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After a while I stop crying. "I'm sorry you had to see me that way." "Everyone cries it's okay." "Yeah but not me! I can't afford to do that.. I'm supposed to be the strong one... I- I don't cry." "April, what's really wrong?" "Donnie look OUT!" I see Leo springing at him swinging. Donnie turns and gets punched right in the face. His glasses falling right off. "Leo! What the hell man?!" "What the hell? I'll tell you what the hell!" He goes to swing at Donnie again but Donnie grabs his fist. "You fucking stole my girlfriend!" "What?! She was never your girlfriend Leo!" Donnie yells back. "And I have no clue what you're talking about!!" "Don't play dumb Donnie we all know you're smarter than that!" Leo hits Donnie. "Stop it!" I shout. "I really don't know!" Donnie blocks another one. "Leo stop it!" "She's likes you, you moron! And now I can't have her!" "You're seriously fighting me over a girl?!" Donnie stands up both his staff out. "You bet you I am." Leo swings his katana. "And what's this going to solve?! You're going to beat me up and then she'll be yours? Or are you going to kill me Leo? And everything will be okay?!" Donnie doges a few swings. "Ughhhhhh! Just shut up!!" "She's never going to forgive you for this!" "Stop it!" They continue fighting. "Stop it!!" "STOP IT!!!" This time they stop and I'm sure everyone in this place heard me and woke up. "Stop fighting right now!" Leo gives me a dirty look and walks off. "What is going on?!!" Sensei runs into where we're at." "Sorry sensei, Leo and I had a little disagreement..." "You're hurt my son!" "I'll take care of it." "Hai, I'll check on Leo" "Come on Donnie." I take him into the lab. He sits in a chair as I clean his wound with alcohol. "Ow! Ow!" "Don't be such a big baby!" He looks at me and grabs my hand away from his wound. "Was what he said true?" I pull my hand away from him and continue cleaning the wound. "Do you like me?" I stop cleaning it and stand in silence. "April?" "Can we drop this Donnie?" I wrap up the wound on his arm. "Not until you give me a straight answer." I go to walk away but he pulls me onto him. We're face to face. "Do you like me April?" "Don I-" "Do. You. Like me?" I look down and pull away. "I said drop it! I'm having a tough time as it is right now and honestly this isn't helping.." He grabs my arm. "April..." "okay Donnie I'm confuzzled! Yes I know that's not a real word but it is now. I'm confuzzled Donnie. I don't know who I like and I feel bad because that's not right. I can't just choose!" I pull my hair as I'm frustrated. "Sorry..." I say looking to him, "I'm just going to go home..." "You can't walk home by yourself at this time." "Yeah Donnie? Watch me." I run out. "April wait!" I climb the ladder out the sewers so fast and run. I run. And run. And run. But then. I see something different. But it isn't different. It's New York? Yeah everything is fine. I then see a KRAANG droid. "Ohhh shit!" "DONNIE HELP!" I turn around to the sewers and climb down quickly covering it. "Donnie!!!" I run shouting down the sewers and I see the lair. It looks different but I shake it out my head. "Donnie?!" "What?! What's happening!" He comes out of his science lab. "Donnie the KRAANG are back and theytriedtokillmeandI'msosorryIwasmeantoyouandnowIneedyourhelpbutIdon'tkn-" "Woah Robyn calm down, you're talking so fast I can't comprehend what your saying." "Robyn? I never told you my name was Robyn.." "What do you mean? Are you feeling okay?" He touches my head and I take a good look at him. "You're not my Donnie.... This isn't the lair." "Robyn I think you're sick." He reaches for me. "DONT TOUCH ME!" I shout and grab the broom. "I know how to use this." I spin it quickly like its a staff. "You sure do but Robyn calm down. "STOP CALLING ME THAT!" "What's with all the screaming?" "Robyn isn't feeing well sensei I'm not sure what's wrong with her." "But Robyn was in here with me meditating my son." "W-who is that?!" She looks just like me. She speaks. "Who are you people? Why are you here? Why am I here? What is this?! Where's Donnie?!" "I'm Donnie and I'm right here." "You're not Donnie! Don't lie to me like that!" "Miss, I understand you're in distress.." "No no, you're not sensei don't talk to me like that!" I then see him rush towards me in a flash and I can't move out the way fast enough. I feel myself falling asleep.

