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"Alice!" I open the door to see her watching tv with Raph. "Oh sorry am I interrupting?" "Nah it's all good." "Do I need to leave or?" "If you want to." He gets up and leaves.  "What's up?" I lock the door and sit on the edge of the bed. "You know that new girl? The alternate dimension me?" "Yeah?" "She's a total psycho! She held a knife to my throat.... Well after I held it to her throat but still!! She threatened to kill me and told me that her turtles would wreck ours and that they were nothing but scrawny prunes!" "Oh yeah I heard..." "What?" "Ears remember?" "Alice what are we going to do? They might find out about our.." I whisper "real names..." "I mean it wouldn't be a bad thing we only changed our names to get away from kraang...." "True, but what if they get mad about us lying?" "Ahh who cares." "ME." "Me too... Shit you're right.." Alice sighs. "Well what do you want me to do about that?" "Fight her!" "LMFAOOOO she rekt ya life we are equal in strength! She'd rekt me! So be it as it may, NO THANKS!" "You realise... She knows everything about you being she is basically me!" "Oh shit you're right... I got this!" Alice walks out the room. "After I get food." I hear her speak under her breath.

I grab a slice of pizza and nom on it, "why is there no service around here?!" "You're in a sewer dumbass..." "I realise that puppy, but where I'm from there is service so I suggest you eat your chow and shut your mouth." "Call me that on more fucking time and I'll-" "Puppy." She says it slow. I throw a knife in her direction and it gets stuck on the wall behind her. "It's on little dog!" I run her way and claw at her. She flips to the other side of the room I charge at her and she moves to the side but I feel pressure on my tail and I'm knocked down face first. "Whoopsy!"

I step on her tail and watched as she falls to the ground. "Whoopsy." She gets up and punches my stomach and I'm out of breath for a split second and she comes at me, luckily I dodge. "If she's Veronica she has the same weaknesses... Though.. She does have ears.." I speak to myself. She then charges at me and I grab her wolf ears twisting them tightly. "OWW OWW OWW OWW OKAY UNCLE UNCLE!" I let go of her and she goes to claw at me but I flip her around into her stomach and grab her right arm twisting it and putting pressure on it as if I'd break it. "Look I'm not here to fight you guys. I just want to go home. If you could wrap your puny brains around that for like a little while that'd be great!" I look to my left and I see Raph standing there he charges at me and I flip him over letting go of Alice. "Let's not do this..." I groan. "YAME! Cut it out all of you!" "Hai sensei.." They speak. "Sensei, I just want to get home..." "Come with me April, Donatello will help you figure it out."

"Mikey can you just, like, shhh for like a minute please?"  I grab my head. I'm having a serious headache and I want to die. "What's wrong April?" Leo puts his hand on my shoulder. "I have a headache... " he walks away and I watch as he fumbles in the kitchen. "Here! I knew we had some left." He hands me a bottle of Tylenol. "You're a life saver Leo." He then hands me a glass of water and I drink two of them. A few minutes pass and I'm feeling better and Mikey is back to being Mikey. It's month one here... And I'm so tired of this. I lay my head on Leo's shoulder. He's the one I've been keeping to for this time being, since he seems like the only one around here that's sane. "You'll be alright, we're working on getting you home." I nod as he plays with my hair. I watch Alice walk out of the room. Looking more like Veronica now since she was given retro mutagen and she's human now. "Oh yuck! Get a room!" "Fuck off!" I flick her off and Leo chuckles. "THE FUCK IS THIS?!" I hear a familiar voice echo through the sewers. "Hello?! Leo? Raph? Nerdy one?? Orange crush dude?!" "Veronica?!" I call out. I see her walk into the lair. "The fuck am I?" "Wait.. Alice? And Alice?" Leo speaks as I get up and wrap her into a giant hug. She hugs me back tightly. "You've been missing for a month!! And why does everything look all cartoony?" "We're in an alternate dimension.. Wait how did you get here?" "I accidentally walked into a purple bubble thingy." After about 30 mins of explaining and catching up everyone is confused. "So does this mean everyone from your dimension is going to show up? Freaky dudes." Mikey speaks. "No, it doesn't Mikey." Donnie corrects him. "Hey Alice I go-" Raph walks in and stares at the two in confusion. "Not this again!!" He groans.
"Ugh where am I?" Robyn walks out the room with Donnie by her side. "She's getting worse and the doctors can't figure out why..." He speaks. "Maybe she's finally dying.." "April!" Leo yells at me, "What! Sorry for speaking the truth.."

