Chapter eight

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Macy's POV

Justin took me to his car as soon as I calmed down. As we sat in the car he looked at me. ''Are you okay?'' I nodded slowly, blinking a few tears away as I looked at him. ''Where are you going to live now?'' He asked as he pushed a strand of hair out of my face. ''I don't know, I think I'm homeless now.'' I chuckled as I looked down at my hands sadly. ''You can live at my place!'' Justin said with a cute smile on his face. I looked at him and smiled. ''No Justin.. I can't.'' I chuckled and shook my head. ''Why not?'' He looked at me disappointed. ''Cause I only know you for a couple of days now.. don't you think it's a bit too early to live with you?'' I said as I caressed his cheek with my hand. Justin sighed as he took my hand from his cheek and gave it a gently peck. ''Yeah.. maybe you're right. But I really do want to know where you're gonna live then.'' He said. I looked down, thinking about where I could live. I then looked back up. ''My niece, Clarisse! She lives here in New York. Maybe I can live with her for a while, just to find a place for my own.'' I smiled. (A/N: Macy already finished high school, but doesn't go to college yet.) ''Sounds good, but I still wnt you to live with me though.'' Justin said as he pouted. I chuckled. ''Yeah maybe someday I will.'' As I winked at him

2 weeks later

I spent these past two weeks at Justin's place. I called my niece Clarisse (A/N: Clarisse is 24 years old.) and told her everything that happened. She was so understanding and totally okay with me living at her place for a while. Justin was really sweet and helped me with everything. Luckily he had like 5 days of in these two weeks so he could spent some time with me. Our young relationship got stronger everyday. Justin called me everyday when he was working, making sure that I was okay. I didn't hear anything from my parents. And to be honest I think it's better this way. Tomorrow is the day that I'm gonna move in at Clarrise's appartement. Justin and I already brought my stuff to her place, so we could have more time to spend our last day together. Justin has to leave to Europe tomorrow, to start his believe tour. (A/N: Justin and Macy didn't have sex yet. ;) lol. And the media doesn't know about Justin and Macy yet!)

Morning. 11pm

Justin's POV:

''Goodmorning shawty.'' I smiled at Macy as soon as she opened her eyes. I laid next to her, giving her a sweet peck on her lips. ''Morning.'' She yawned while she was stretching. I chuckled as I sat up in the bed. ''What do you wanna do today babe?'' I looked at her as she also sat up. ''Let's just.. stay home and watch some movies?'' She suggested as she smiled at me. ''Sounds perfect.'' I smiled. I didn't care what Scooter had planned for me today, I only wanted to spend my last day with Macy. We both took a shower apart and went downstairs in our onepieces. She was wearing my red one, and I was wearing a black one. ''Let's eat some breakfast first? Like, pancakes?'' I asked normally as I looked into the fridge. I heard a loud giggle behind me. I turned around and gave her a confused look. ''What?'' I chuckled. ''Really Justin? Pancakes? Don't you remember how that ended last time?'' She said trying to hold in her laugh. I chuckled as I walked over to her. ''I know. But you're gonna help me!'' I cheered as I lifted her up and sat her on the counter. ''Fine'' She giggled. ''But at least let me flip over the pancakes.'' She laughed as I stuck my tongue out playfully. I walked back over to the fridge and grabbed the ingredients as I walked over to the counter and set them there. ''Okay, let's do this.'' I said. Macy jumped off the counter and stood next to me. She showed me how to mix the ingredients and put the mixed ingredients in the pan. She flipped the pancake over, which she did easily. Once she was done she laid the pancake on a plate next to the stove. ''See? It's easy!'' She smiled while pointing at the pancake. ''Come on, try it.'' She said as she nodded towards the mix of ingredients. I sighed and put some of the liquid ingredients in the pan. I watched as it covered the bottom of the pan. I looked at Macy, proud of what I did. She just rolled her eyes and started to giggle. Then I looked back at the forming pancake. ''Do I have to flip it over.. like now?'' I said as I looked into the pan. She nodded. I grabbed the handle of the pan and looked at Macy. ''Wish me luck.'' I said as I winked at her. She giggled, ''Good luck!'' and looked at the pan. I set myself strongly, my feet tight on the ground as I was ready to flip the pancake over. I moved the pan a bit up in the air as I saw the pancake thrown in the air. I looked at it as it perfectly flipped over and landed in the pan. Macy started to smile. ''See, I knew you could do it!'' I looked up at her and smiled proudly. I chuckled and put the pan back on the stove. I lifted Macy up and spun her around. She laughed her cute laugh as I settled her down again. I gave her a peck on the cheek and smiled. ''All thanks to you.'' I said as I looked at her. She had a confused look on her face. ''Justin? What do I smell?'' She asked as she sniffed a couple of times. I sniffled, confused. But then my confused look dissapeared in shock as I ran up to the shove. ''MY PANCAKE!'' I pouted as I looked at the black pancake in the pan.