I stand and watch. "Who is she? Why does she look so much like me?" "I think she might be from an alternate dimension.. She spoke about the KRAANG and some other Donnie." I watch as Donnie holds her sleeping body. "I really thought she was you." "I can see why." "But she said her name wasn't Robyn." "That's weird huh.." I look around scratching the back of my head. I then see her moving her mouth. "What's she saying?" "Leo..." And she mumbles something else. "LEO'S GOING TO KILL HIM!" She sits up her eyes open wide. She looks at me and at Donnie. "Where am I?" "You're in New York City, just an alternative dimension.." "What?" She stands up. "Where's Leo?" "He's sleeping." "Not your Leo mine!" "What part of alternative dimension don't you get?!" She turns to me. "Listen here missy, there's only room for two people here to have a stank bad attitude, and that's Me, and Raphael, so if you have a FUCKING problem I'm going to need you to state it right now or we can tumble." I back away. "Shit ain't gotta go that deep." She turns and smiles at Donnie. "Well it was nice meeting you all but I really must be going." "Well uh you can't!" "Excuse me?" "Come look." Donnie takes her to the computer. "So it seems as the portal you came in closed as soon as you stepped in it. It seems as when you accidentally walked into it it was closing anyway. It wasn't supposed to happen." "So you're saying is, I'm stuck here?" "Until we find a way to get you home, yes." "Well this is great! I'm stuck here with bad attitude number 1 and Donnie's basically dead." "Fuck you!" "Oh anytime! My schedule seems empty right now And for the rest of my life it seems so what time shall we?" "Eww you're gross." "Yeah yeah thanks." "What do you mean by Donnie's basically dead." "Well where I'm from, Donnie and Leo aren't on the best terms.. And Leo already tried to kill him once. But I stopped it.. Now that I'm gone.. He's basically dead." "And I'm assuming you have something to do with it?" Robyn speaks. "Yeah, a lot... " "The brothers, they're fighting over you aren't they?" "Hai sensei." I speak. "And This Leo of yours is being overly aggressive?" "Hai." "That sounds like your story sensei." "Yes my son it does." "What story?" I question. "Here let me tell it to you." So after that he explains his situation and I tell them mine. "So your sensei wasn't human?" "No, He was a pet rat that got mutated and he learned the ways of a ninja from a book." "That's pretty cool." "I guess.." I fiddle my thumbs. "Are you okay?" Donnie puts his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, it's just a lot to take in... And a lot that I didn't say before this happened..." I stand up and walk out the dojo. But before I do I bow to sensei. "Arigato sensei." "You're welcome, child." I walk out and feet a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and Robyn pushes me against the wall and pins me there with a knife to my throat. I chuckle. "Say anything about my real identity and I'll slit your fucking throat." I smile and laugh. "What's so funny?" I quickly move twisting her wrist back taking the knife from her hand and switching positions. "I don't know if you realised but we're the same person. Only I'm older. I'm better. Much better. We were both trained by ninjas. Ninja turtles to be exact. But my turtles are bigger, taller, stronger, better than these scrawny prunes are. Your Donatello is nothing compared to mine. He's a stick figure, a weakling. So I suggest you shut your mouth before you get hurt little girl. We may be the same person but it doesn't mean we share the same morals. I will not hesitate to kill you in a heart beat." I smile widely, "Now that we got that cleared up!" I give her back her knife and ruffle her hair. "Where were we?" I smile and walk off...

Don't Fall For It. ||A TMNT 2014/2016 FanFic|| ||Short Story||Where stories live. Discover now