How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius
Chapter 5: The Energy Field of Thought: The Value of NothingEvery child and its nature can be known by observing its parent. The foundation is constructed from the essence of its parent. This stands true in everything from animal and plant life to business firms; even the software development community uses the terms parent and child when designing a program from the elements of a former program. What I would like to discuss briefly with you is the essence, or parent, of value.
Now, the definition of value is, "the importance, worth, or usefulness of something"; another would be, "a person's principles or standards of behavior". Value is, in either definition, something that is developed in the mind or better stated, a construct of the mind.
Every thinking thing, when introduced to a new environment, sets out to establish what has value. It will, even through the course of its time there, re-evaluate objects for their value. Things that possess value will be pursued and those without value will be ignored. So value is and should be the utmost pursuit of everyone reading this book. This book is titled, Matter Over Mind: How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius, so it is a tool to help you in your pursuit of value. For this book to truly do what it states in its title, we must follow value back to its elemental source, its parent.
Now, I must ask everyone a question: what is the value of a home? Is it the beautiful exterior or wonderfully manicured lawn? Maybe the exotic wood flooring or modern kitchen appliances. Although those things do possess value, the highest form of value in a home is its emptiness; the empty space in which you eat, sleep, entertain and live. Fill the home full of sand or flood with water and it becomes useless.
What is the value of a car? Sporty tires or leather seats? Maybe a sunroof. No, the ultimate value is identical to that of a house; as a matter of fact, the full potential of that car is realized when one can occupy the empty space of that car and drive down a traffic-free empty road and park in an empty parking lot to go shop in an empty grocery store. Now, if any one of those items is full, one's experience is tarnished. So the mental construct of Value comes out of Nothing, or better stated, no thing.
Now, that last statement flies in the face of modern capitalism, the economy of trading some thing for some other thing of similar value. Our eyes are fooling us in believing that money has the ultimate value, or a physically beautiful person, or former things, house and car. But, once we truly realize that the real value of our world doesn't possess three dimensional space, we will begin to see Future Potential and Personal Genius. We know now that everyone should be in pursuit of value, and the parent of Value is Emptiness, we must now define the emptiness.
In Chapter two we discussed, The Power of Imagination, and it is the essence of the Energy Field of Thought. If needed, go back and read chapter 2 again. Imagination is the true value of this world and it has a litany of sub-thoughts, too many to name; if you can think it, then it belongs to that group.
What I would like for you to understand is your true genius, your true future-potential will not be found in the material world, not even in the empty spaces of a house, but the emptiness in your mind; the quietness of your heart. The nothingness of a life has more potential than what money can bolster; more than all the knowledge in all the books of the world. Why? Because it is the highest form of value, thus the greatest potentiality.
Today, you may look at the empty places in your life, in your heart and feel thoughts of sadness, defeat and even loneliness, but the nothing needs space to work. Things need to be missing in order for you to create something new. Today, you may be faced with divorce, a business venture failure or even a loved one lost. You must determine in your mind that that the empty spaces in your life have a purpose with a beneficial outcome. Your imagination and creativity is being called upon by the Universe to expand the Universe, using the very fabric of existence. The ability to see more clear shall be yours and that is the ultimate Future-Potential.
An exercise I would like for you to work on is called "Nothing of Value".
Take notepad and pen and for one week describe all of the empty spaces in your life, including that of the material world, i.e an empty room in your house. After you have listed everything you consider to be emptiness, think on these things positively; find something good or useful to attribute to it. What you will find is another world of talent, ideas, and even perspectives, giving rise to a new you. See you in the next chapter.
Matter Over Mind: How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius
Non-FictionPersonal Development Tool