Chapter seven

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Macy's POV

I began crying as soon as I hung up. Justin had a worried look on his face while he walked over to me and hugged me very tight. ''Baby.. What happened?'' He said whiping the falling tears away with his thumb. ''My-my dad.. H-he is so angry.'' I choked in my sobs. ''What do you mean? Why is he angry?'' Justin said while sitting down on a chair and putting me on his lap. ''He- He found out t-that I-I wasn't with Lea.'' I burried my head in his chest while I sobbed. Justin kissed the top of my head while soothing my back with his big hand. ''Shhh baby, it's gonna be okay.'' I shook my head. ''No, no it's not. He said that I was ruining my life.. A-and that I should stop being a horrible daughter to him.. He-He hates me Justin.'' I stuttered while tears were streaming down my cheeks. ''No he doesn't, he's just mad..'' Justin stroked a strand of hair behind my ear as he looked at me. I shook my head again. ''Yes he does Justin, and I realize it now. All this time.. He.. He never said he loved me. Ever.'' I said a bit calmed down, staring at the ground. ''He's always picking on me and says mean things to me.'' I looked up at Justin who looked at me worried. ''He does? Baby, then he's not worth it..'' ''But he's my dad..'' I said sadly. ''But does he act like one?'' Justin asked as he took my hand. I just shook my head. Justin sighed. ''Come on baby, I think we need to talk with your dad..'' He said while we both stood up. ''No. I'm scared.'' ''Don't be, I'm here with you.. Nothing can happen.'' He said as he took my hand and walked with me towards the front door. I walked slowly, hesitating if this was the right time to do this. As if Justin could read my mind he stopped walking and stood in front of me. ''Hey, I won't let anything happen to you okay? It's gonna be alright'' He said as he took my hand in his and gently soothed it with his thumb. I nodded and we continued to walk. We got into his chrome car and drove off to the hotel where I was staying with my parents.

