Matter Over Mind: How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius

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How to Develop Future Potential and
Personal Genius
By: Christopher Tisdale


The term 'Future Potential' at outset, sounds redundant because the word, potential, speaks of an action or event that takes place in the future. I have penned this word, however, to point out the ideological distinction between actions or events that will happen in the future and actions and events that you create for the future. This comes from an understanding of how scenarios develop in the life of an individual and propel that individual to either greatness or mediocrity. These scenarios occur due to a sequence of events that cause you to think a certain way about yourself and the world as a whole. We all are moving forward in this world not by the circumstances that we find ourselves in, but by how we mentally process these circumstances. Picture a fork in the road with every scenario you find yourself involved in; your thinking can either propel you in one direction or the other. Buyer beware though-the thoughts you think are the thoughts you own. They will influence future situations, good or bad. They are the sole proprietors of your life.

We have within us the ability to shape our future by processing life with a positive outlook or a negative one. Most people, however, are not aware of how everything around us influences us in the same way the wind influences a hot air balloon.

These influences create Future Potential: The involuntary response from the Universe in the life of an individual due to their mental projections of the Universe.

For example, keeping a cabinet stocked full of allergy, headache, and pain relief medicine and without fail, the need for these products do arise. Or locking your car door in the mall parking garage, only to shop and come back to broken glass and items missing from the glove box.

You become the source of energy for the scenarios in your life to occur simply by believing that they can occur.

You feed your beliefs by your actions, and it is those fully nourished beliefs that go on to produce such said scenarios in your life. This 'future potential' can be developed by changing the way we think. The challenge with most of us is, we do not think enough. Early man had many things to think about during his time on Earth. They were in the age of discovery and danger. On one hand they were developing languages, discovering energy sources and other means of becoming the dominate species on the planet, all while fending off the major predators of their age-it was a very exciting and dangerous time. Man's ability to discover was critical to their ability to survive so their minds were optimum for creativity and discovery. As example, today we use several of their discoveries to house ourselves, find food, and even communicate.

Since the beginning of the Industrial Age, many of us do not view discovery as critical to mankind's survival. However, for those of us who are always asking the question, why?, the ability to develop future potential will be valuable.

Now, when you think of genius, who pops into your mind? Albert Einstein? Leonardo da Vinci? Maybe Bill Gates? The word, genius, is described as a strong leaning or inclination(Webster's, 2012). The individuals named above do have strong inclinations in their perspective fields of study, but there is someone who has the potential to join their ranks-you. You see, although you may picture someone else in your mind as having genius, you are equipped with the same penchant for discovery in one way or another. We have, within us, the ability to significantly impact our world and the world as a whole by following the passions of our heart without waver. This is possible, but if we are not careful, we will over emphasize the genius of others and negate the importance of our own genius.

Personal Genius is the gift in you that is designed to effortlessly create change.

Now, this does not mean your goals are accomplished without effort-it does mean, however, that your gift will assist you as you push forward towards success. It minimizes your labors and increases you overall joy as you work. To others, it will appear you have accomplished such said goals effortlessly.

How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius is a guide to help you see what has been there all along through your failures and your successes-you. And it is 'you' who will change your life and the lives of many through your Future Potential and your Personal Genius-Christopher Tisdale

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