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I walk in the house and immediately smell something burning. "VERONICA WHATS BURNING?!!" "What?" She walks out the room and down the stairs. "Oh shit my hot pocket!" She opens the microwave and the hot pocket bursts into flames. "OHHH no..." "I'm going to kill you!!!" She runs and I chase her around. "Shouldn't we put out the fire?!!!" "After I kill youuuuuuuu!" I throw things at her. "You idiot!!! Watch where your throwing things!!" I then hear something slam behind me. "Hey fools the fire is out and the hot pocket is burnt to a crisp who wants it!?!" "Oh, thanks aunt Connie.. You can just.. Just.." She motions to the trash twice. "Okay." She dumps it in the trash and walks back in her room. "Well I'm going to bed..." "What about the science project?" "Ugh, I'll do it in the morning..." "That's procrastinating." "That's what I do!" She sticks her tongue at me and walks in her room. I walk in mine and open the window climbing on the fire escape and sitting there. I take out my sketch pad and draw the moon. It's full tonight. The sounds of the city filling the sky but yet it's somehow quiet. "That's a really nice drawing." I go to scream but my mouth is covered by a hand. "Shh! Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you! I'm a friend I promise!" I tilt my head back and see a huge turtle in front of me. My eyes open wide, "Don't yell, don't scream... Please don't." He takes his hands off of my mouth. "Come up here." I look up to the ladder and climb it up to the roof. I can't believe I listened what am I doing! I stare at the super tall turtle in front of me. "Woah..." I walk around the turtle. He looks at me weirdly. "Yeah I know huge creepy turtle..." "No, actually I think you're rather exquisite..."  "O-Oh really?!" "Yeah, so you gotta name?" He nods. "Leonardo." "Hi Leonardo, I'm April." "April?" "Yup, April Lawrence." "That's funny I actually have a friend named April, April O'Neil." "Oh the news lady? That's cool!" "So, you're like not scared of me." "No why would I be?" "You don't find me scary looking?" "Look, I've seen my Aunt Connie every morning when she wakes up before she has her coffee.. Now that's scary looking." He chuckles, "So Leonardo, what brings you here?" "Leo, you can call me Leo." "Okay Leo." "I've kind of, Been following you..." "Uhh... Why?" "Sorry, I should've explained." I laugh. "Go ahead." "Remember that night you got attacked by those thugs?" "Yeah?" "My brothers and I were the ones that helped you." "Wait.. So you're the four brothers?" "Yeah.." "Wow! My aunt has told me stories about you guys but I would've never believed that they were other than just stories..." "Your aunt?" "Yeah she works for the FBI." "Connie? Oh Connie I remember her." "Wow this is amazing! You guys are amazing, wait, sorry finish your story." "It's alright, so ever since we helped you guys I wanted to take precaution and make sure you guys wouldn't get attacked again so I'd wait for you to finish practice and I've got to say you have some amazing skills in karate." "Oh, thanks." I scratch the back of my head. "And thanks for looking out for us Leo." He smiles. "So are you a ninja or something because I mean, mask, weapons, apparel." "Yeah, we all are." "That's freaking cool!" He laughs. "Hey you've got freckles that's so adorable." I blush a little, "I'm not adorable I'm vicious thank you very much!" "Sure you are." He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Well Leo, it was nice meeting you, I've got to go to bed, see you around?" "I'll see you around, goodnight Freckles!" I roll my eyes, "goodnight Leonardo." I climb down the ladder and hop back in my window closing it and locking it, I need a shower, a long one to process what just happened out there....

Don't Fall For It. ||A TMNT 2014/2016 FanFic|| ||Short Story||Where stories live. Discover now