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"Psst! April I'm here!" I smile and climb out my window. I look up to the roof and see Leo, I climb the ladder and he helps me up. I hug him, "Hey dude, haven't seen you in a couple of days." "Yeah, sorry about that. My brothers were getting suspicious of me going out every off but they're sleeping now so..." I start laughing. "I don't think they're sleeping Leo." He turns around and sees them behind him. "So this is where you've been sneaking out to?!" The red masked one speaks. "Yeah man! " the orange masked one. "We've been wondering, where you were sneaking off to- oh.. Whose you're lady friend?" The purple masked one looks my way and I and smile. "Ooh Leo's got a girlfriend!" The orange masked one walks over to me. "Hey pretty lady, I'm Michelangelo, you can call me Mikey! Over there is Donatello and Raphael, but we call the Donnie and Raph." "Okay, Mikey, it's nice to meet you, I'm April." "April?" Raph speaks. "Yeah?" I look at him. "H-hi April, it's nice to meet you." I shake Donnies hand. "Leo has told me a lot about you guys." "Really?! Has he told you how smooth I am with the ladies?!" Mikey hovers over my shoulder. "Wow you sure are short!" I roll my eyes. "Yeah I know this, no need to state the obvious." "April Lawrence, age 16, height 5'1, blood type-" "Donnie!" Leo smacks him over the head. "You can't just go around scanning people without their permission!" "Yeah Don that's rude." Raph speaks. "Sorry...." "It's alright but how did you do that?" "Oh with my goggles right here!" He takes them off to show me. "So with those you can scan anyone?" "Yeah, pretty neat huh?" "Oh yeah! Can I try?!" "Sure!" I put them on and he tightens it and I look at Mikey. "This is so cool!" I giggle. I adjust the nozzles, "ohh I see how you did this! You just combined the night vision goggles to the data base of the computer via Bluetooth, and used the central link of the database to extend the information beyond your central knowledge, by doing this you would have the information but not the image on the screen so you used a small holographic micro tube for it to work!" Leo coughs, "Nerd!" I take off the goggles and stick my tongue out at him. I hand the goggles back to Donnie. "Pretty impressive, I would've never thought about that combination." He giggles, "She's amazing!" I chuckle. "So." I say as I hear my dog barking. "I have to go, but it was really nice meeting you guys!" I smile. Leo hugs me. "See you tomorrow Freckles." "I swear I'll figure out a nickname for you! But see you tomorrow!" I climb down the ladder and hear them talking. "Freckles?" "She's pretty... And smart..." I hear Donnie. "She's a total babe, get it Leo!" I chuckle and close my window locking it. "BANDIT SHUT UP!" "VERONICA STOP YELLING!" I yell back. "SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU!" Our aunt yells. "Sorry!"

Don't Fall For It. ||A TMNT 2014/2016 FanFic|| ||Short Story||Where stories live. Discover now