How to Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius Chapter 6: Being Rich Makes You Rich, Being Poor Makes You Poor
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Hello, just wanted to thank everyone for their support of this read. I really do hope that it has been a blessing. Read this message for today and may it enrich your life. Thank you
You are rich. You just don't know it yet.
Those who are masters of their universe become aware of the many ways their life is enriched long before their bank account reflects it.
This is the game you play; hide and go seek. Your wealth hides from you in many areas in your life, most often, in plain sight. The task at hand is to play along and seek out your hidden wealth.
Maybe it's hidden in your relationships, maybe your career. Your wealth can be found in a plethora of places in your life. Locating the rich tapestry that is stitched in and around you fosters an appreciation for life and the amazing world that nurtures everyone.
Upon locating your wealth, your next step in the game is to call out your discovery, "I've found you!". By acknowledging the existence of wealth found, you call or force out of hiding, your wealth-it expands.
Riches become more visible as your interaction with its many devices flourish. And just like with anything, the more you are involved with a thing, the more familiar you become with its qualities, tendencies and even pitfalls.
This game of 'hide and go seek' is a game you will always win and never lose when played because once you find the good things scattered throughout your life, they will always and only lead to more good things-including financial success. I say success because money alone is not a good thing-in fact, it can be a detriment to your pursuit of wealth.
Financial success could be to have all your debts paid off or simply to have enough money to pay all your bills on time. Not everyone wants to be a billionaire. The good thing about appreciating your life and the wealth you discover is learning the appropriate place of finance in your life.
A friend told me that her fiancé, who is a computer programmer, makes $150,000 a year, but was asked to travel once a month to assist companies with their programming needs. He was offered a compensation package that included a salary just shy of $300,000. Although it appeared to be a no-brainer to accept the offer, he declined the offer because he did not want to spend that much time away from her. He found his life's wealth in her and their future life together. And so is it with everyone-you must find your wealth and sometimes that leads you away from money.Now being poor makes you poor.
In the same way you discover wealth in your life by observing your relationships and everything else that comprises your make up, you can discover poverty. By focusing on those things that bring you displeasure and pain, you unknowingly call or force out of hiding the poverty that lies around the garden of your life like old stones preventing you from cultivating it.
Your choices must change if when you look around and all that's seen is lack. You must decide to find your wealth-sometimes that is easier said than done, I know. But as you think on this, consider that in each mind resides 4 categories of thought: impossibilities, possibilities, probabilities and imminency.
When thinking of something that affects your life, you will place the thought in one of the 4 categories. Sometimes, If not most times, you will place what you want in the category of impossibility and what you don't want in the imminency category. You do this without thinking- it's been subconsciously practiced for so long that it feels natural to be negative and foreign to have a positive outlook.
Make a concerted effort to find the good in everything and your wealth will come-it has to.Thanks for reading, :)
Matter Over Mind: How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius
Non-FictionPersonal Development Tool