Chapter thirteen

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Justin's POV

As soon as I stepped one foot in the car I got a wave of curse words thrown at me by Alfredo. ''Justin what the fuck!?'' He shouted because he already knew what happened last night. I sighed closing the passenger's door and fastening my seatbelt. ''Just drive okay?'' I spat not wanting to talk about it. ''No, I'm not gonna drive until you explained everything to me.'' Alfredo looked straight ahead, anger present in his eyes. ''What do I need to fucking tell you if you already know the damn truth?!'' I hissed, kicking a foot against the dashboard. ''You fucked it up Justin, you broke a promise.'' Alfredo said through gritted teeth, I could see he tried to calm. ''You think I don't fucking know that?'' I shouted snapping my head at him. ''I screw up everthing.'' I threw my hands up in desperation, my voice cracking a bit at the last part of what I said. Alfredo sighed looking at his hands on the steering wheel. ''Why do you always find a way to screw things up Justin?'' His question hurt me, it was like he confirmed I did everything wrong, which was true. Sighing for the tenth time in a row, trying to get rid of the huge lump in my throat. ''I don't know.'' I whispered acting like I didn't give a damn, but Alfredo knew I was just trying not to open up about what I was really feeling. ''What are you gonna tell Macy?'' I felt Alfredo's eyes burning into my side as I still looked out of the window. It kept silence for a while until I spoke. ''The truth.'' Cocking my head to the side a bit to look at Alfredo. Giving me a nod of some sort of appreciation. ''Can you just drive now? I'm tired.'' I said putting my glassed back on. ''Okay.'' Alfredo replied, turning on the engine and drove off.

Macy's POV

I stared at the screen of my laptop, my pink cheeks turned pale. ''Come on, let's shut it.'' Clarisse whispered as she shut down the laptop. I just stared ahead, no expression read on my face but inside I was dying. As soon as I saw the picture from last night of Justin entering a hotel, obviously drunk holding the waist of some sluttly girl, I broke down in my head. On the outside I did nothing but just stare ahead. Clarisse sat next to me all the time when she saw the picture too. After a silence, Clarisse stood up. Taking my hand she forced me a bit to stand up, walking me to the livingroom and putting me on the black leather couch. I really appreciate how she handles this situation, she knew I didn't wanna talk at the moment. Walking to the kitchen and coming back with a cup of steaming tea for me, she sat next to me and handed me the cup. I still looked just in the distance, focussing on the brown coloured wall at the other side of the room. We remained silence for a bit until Clarisse spoke up. ''I know you don't want to talk now but-'' She got cut off by her phone ringing. She looked at it but stayed on the couch, not moving. ''M-Maybe it's important'' I spoke making her shake her head. ''They can call me back.'' She said sternly. I grabbed the phone and clicked on the green answer button. ''What are you-'' She couldn't finish because the voice on the phone spoke up. She quickly brought it to her ear, looking at me and shaking her head again. I just shrugged and took a zip of my tea. ''Luke I can't-'' Standing up from the couch she began to pace through the room. A lot of sighs escaped her mouth as she spoke again ''Fine. I'll be there in 10'' She huffed in annoyance and hung up. ''I have to help Luke's grandma with the grocery.'' She said rolling her eyes. ''I'm sorry.. But I'll be back in an hour okay?'' I nodded, I was a bit relieved to be honest, I'd love to be alone for a moment. I could see Clarisse felt quilty for leaving me in this position. ''It's okay, I'll be fine.'' I fake smiled as I stood up to give her a hug. ''You sure? I could message Luke to-'' ''I'm sure. Now go.'' I interrupted chuckling a bit and softly pushed her towards the front door. ''Okay, see you later.'' She said kissing my cheek and disapearing out of the appartement. I stood there, in the livingroom, until I broke down. Falling on my knees, I burried my face in my hands and sobbed quietly. 'You're so stupid for trusting him and thinking he loves you' The voice in my head said, causing me to shake my head and sob even more. So many emotions were present in my mind, I wanted to get rid of them but I failed. I stayed sitting on the floor for what felt like ages, just crying softly and letting the voice in my head take over. 'You've been hurt before, why did you expect Justin was different?' I sniffed at the thought, making me think of my relationships I had before, which ended up hurting me a lot too. Not that I had many relationships. ''I don't know..'' I whispered, replying to my thought. I was going crazy, talking to your thoughts isn't that normal. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand, which ended up with black smudge of the mascara that was all over my cheeks. I slowly stood up, sniffling a couple of times, and walked over to the bathroom. Once I was done with cleaning up my face I decided to go back to my bedroom and take a nap. It was only 12 am but I was tired from the crying. Just when I wanted to lay down on my bed I heard my phone buzzing on my nightstand. I didn't want to look but I felt an urge to do so. I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen. Well that was unexpected. Note the sarcasm.

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