The car stopped in front of the entrance of the hotel as Justin turned off the engine and looked at me. ''Ready?'' I slowly nodded. I wasn't ready, but I knew I had to suck it up and just go for it. Justin stepped out and opened the car door for me. We walked hand in hand towards the lobby and got into the elevator. The whole way Justin held my hand, gently squeezing it. Letting me know that he was there with me. As soon as we stood in front of the hotelroom door I took a deep breath and looked at Justin who was standing behind me. He nodded as I opened the door with the keys. I slowly stepped in with Justin following behind. There was no one in the living room. I just stood there looking around a bit. Then I heard a familiar low voice. ''Well, well, the liar is back'' My dad said coming out of the kitchen. I turned around to face him. ''Dad..'' I said looking at the ground, afraid to look at him. ''Save it kid.'' He said while putting his hands in the air to stop me. He looked at Justin in disgust. ''And what is this bastard doing here?'' He said while looking at Justin with hatred in his eyes. We kept silence as I looked at Justin, who was trying not to yell anything towards my dad. ''WELL!?'' Dad suddenly yelled. We both jumped a little of his sudden outburst. ''Get the fuck out of my house.'' He said calmly to Justin, him being so calm all of the sudden scared me. ''No.'' Justin said, confidence filling his eyes. ''You're such a dumb kid huh.'' Dad smirked. His smirk dissapeared as he began to walk over to Justin. ''Justin.. go.'' I quickly whispered. ''No I'm not going to leave y-'' ''Go Justin, it's okay. Please just go..'' I interrupted him as I looked at my dad who was getting red of anger. Justin looked at me and then sighed. ''Fine..'' ''But call me if there's anything okay? I'll be in the lobby.'' He whispered looking worried at me. ''Okay'' I whispered back as Justin squeezed my hand and slowly walked away, giving a glare of disgust towards my dad. He looked at me again and then walked out of the room. ''The bastard.'' Dad hissed. ''He's not a bastard, he didn't do anything wrong.'' I mumbled looking at him. ''Yes he did, and so did you.'' Dad glared at me. ''You ruined this, you fucking ruined this. Like always.'' He said without any emotion while he shook his head. ''I thought I raised you good enough to know there can't be any liars in this family.. But look, here is one!'' Pointing at me, he smirked. ''I'm sorry okay? I know I-I was wrong.. It's not that I-'' ''SAVE YOUR GOD DAMN WORDS!'' Dad shouted while kicking against the coffee table, a couple of glasses were moving a bit. I widened my eyes, scared of my dad. My own dad.. I never thought he would scare me. I started to tear up.  At that moment my mom walked in from the bedroom. ''Honey what's all tha-'' She couldn't finish her sentence as she saw me. ''Mom..'' I said as she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. ''I don't want you to see that Bieber bastard again.'' Dad said.''What? Dad no I-'' I started to tear up as Dad interrupted me ''Please don't be pathetic, you really thought he loved you? He only wants sex, don't you get it? Are you that dumb?'' He smirked as I didn't say anything. Tears were starting to fall. ''Save your tears princess, come back to reality. He DOESN'T LOVE YOU.'' He shouted the last part. Tears were streaming down my face as I looked to the ground. Mom looked at me as she laid a hand on dad's shoulder. ''Harrold..'' Mom tried to calm him down, but she failed. He shook her hand off and started to smirk again. ''Listen you dummy head, it's us or him.'' I looked at him, my sight a bit blurry because of my tears as I shook my head. Suddenly the anger in me built up. ''HOW CAN YOU EVEN LET ME CHOOSE?'' Dad grinned as he walked over to me. ''You're right.. I'll choose for you. You're staying here.'' He said as he walked away. ''No.'' I said loud enough for him to hear. ''What?'' He turned around. I was getting a bit scared by the way he looked at me, like he was going to murder someone. ''I-I said no.'' I looked at him, trying to look confidence. ''I really come to a point where I really don't wanna be your father anymore.'' He said as he gave me a glare. The words he just said were repeating itself through my head. But then I realised one thing. ''YOU NEVER WERE MY FATHER.'' I shouted shocking my dad, mom looked at me with her eyes widened. But as soon as I wanted to say more I felt a hand slapping against my cheek. I held my cheek as I looked at my dad. He was breathing heavily while he just stood there. My mom covered her mouth. I stood there, holding my cheek, frozen. I couldn't say anything. Then I started to walk away towards my bedroom, not sharing a word with my parents. I started to pack my bags while tears where falling down, I just couldn't stop them. I didn't want to be weak, but I just collapsed. There wasn't any love shown out of this man called my dad. I wanted to go, go away from the one who hated me. I quickly grabbed all my clothes from the floor and collected all the stuff I brought with me. I put them in my suitcases and was about to walk out of my room when I saw mom standing in the doorway. Tears forming in her eyes as she glanced over at my suitcases in my hand. We looked at eachother as I broke the silence. ''I'm sorry mom. I'm done.. This is going on for so long..'' I said as I began to cry. Mom walked over to me as I dropped my suitcases. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. ''I know sweetie, I know..'' She said sobbing. ''I'm so sorry..'' Mom choked out as she stroked my hair. ''It's not your fault..'' I said as I sniffled. ''Where are you going?'' She asked worried as she broke the hug to look at me. ''I don't know, but don't worry mom.. I'll be okay.'' She nodded as she hugged me again. ''I love you sweetheart, never forget that okay?'' I nodded. ''I won't, I love you too.'' I said as I cried a bit more. I broke the hug and grabbed my suitcases again. ''Please be careful..'' Mom whispered as she looked sad at me. ''I will mom.. If you wanna come along..'' I said.. ''No.. I can't.. I-I..'' ''You love him.. I get it.'' I smiled sad as I nodded. Mom just looked at the ground. I started to walk out of the room as mom followed behind. Luckily dad wasn't in the livingroom anymore. I opened the front door and turned to look at mom. ''Bye mom..'' I said softly hugging her. ''Goodbye sweetheart, I love you..'' She said as her dried up tears were replaced by new ones. ''I love you too.'' My tears were still streaming down my face as I broke the hug. ''Will I ever see you again?'' Mom looked at me as she sobbed quietly. ''I don't know, I hope so.'' I gave my mom one last sad smile, mom nodded. I looked at her once and then walked away towards the lobby. With the suitcases in both of my hands I slowly walked over to Justin, who was standing near the sitting area. As soon as he saw the look on my face he quickly walked over to me. ''Babe?..'' He said as I looked at him with teary eyes. I instantly dropped my suitcases and collapsed in Justin's strong protective arms. ''I don't have a dad anymore.'' I whispered as I sobbed into Justin's chest.

Chapter seven! :) Sorry if this ''Fight'' is a bit short but I thought it would be boring if there was like a long fight. What do you guys think? Will Macy ever see her parents again? And will Justin be there for her? Or was her father right? You'll find out in the next chapter ;) Which I probably will update Wednesday! I wanna say thank you to all my readers, I love you guys! <3

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