Chapter ten

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Justin's POV

I watched as Macy fell asleep on my chest, I smiled down. She was different than all the other girls I had, she was special.. She was mine. I softly lifted her head off my chest and laid her next to me as I sat up from the bed. Realizing I had to pack my bags for tomorrow I stood up and went to the dresser. While I put some clothes on I heard groans behind me, looking back at Macy I saw her moving between the blankets. She was mumbling a couple of things. I chuckled, knowing that she was dreaming. I walked towards my closet and grabbed some suitcases as I started packing things for my tour.

Macy's POV

I opened my eyes at the sound of noises coming out of the closet. Yawning, I slowly sat up. Pulling the blankets over my breasts, I watched as Justin walked out of the closet with two big suitcases in his hands. He put them in a corner and scratched his head, checking if he didn't forgot anything. I sighed, I totally forgot Justin has to go on tour. He walked towards the bed as he noticed I was awake. ''Hi babe.'' He chuckled lightly, he sat on the edge of the bed at my side. ''Hi'' I giggled softly as I yawned again. ''What's the time?'' I asked looking at the suitcases in the corner. ''It's almost 1 am.'' Justin said rubbing the side of his face. ''We didn't had dinner though, we totally forgot.'' Justin laughed, shooking his head. I chuckled. ''Shall we other something? Pizza?'' I suggested. Justin nodded as he stood up from the bed and reached out his hand for me. I stood up taking his hand in mine, still with the blankets covering my body. ''Wait I have to-'' I couldn't finish, as soon as I took one step I felt a sudden pain between my legs. ''Ouch!'' I wined, I looked at Justin who chuckled. ''I think you're a bit sore from last night.'' He said wiggling his eyebrows as he continued to chuckle. ''Hey that's not funny!'' I slapped his shoulder playfully. He grabbed my hand, bent down a little and lifted me up. As he carried me towards the bathroom I giggled. ''Put me down! I want to change.'' I squealed laughing as Justin kept rocking me like a baby. Justin put me down and chuckled as he handed me some clothes of my own. He gave me a smile and walked out of the bathroom. I quickly got dressed in skinny jeans and a hoodie and brushed my teeth. Even though it was 1 am I couldn't sleep anymore. I walked into the livingroom and found Justin on the couch. He was calling to order some pizza. He looked at me. ''Babe what pizza do you want?'' I shrugged. ''Pepperoni'' I said as I plopped down on the couch next to Justin. As soon as Justin finished his orders he hung up. ''They'll be here in 20 minutes.'' He said wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer to his side. I nodded. After a short silence Justin sighed. ''I'm gonna miss you when I'm on tour.'' He softly spoke as he leaned his head on my shoulder. ''I'm gonna miss you too.'' I whispers, laying my head on his. I suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. What if Justin falls in love with an other girl while he's on tour. Justin felt that I was not comfortable, he looked up at me. ''Are you okay?'' He asked. ''Y-yeah I'm fine.'' I lied, looking at my lap. I felt a finger under my chin, lifting my head up to look at Justin. ''Tell me Macy, I know there's something.'' He whispered as his eyes pierced in mine. ''It's.. It's just.. What if you find someone e-'' ''No. Don't think that Macy.'' Justin looked at the ground while shaking his head. ''I promise, I won't cheat on you.'' I just nodded, but Justin didn't really believe I was convinced. ''Pinky promise?'' Justin looked up at me with his cute smile. I chuckled as I put out my pinkie while Justin did the same. We both chuckled. Then the doorbell rang. ''Pizza.'' Justin smiled as he stood up from the couch and opened the front door. I peeked around the corner as I giggled at the sight of the pizza boy. He just stood there with his eyes wide open. ''You're-You're..'' Justin laughed. ''Yeah Justin Bieber.'' He shook his head as he took the pizza's from the boy. ''Uhm- That's $20'' The boy stuttered awkwardly. Justin handed him the money and closed the door right away. I gasped, giggling. ''Justin! At least you could give the poor boy an autograph!'' I shook my head. ''Nah, I just want my pizza.'' Justin chuckled as he put the pizza's on a plate and put them on the table in front of the couch where we sat. ''You're the worse.'' I chuckled. Justin just shrugged and grabbed a pizza slice. As soon as we finished I did the dishes and threw away the trash. Walking over to the fridge I grabbed two little puddings on a plate and then some spoons. I walked back in the kitchen, only to find Justin fake snoring on the couch. I playfully rolled my eyes '''Well then I have to eat these pudding's al by myself.'' I said loud while walking over to the chair that was right next to the couch. I looked at Justin who's eyes fluddered open immediately. ''Hey give me some!'' He whined, sitting up from the couch, trying to get one of them. ''Nope.'' I said as I stood up and walked around the couch. ''Aw come on Macy!'' Justin said while he also stood up. ''Nah ah.'' I chuckled as Justin followed me while we were just walking around in the living room. I started to run a bit, Justin following behind as he swooped down and grabbed my ankles. I directly fell down with the puddings flying in the air. They ended up on the floor, all spread. ''Look what you've done!'' Justin whined as he climbed on top of me. I just laid on my belly looking at the sticky mess on the floor. ''You grabbed my ankles!'' I said as I tried to move. Justin began to chuckle. ''Justin I can't breathe! Get off of me!'' I squealed. ''Actually, I'm good here.'' Justin said smirking. ''But I'm not.'' I breathed out as I rolled a bit, causing Justin to fall on the floor. ''Ouch!'' He pouted. I chuckled as I stood up. ''You did it yourself baby.'' I stuck my tongue out while walking to the kitchen. I grabbed a cloth and walked back. Justin was still laying there, too lazy to get up. I whiped the pudding from the ground and as soon as I finished I threw the sticky cloth away. I looked at my phone for the time. ''It's already 3 am.'' I sighed, knowing that Justin had to leave soon. ''Scooter picks me up at 4, my jet leaves at 5..'' Justin stood up and plopped down on the couch. I sat next to him and turned on the tv. We watched some tv shows and after about 30 minutes Justin went to his room  to grab his bags. As he came back he sighed heavily. I stood up from the couch and stepped in front of him.  ''I'm gonna miss you so much.'' Justin sadly said, grabbing both of my hands, laying them on his shoulders. ''I'm gonna miss you too.'' I sighed pulling him in a hug. We then heard the doorbell ring. ''Justin! We have to go!'' Scooter yelled from outside.

