How To Develop Future Potential and
Personal Genius
Chapter 7: Seasons of Journeys and Destinations- Be Where You're Supposed to BeWe must learn that the journey we're on is entirely separated from the arrival point were headed for. They are they're own separate enterprises that require 100 percent of our focus. But how does one devote 100% focus on the journey while attempting to give the destination the same effort? The answer-seasons. There is a time and season for everything under the sun. Reading this chapter is associated with goals you have set for your life; to realize your Personal Genius and Future Potential. It is thus a part of a destination for you. Are you currently in a season of destination?
Learning the seasons of journeys and of destinations is absolutely essential to discovering your future potential. In the season of journey we must learn to enjoy the moment, seize the day and reflect on the many blessings surrounding us. Your eyes focus on other eyes around you. Your ears listen to other voices as you take time to build upon the relationships in your life. Your arms embrace others in an act of love and acceptance in the season of journey. Enjoying your life as it flows from one point in time to the next brings clarity to what should be important to you in your journey.
In the season of destination we must focus our energies on completing specific goal oriented tasks. Finishing a music project that will inspire the world is important in this time. Putting in the effort to follow through with your diet and workout regiment that you have put off for weeks. Going back to school to finally attain that degree in interior design. The focus needed to achieve these types of goals is associated with the destinations of your life. The real job is knowing how to identify seasons of Destination apart from seasons of Journey.
I did say that these two season are entirely separate and that we should give each our strict devotion, 100%. Although each has its own distinct purpose, they are both connected to your life, thus becoming one with you-they flow in unison with you. To know if you should be focusing on the goal or taking time to reflect on the journey, while engaged in one, observe the other. Is your family feeling neglected because this is the third weekend in a row you're putting in extra hours at work? Is the passion for a music project fading because you haven't sat down at the piano in a while?
When you notice the wavering of the blessing along your journey, that's the time to stop your world and take stock. Everything in your life was designed to flow in harmony-one shouldn't destroy the other. Eyes don't require so much focus that your hearing begins to fail. If your mouth is taking in too much food, pain will be experienced somewhere else. This is when we're out of balance.
We must manage our time better, giving attention to each season of our life precisely when it needs it. If you are able to do this, every area will flourish and you will realize your future potential.
This may seem pretty simplistic to some"give attention where it needs it, when it needs it", but it's not a lack of understanding that some need to see this post, but a lack of willpower. Everyone of us, in some form, neglect. Make a choice now to nourish each season of your life.For one hour, create a list of all the important people, places and things and activities in your life. Now, create a separate list consisting of goals you have set forth to complete. Now recall the last 48 hours. Remember the interaction you had with each item on each respective list and create a third list numbering each item in an order of priority, the item with most time being number 1. Lastly, observe this list of priority and re-number it based on a more desirable order. Now, answer this question: How close is the desired list of priority to the real list? If it's somewhat similar, you very well may be flowing in unison with your seasons of Journey and Destination.
If they are way off, you should take a moment to think of ways of reordering your life to reflect the desired list. Your overall well-being is dependent on your life being balanced. This is the starting block to better seasons of Journey and Destination.
Matter Over Mind: How To Develop Future Potential and Personal Genius
Non-FictionPersonal Development Tool