Dont get distracted Leo... (Pictures aren't mine unless stated so...)

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Months go by and I'm still hanging with the turtles. I remember the day Veronica met them like yesterday.

"April who are you talking to- holy shit April what did you put in these brownies?!" She drops the brownie on the floor and rubs her eyes. "Holy shit there's more... Okay I'm going to blink and they're going to be gone." She blinks like several times. "Ronnie. Look. No matter how many times you blink, there not gonna disappear.... These are my friends. Donnie, Leo, Raph, and Mikey." "Hey babe!" Mikey winks. "So I'm not dreaming or on drugs?" I laugh. "No." "Oh okay...." There's a silent pause. "Holy shit so this is real! You guys look so cool oh my fucking God!" They laugh.

Today we're hanging out at their place and Leo is helping me train for my Black belt. "Ugh! I'm seriously going to give up..." "No! Let's do it again.. Remember what sensei taught you." "Actually..." I start remembering what Mikey said, "if I was a girl is probably use my hotness to win in a fight." I smirk, "let's do this." We get in a fighting stance, this time I'm going to be unpredictable. He swings at me and instead of swinging back I dodge and slide under his legs. He smirks and comes at me and I dodge. "Over here Leo." I smile. "Unpredictable you are..." He comes at me and I take this as the perfect opportunity to jump on the chair, do a flip and I land with my legs in his shoulders. He holds me there. He looks in my eyes. I grab his cheek and he looks in my eyes. He's getting closer, I lean in, "don't get distracted Leo." I then use all my strength and flip him from the position I'm in and I land on my feet. "Ugh!!!" He groans. "you sneaky little.." "I know." I smile and help him up. "Better luck next time." I walk out the dojo and fix my hair. "Oh hey April!" "Hey April." We both laugh. "Training?" I nod and sit next to her. "Yup!" Leo walks out the dojo wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Leo got his ass kicked." He walks over to me and messes up my hair, "ooh she said a curse word!" He teases me, "Who are you Mikey?" He plops on the couch next to me and he puts his arm up on the couch around me. I then hear the other boys walk in. "But I need the speedometer or else I ca- oh hey April! And April!" Donnie speaks. We laugh, "Hey Donnie." We both speak in unison. "April can I borrow you for a second?" "Which one?" We laugh because we say it at the same time. "The small one." She laughs and I fake hurt, "I'm not small okay! You're all just abnormally tall!" "Suuuurre keep telling yourself that." I stand up and Leo grabs my arm, "I needed to talk to you." I look at him then Donnie. "Is it urgent?" "No not re-" "then it can wait Leo." I shake his arm off and walk over to Donnie. "But!" "Leo it can wait!" Donnie looks at us questionably and shrugs. I walk off with Donnie. "So, what did you need?" I sit on the chair next to him. "I wanted to show you something." He walks over to the corner and grabs something. "Put out your hands." I do as he says. And he places a snare drum in my hand. "Okay so, I fixed it for you and yeah." "Thank you Donnie!" I set it down and hug him tightly kissing his cheek. "I've been dying to play so bad!" He chuckles, "you know we have a set right?" "I know I saw it but I didn't want to use it.." "It's just Mikey's he won't care." "That's great! Next time I know!" He smiles and I smile back but then I feel my contact fall out. "Oh shit!" "What's wrong?" "My contact fell.." "Here I'll help you look for it." We get on the ground.. "It's fine Donnie. They're just one day use ones anyway. I have more at home." "But then you won't be able to see." "It's alright.. I umm.. Brought my glasses." "Oh okay!" I take out the other one and throw it away in the trash. I then pull my glasses out my pocket. He stares at me. "What? Is something wrong?" "No, you just.. Look.." "Bad? Oh no!" "No I wasn't going to say that!" I adjust my glasses. "I was going to say you look amazing with glasses..." I blush. "Thanks.." My glasses are the same as his but mine are black and they don't have tape in the middle. "The frames are pretty big." I chuckle. "Yeah but they frame your face well, I like it." I smile and look down hiding my blush. "Thanks." My phone beeps. "Oh shit!" I cover my mouth because I cursed. "What's wrong?" He look at me. "I'm going to be late for Practice." "Practice?" "Yeah I've gotta see if I can call an uber." "I.. I can take you.." "Really?" "Yeah come on let's go now before you're late." "Thanks a ton!" "Come on." I follow him out the lair. "So I'm going to need to.. Uhh.. Carry you.." "Oh okay.." He grabs me bridal style and accidentally touches my butt. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-" "Don it's okay." I laugh and he blushes. I hold onto him. "Hold on tight." I hold on tight as he jumps from building to building until we get there. "Thank you so much Donnie!!!" I kiss his cheek. "You're a life saver for real!" He smiles. "Heh, anytime..." "Do you want to come in?" "How could I?" I smile, "there's high beams on the roof, and it's concealed you can see down but no one can see up." "I'd love too!" "Let me make sure no one is out." I climb down the roof and look through the door. "Come on!" He hurries in behind me and I turn around and see he's gone. He sticks his head down from the roof and gives me a thumbs up. "I'll be in the back see you in 15!" I run into the back and grab my change of clothes. "There you are! We were about to start practicing." "Sorry!" "So you think you can get your black belt today?" "I hope I can do it! I think I can!"

Don't Fall For It. ||A TMNT 2014/2016 FanFic|| ||Short Story||Where stories live. Discover now