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"Guys get up! Sound check in thirty!" I shout going through the bunk area. They groan, but I already have two coffee pots made, I poured some for me and I sat at the counter, the guys all had come out at different paces. "Morning guys! Start heading over in twenty, yeah?" I suggest. They all nod, and Zack stood at the doorway, drinking his coffee and heading out for a run around the venue.

I get the guys out of the bus and call Zack in after the twenty minutes were up, and I hurried around the venue, "Ah, yes, you must be Kimberly Gaskarth?" A woman asks. "I'm Emma, I own the venue, um, okay, as you know the guys need to understand the rules,"

"Yes ma'am, they have signed all of the paper work, they understand perfectly. The other bands will be here soon, yes?"

"In about an hour they have sound check too, alright, I'll be around." Emma concocts and leaves, I make sure the guys are all cleared and then I am about to let them go when Alex catches my attention.

"Little sister sing Remembering Sunday with us? Also, we are introducing you to the hustlers, so wear something nice."

"Yes Lex, I'll do it with you." I counter, "Alright, now, be back an hour before the meet and greet, and text me if you go out, I'll be looking around town and going to the shops."

Zack stops me and comes with me, smelling freshly of Old Spice, "I'm coming with you." He claims. I nod, "I don't want you going out alone either."

"You're a sweetheart, Zach." I take his arm and we go.

I'm suprised Denny hasn't changed his number and called me since I blocked his old one. He probably hasn't even figured it out yet.

"How is your clothing shop?" I ask him.

"It is good, I get to interact with fans." He replies short.

"I've read your tweets, they love you, and you love them. It's amazing. Although, of course they would love you, you're Zack fuckin-Merrick."

He blushes, and we decide to stop to get breakfast at a local cafe.

We chat about their upcoming album, and how he reay does love his fans, and how he loves to photograph things, I didn't know that. I payed for our breakfast, while he wasn't paying attention because he had gotten a call and stepped outside.

I met him outside, "What happened to me paying? I'm the gentleman, I'm suposed to." He lectured.

"My treat. I'll let you pay next time." I tease.

Fans notice him and ask who I am, and he explains I'm their tour manager and Alexs' sister, in which they reply that I look exactly like him, which I don't believe since I'm gorgeous and Lex is a potato.

"I really like your accent." Zack tells me.

"Why, thank you, Merrick. I do too, although the American accents are hard to imitate, I'll try. 'Wait guys, can we stop at McDonalds?' " I try to imitate Jack.

"Thag was a great Jack, but next time say taco bell."

"You're right." I laugh

We go to a few shops, I don't get anything abd ai just look around, till we come to a Hastings.

"What is this store?" I ask Zack.

"It's an entertainment store, there's books, movies, music, and some clothes" Zack explains. I nodd and drag him in.

I go straight to the books, and he comes with me. "I needed the rest of the series I've been reading." I say, "I hardly buy the full series untill I read the first book to garuntee I'll like them, but sadly, I've only been dissatisfied a couple times," I fake cough, "Divergent."

Protection, Zack Merrick, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now