Chapter twelve

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Justin's POV

I looked at the caller ID and hesitated if I should answer. I sighed and decided to answer her..

''Hello?'' I started, clearing my throat.

''Hi baby'' She whispered

It went silent for a bit before she spoke again.

''So I heard you are in London..'' I could hear her smirk through the phone.

''Yeah I am. What do you want?''

''Oh, nothing much.. just the usual.''

''I'll call you back.'' I quickly said and hung up as I saw Alfredo standing in the doorway, leaning against the door frame.

''Bro who was that?'' Alfredo asked and crossed his arms. I raised my eyebrows, pretending like there was nothing wrong. ''Nobody.'' I bit the inside of my cheek, what was fucking stupid of me.. I always bite the inside of my cheek when I'm lying, and Alfredo knows that. He gave me a dead glare and raised his eyebrows as he kept staring at me. ''Okay okay! '' I said annoyed. ''It was Vicky'' I looked at the ground, waiting for the outburst from Alfredo but it didn't come. I looked up to see him staring at me while shaking his head. ''And what did she say?'' ''Nothing much.'' I looked back at the ground, pretending like I wasn't nervous, but actually Alfredo did  make me really nervous at the moment. ''Okay. Well I wanted to ask if you'd like to go out in town tonight, it's pretty late so there won't be any paps I think.'' Alfredo shrugged. I nodded. ''Yeah, just give me a sec.'' Alfredo gave me a thumbs up and walked back towards the livingroom. I kept thinking about Vicky, I don't really remember her looks, only her long black hair. But what I do remember is the night we had here in London last year. Vicky is an english chick whom I met in a club nearby my hotel. We ended up in my bedroom and well, you can obviously tell what happened. During my whole stay in London I met up with her almost every day, just to do some ''fun'' stuff. After that I never saw her again, but now that she called me after a year.. I don't really know what to do. Shaking the thoughts off, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Afterwards I dressed up into some low black pants with a black tanktop and a leather jacket. I put on my greyblue snapback while I walked into the ''living'' room of our hotelsuite. Alfredo was eating some muesli bars as he noticed me standing there. ''Finally, leggo!'' Alfredo said as he took a massive last bite from his mueslibar and threw away the packing. I chuckled and shook my head and walked straight behind him, ready to go for some clubbing.

Macy's POV

I plopped myself down on my bed after I said goodnight to Clarisse, we had a fun night just talking and watching some soapies (Yeah, reaaaally girly). I was wondering what Justin would be doing now. Wait, Macy stop thinking about it. A strange feeling in my stomach made me feel uncomfortable, even though I tried to deny it to myself, there was something that made me feel insecure. Justin would be with the crew the whole time, and he promised me nothing will happen when he's on tour.. Right? I shook my head, trying to delete the thoughts, as I laid down I checked my phone once to see if I had any messages but nope. I let out a big sigh and closed my eyes. It put me a lot effort to fall asleep but after a couple groans, movements and sighs I succeed to fall into a deep sleep.

*Next Morning*

I woke up by an annoying ringing in my ear. Rubbing my eyes, I slightly opened them. I immediately was fully awake as I realised my phone was ringing constantly, thinking it might be Justin. I reached for my phone but as soon as I looked at my screen I noticed it wasn't Justin, but my best friend Lea. I sighed and after a few more rings I decided to answer. ''Hello?'' I mumbled. ''MACY! I've tried to call you like a hundred times!'' I heard her squealing voice ringing through my eardrums. I groaned at the high pitch and let myself fall back on my bed. ''Well I'm sorry that I need my sleep. Lee, it's only 8 am!'' I groaned again making her giggle. Lea can be so excited for no reason sometimes, don't get me wrong, I love her loads but it is kinda annoying at 8 am.. ''Don't you need to tell me something?'' She asked ignoring my grumpy mood. I instantly knew where this was going, ofcourse she meant me and Justin because yesterday we came out as a couple for the world.. ''Uhm.. no?'' I played dumb, making her puff in annoyance. ''YOU'RE DATING JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER?'' She squealed again, I held my phone a bit furder away from my ear. ''You are so fucking lucky, he's so hot! O MY GOD tell me everything!'' She kept squealing. I chuckled, Lea always curses when she's overexcited. ''Now?'' I asked, I want to sleep at 8 am but Lea doesn't let me. ''Yes. And don't you dare to hang up on me and continue to sleep!'' She said warningly as if she could read my mind. ''Fine.'' I sighed chuckling as I began to tell the whole story, letting some details out of it.

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