line so I had to wait for a while. When it was almost my turn reality hit me. This was it, I was going to meet the one who stole my heart.. I blinked a few times to check if I wasn't dreaming, nope. I just stood there, not being able to control my feelings. Finally it was my turn, I walked slowly past the curtains and just around the corner.. He stood there, talking with some girls who just had their Meet & Greet with them. It suprised me that I was so calm, maybe I didn't want to scare him off by crying. I walked slowly towards him when he noticed I was there.

''Hi'' He said staring at me. ''H-hi..'' I stuttered. He chuckled a bit and took a picture with me. We stared at eachother for a couple of seconds but then the securityguard ruined the moment by saying I had to go. ''Wait, one more minute please.'' Justin quickly said while he took me a away from the guards. ''Uhm.. you are really beautiful, I- I like your dress.'' He said a bit shy. I blushed and smiled at him, ''Thank you very much.''. ''My pleasure.'' He chuckled a bit but then looked to the ground shyly. ''I uhm.. I would like to hang out with you sometimes..'' I smiled like an idiot and tried to control my feelings. ''Yeah.. I would love that'' I said. We switch numbers and talked a bit. We quickly hugged eachother tight because the securityguards were getting impatient.

When I walked out of the building I realised what just happened. I smiled like an idiot again. Out of all people, Justin wanted to hang out with ME?! I took a taxi back to the hotel and went straight to our room. I let myself fall on the bed thinking about what happened today when my Phone went off..

Soooo... this was my first chapter, I hope you'll like it! I'm not english so I might have some grammar mistakes here and there. I can guarantee the next chapters will be very interesting..

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