At the airport

Justin, Kenny, Scooter, Alfredo and me sat in the black range rover since I decided I could wave them a goodbye. Clarisse would pick me up afterwards to bring me to her place, where I would stay until I'd find a place for my own. As soon as we parked in the parking lot, Scooter turned around to look at me and Justin. ''Okay guys, it's 5:30 now. There are some fans, and paparazzi. So they will probably find out about you two.'' Scooter looked with a serious look on his face. ''I know. I want them to know about us.'' Justin said looking at me while grabbing my hand. ''And you want that too Macy?'' Scooter turned his head from Justin towards me. ''Uhm, Yeah.'' I softly smiled. ''Okay then, Justin just protect her a little okay? Paparazzi can be very... insulting. And Kenny, just walk in front of them okay?'' Kenny nodded and gave us a smile. ''Don't worry, I'll protect you to!'' Alfredo laid his hand on my shoulder and chuckled. In this past two weeks Alfredo and I became really close friends, I can tell him everything that's bothering me and he helps me so good with everything. I shook my head as I giggled. We all stepped out of the car while Justin was still holding my hand. The breezy air touched my bare skin as we walked further, the sun was rising up giving the airport a warm glow. We were at the entrance of the Airport as we saw a lot of fans and Paparazzi standing there. ''Who's this girl Justin?'' ''Is she just one of your sluts?'' ''Justin over here!'' They all shouted. Justin didn't respond but just held my hand tight. ''Justin! Is she your girlfriend?'' One pap said. ''Yeah she is!'' Justin said frustrated as he walked with me inside the Airport.  Luckily there were no paps in here, but a lot of fans behind some barricades. They all screamed very loud. I smiled, it was so sweet to see all of them so happy. Justin quickly walked over to them as he handed out some autographs and took some pictures. I just stood there with Alfredo looking at all the girls. ''They're loud huh?'' Alfredo chuckled. I nodded as I smiled at him. ''Justin who's that girl?'' I heard a girl say. I couldn't hear what he said but some of the fans looked at me smiling, and so did Justin. Then the girls looked back at Justin who was taking some more pictures with them. After he was done he walked back at me and took my hand. ''Leggo'' He said as he walked with us towards the jet. ''What did you say to your beliebers about me?'' I asked looking at him. ''That you're a special girl and that they have to be nice to you.'' He smiled and pecked my cheek as we continued to walk. I giggled and hold his hand tighter, walking outside where his jet was. After everyone put their suitcases in the jet I said goodbye to Scooter and Kenny by hugging them. Then I hugged Alfredo, as I pulled back I could see he knew that I was a bit worried. ''Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for him.'' Alfredo smiled as he nodded towards Justin, who was chatting with the pilot. I sadly smiled. ''It's not that I don't trust him..'' ''I know.'' Alfredo said and gave me another hug. ''We will skype okay?!'' Alfredo said as soon as he pulled away and walked towards the jet. ''Okay!'' I smiled and waved at him. Then Justin walked over to me. ''I wish you could go with me.'' He softly said. ''Me too..'' I put my arms around his neck as he snaked his around my waist. I couldn't go with him, I had to go to college and I didn't want to distract him or something. Justin sighed. ''I'm gonna miss you so much baby..'' Snuggling his head in my neck he pecked the skind. ''I'm gonna miss you too.'' I said. Justin lifted me up and spun me around. I giggled. ''Thank god there's skype.'' He sadly smiled as soon as he put me down. I nodded as I smiled up at him. Justin leaned in and gave me a long passionate kiss. He pulled away, still holding me in his arms. ''I'm gonna miss our kisses.'' I whispered. ''Same here.'' He chuckled. We got interrupted by scooter shouting. ''Justin we need to go now!'' Justin looked irritated at him. ''Yeah yeah I'm coming!'' He shouted back. Looking back at me he gave me one last kiss and a tight hug. ''I love you, don't forget that.'' He whispered in my ear. ''I love you too.'' I said. Tears forming in my eyes as I watched Justin slowly walked away from me. ''I'll see you in two months princess!'' I nodded and sadly smiled. He walked on the stairs and into the jet. With one last wave he disappeared in the jet. ''Bye..'' I whispered as I took a few steps back, watching the jet taking off. When it was up in the air I walked back to the entrance. Receiving a text from my niece Clarisse. 'I'm waiting at the entrance! Oh, and I brought someone with me ;)' I read. I stared confused at the text, thinking about who it could be..

Yay! Sorry it took a bit long for this chapter, had so much to do for school.. did you like the chapter? I hope so. Who could Clarisse brought with her?? Make a guess! There's gonna be a lot of drama in the next couple of chapters so you can look forward to that. ;) The next chapter will be there next week. Comment if you like my book :) I'm really curious for your opinion!! Love you all. ps. On the right you see a pic of Clarisse (Amanda Righetti).

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