Macy's POV

I followed Justin towards the shove. As soon as I looked in the pan I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. I looked at Justin who was pouting while he looked at the burned substance. I hugged him from behind and gave his shoulder a peck. ''Lesson one, always turn off the stove.'' I said as he turned around to look at me. ''I was so close.'' He sighed as he pouted like a little baby. I chuckled. ''Aw, but at least you flipped it over!'' I said as I smiled at him. A little smile appeared on his lips. ''Yeah you're right. I'm a fucking master.'' He said as he posed as a ''gangster''. I chuckled. ''Now you're overreacting.'' Justin rolled his eyes and laughed. We decided that I could make the pancakes. After we ate all of the pancakes I made we sat on the couch. ''What are we gonna do now?'' I asked while I rested my head on Justin's shoulder. ''I don't know. Gaming?'' I looked up at him, I nodded heavily. ''Yes! Let's do Just Dance!'' I said smiling. Justin shook his head. ''No that's gay as hell.'' He chuckled. ''Fine.'' I sighed as I leaned my head back on his shoulder. ''Grand Theft Auto 5?'' He suggested. ''K fine!'' I said as I sat up. Justin chuckled as he grabbed the disk and inserted it. He handed me a controller as he gave me a quick explanation. I just nodded, even though I didn't understand anything. Justin sat next to me as I snuggled up against him. As soon as the game started I was really focused. ''So what do I do now?'' I asked as I didn't look away from the screen. ''Just start walking and pick out some random car.'' He said as he concentrated on the game. (A/N: I don't know anything about Grand Theft Auto lol, so I don't even know how to write about this.. Don't judge me lol.) ''So I can just steal a car?'' ''Mhm'' Justin replied absently. ''So I can just go ride a pink car or something? And just walk around the city?'' I said as I looked confused at the screen. Justin sighed. ''Yes. But the goal is to kill people.'' ''Why?'' I asked. ''Just because. It's the game.'' He answered a bit irritated. ''K then. So I can kill you?'' I smirked as I watched the screen, seeing that I was really close to where Justin's person was in the game. ''YES!'' Justin said even more irritated. I let my person walk to the area where Justin was, as I shoot him down. ''So.. Like that?'' I said looking at Justin who widened his eyes. ''You... Killed me?'' He said still looking at the screen and then at me. ''Mhm.'' I nodded proudly. ''You- I-.. That's not fair!'' Justin defended as he shook his head.  ''You can't stand losing huh?'' I giggled. ''Yes I can, but I want a second change!'' He said as he started the game again.'' I chuckled as I agreed. We played for about 4 more times. I killed him three times. And he killed me once. Justin sighed as he looked at the screen, seeing that I killed him again. ''Let's just quit.'' I giggled as I put our controllers away. ''Watch a movie?'' Justin said, still a bit sad because of the game. ''Yeah.'' I said as I walked over to the couch, leaned on Justin's knees and gave him a long kiss on the lips. Hoping to cheer him up, which worked. He smiled and shook his head. I sat next to him again as he started to take out some dvd's from the cabinet. ''The Grudge?'' He suggested while showing me the dvd. I shook my head ''No! That one is scary..'' I pouted as Justin looked up to me. ''I'll protect you.'' He wiggled his eyebrows which made me laugh. ''Hmm.. Okay then.'' I sighed. Justin chuckled as he grabbed the dvd and put it in the dvd played. Justin quickly walked upstairs and came back with a blanket. I collected some food. We both sat on the couch again as Justin pulled me close to his side as he put the blanket over the both of us. As we watched the movie I jumped a little. ''No no no, don't go in there!'' I shouted towards the tv as I coverd my face in Justin's chest. Justin chuckled as he snaked his arms around me. We continued to watch the movie as we slowly drifted off to sleep. I burried my head in Justin's chest as he leaned his head on mine. An hour later I woke up by the sound of someone knocking on the door, I looked at Justin who was fast asleep, his arms tightly around me. As I tried to wake him up, the knocks on the door starting to get louder..

Chapter eight! :) I really wanted this chapter to be a cute lazy day one, haha! Soooo what did you guys think? I hope you'll enjoy it. I'll update Friday. And btw, what do you guys think about All Bad? I really love it! So go buy it on ITunes! :D I'm thinking to make the next chapter a bit more dramatic, so it won't get boring lol. If you have any idea's of what kind of things should happen in this book.. Comment! I love to have some inspirations.

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