The Observationist

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How to Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius
Chapter 1: Developing True Choices: The Observationist

Right now, where you are, stop and observe the environment around you. Notice the texture of the walls and ceiling that surround you. See the fabric within the upholstery and tapestry, how detailed and artistic their creation. Now look at the clothes you're wearing. Observe their stitching, how the artist designed the articles of clothes you're wearing from simple materials to help create your personal image. Now go outside or to an open window and slowly glance at the landscape surrounding you. Do you see the wind moving through the trees? Do you feel it on your face as you stare at creation?

"What does all this mean?" you ask.

Life is built in frames, from the social to the scientific. What we have attempted to do is view the world from the frame of the artist. It is the world of texture, sound, feeling, and vision. If you participated in the above observations, you will realize that the world is created by artist. The world around you is being created from this frame of life-it is the artistic perspective.

First, I would like to interchange a couple of words as we continue in this chapter of developing true choices. Artistic perspective is simply observation and observation is
artistic perspective. You see, the power of an artist, the power that he or she has to create, is the power of observation. To spend time watching, pondering, or visualizing a thing is
to observe it. A painter observes the canvas before applying his or her brush. A sculptor observes the clay before applying his or her knife.

Today, you are sculpting your world by the choices you make. Everything from getting out of bed to lying down at night. We however, fail to make good choices simply because we fail to make the original choice-the choice to observe. This is very important because your freewill exists only because of choice-not all have the same freewill. Your choices are made through your awareness or knowledge of a thing. The number of choices you have are proportionate to the amount of perception or awareness you have. For example, do you feel it possible to swat a mosquito biting the back of your neck if you are unaware of its presence? Most would answer no, simply because if you don't know it's there, you will not have a choice whether to swat the insect or not. Subsequently, that small, insignificant bug has more choice, more power, and more control than you in this situation-it will decide when it is ready to stop using you as a mid-day snack.

So is it with other manner of unobserved scenarios in your life, but through observation you gain awareness then choice. Those choices go on to produce a certain degree of power, which in turn gives you a certain degree of control. To have control is to ultimately have freewill. This 'ladder' within us all is hinged on observation because through observation we gain perception or awareness. This awareness brings knowledge and it is through knowledge that an artist creates the world around him.

Now to understand how observation and awareness affect your life, equate them to a mathematical equation-your life is the unbalanced problem, observation is the problem's mathematical solution and awareness is the answer. Your life, actually, is balanced-it is the sum total of your decisions up to this point, it's just not balanced the way you desire. Observation and awareness is about understanding this balance and changing the values as you see fit. Every problem in your life has an answer, it is possible to balance your life the way you choose. In order to produce the kind of life you would like to have, you must first observe your life and the world around you as it exists right now and know that your life is balanced, but there are solutions and answers to change that balance. Every answer is connected to a problem, but are only found through observation. Understand the small details of your life-your motivations, weaknesses, and strengths. Also, get an understanding of your environment and the energies, both negative and positive, that surround you. From this platform, you will enhance your freewill-your freewill simply states: I can change my life.

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