Personal Genius Part 4: Speed

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How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius
Chapter 10: Personal Genius Part 4: Speed

Genesis 1:1-2 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the deep"

What is Speed? Is it what makes an airplane fly through the open space of our sky? Does it propel a runner forward on a race track? What about a cheetah? Does it use speed to cover ground quickly? The answer to each of these questions is surprisingly no. Speed has no physical property in the physical world. Science has struggled to properly identify the phenomena of Speed. Yes, we see the results of Speed; we have created an entire civilization around the affects of Speed. We have airlines, highways, cruise ships and sports leagues, also commercial agricultural benefits from Speed.
These are realities of our society, but they do not address the question of what Speed actually is. I know there are a number of readers who I have lost early in my explanation of this very important arm of MTS, which in itself is an example of Speed. To garner a better understanding of Speed we must go back to the beginning and maybe before the beginning.
Natural time as we know it presumably started at the "Big Bang" or "Great Expansion", whichever title suits you more. A singularity of massive energy releasing such said energy into an expansive construct. This energy releases the fundamental particles of the physical world into this construct, the particles of quarks, leptons, anti-quarks and anti-leptons. These are accompanied by other particles that emit force; that of bosons. Bosons give us light, gravity and pull and push through electromagnetism. Of the particles and forces mentioned (granted there are a handful more I did not name) there is no particle of speed, yet these subatomic particles spin, move and vibrate at different rates of speed.
Everything in the universe moves, even if you are standing still, the particles that make up your body are in constant motion. So movement is a constant of our universe, if you were to see the universe from an abstract perspective, you would see various colorful points of light moving, vibrating, and spinning in every direction. To understand Speed, however, we must understand the construct in which these particles have freedom of movement. I did say that the foundation of force in this universe belongs to a group of sub-atomic particles called bosons, and like everything else in the universe, they spin and have movement. However, there is a bosonic particle that does not spin, that has no movement. You can imagine in a vast sea of particle movement this quietly still particle would seem invisible. By calculations, scientists knew of its existence but could not observe it through any technological means until recently. On July 4, 2012, scientists discovered what's been named the "God Particle" in CERN's Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. The discovery won its finders the Nobel Peace Prize in Science. It is considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest discovery of all time because it reveals the very nature of the fabric of space. Which tells us a lot about matter in its earliest forms. Why is this important? What's the relevancy of the God Particle and Speed? It is important because of the true nature of this "still" particle. The God Particle or Higgs Boson as its mostly known is a gateway for energy transfer from dark energy to physical energy that can be observed and used in the physical world. As I have stated in the chapter "Personal Genius Part 2: Mind" the largest portion of the universe, the 75% of dark energy, is Mind, and that being said, its interaction with our world of the physical is through this "universal web", the God Particle. It is with the Mind that we are able to think, create and build, it's with the same Mind that we destroy. The Mind is able to establish a thought, give it purpose and intention, and upon implementation of the thought, give it necessary energy to achieve it. Speed is the quality of Intention given a thought, which dictates the amount of energy supplied it. That energy powers the material world from cars and planes to animals, even your brain. Energy being transferred through the Higgs Boson "God Particle" regulates Speed, which is somewhat ironic in that it bears no movement itself.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to observe a particle's position and momentum simultaneously with accuracy. It would be the equivalency of seeing your face without a mirror. It is the Mind attempting to look at itself. This is true because what you observe changes when you observe it, a wavelength becomes a particle with simple observation. The Mind changes the very nature of matter, and being that we are nature's custodians of Mind, we change everything around us by first observing it. The more we observe, the more Intention is given a thing and this more energy and Speed. MTS is the true nature of the universe and Personal Genius is the way in which we, individually, interact with it. Speed is the energetic output of our Intentions, which is supplied through the very fabric of space, the energy transfer system of the God Particle. Knowing this, it's our job to develop our understanding and interaction with Speed and MTS so that we reach our Intended Potentiality and create our reality.

The exercise I would like everyone to participate in is  called "Awareness and Intention". Whoever you are, think about what your gifts are, how are you gifted? From the physical to the mental and intellectual, even spiritual. Lists your gifts, become acutely aware of your natural talents then with Intention, focus on strengthening these abilities through practice, consistent use and interaction with others with similar gifts. By doing this, you will gain access of deeper levels of Mind from the dark energy of the universe and thereby gain Speed in your gifts. Faster thinking, faster knowing and faster acting. 

See you in the next chapter!

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