Month two and everything is progressively worse. I miss my Donnie, and my Leo, and wreck it Raph, and orange crush Mikey.... Alice and Veronica are getting along well.. But Robyn and I are definitely not. "Achooo!" Alice sneezes. "Alice are you sick?" Raph speaks. "I think so... I never get sick though! Yuck! AWH FUCK I CANT BREATH!" Veronica laughs uncontrollably. "Get out of my room all of you!" I speak as I lay on Leo's lap. "Fine, goodnight." They all walk out and into their rooms. It's just Leo and I in the living room (my room) "Can I stay?" "No, leave." We laugh. "Goodnight." "Mighty night." He gets up and I cover myself in the blanket. Veronica sleeps on the other couch. I slowly fall asleep. After awhile of sleeping I feel myself being picked up. "What are you doing out here? Come on let's go." I can't recognise the voice and I'm too tired to open my eyes so I go with it. I feel myself being placed on the bed and sheets covering me. "Goodnight." I feel someone kiss my cheek. "Night.." I mumble.

I wake up to light kisses on my neck and someone playing with my hair. "Good morning babe.." "Babe?" I mumble.. What?  I turn around to be face to face with Donnie. I shriek loudly. "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!" I sit up and get out the bed quickly. "Robyn what's wrong?!" "I'm not Robyn! You're not my Donnie! You've got the wrong girl! Nope nope nopeity nope nope!" "Robyn calm down, you're just loosing your memory." He stands up and reaches toward me "DONT TOUCH ME!" A"Calm down." "Don't touch me don't touch me don't touch meeeeee!" I walk out the room looking for Robyn. "Robyn? Where are you? Robyn?!" "Robyn cut it out." Donnie grabs me. "I swear to god! I will kill you, do not touch me again." I stare at him menacingly and he lets go. (Smol time skip)  

I run into Leo's room. "Leo wake up!" I pull the sheets off of him. He looks different without his mask on. "Huh?" "Leo, I need help." He sits up rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong April?" "Good, at least you know it's me... Look.. Robyn's missing and everyone thinks I'm her... Donnie too and it's creeping me out..." "What do you mean she's missing?" "She's gone like poof bye bye." "And you say no one figured it out?" I shake my head. "Alice said something about me speaking in my sleep saying that I found a portal. She thinks I left without her..." "This is going to be weird but, go with it... Donnie will be heartbroken if he knows Robyn is gone. And he won't help you get home and we'll never find her because he'll be depressed. I'll keep this between you and I..." "Leo what if he tries kissing me that'll be so weird!" "Figure it out! You're smart! You're a nerd." "Hey!" He chuckles. "Now get out I need more sleep." "Whatever weirdo."
I walk out in the living room and sit on the couch. Donnie sits next to me. "Heh.." I scoot over a little. Away from him. He then puts his arm around me pulling me close. "How are you feeling?" I nod, "Much better, I was just a little confused earlier, sorry." "It's alright." He kisses my forehead and I mentally cringe, "The medicine I made for you might just be working." "Yeah, totally." "Ugh I can't believe she would just leave without me! Jerk!" Veronica speaks... If only she knew. Alice walks in coughing up a storm, "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just dying!" She throws herself on the floor. Donnie plays with my hair braiding it and tying the end so it'll stay. "Now I can see your face." He smiles and I blush. I cannot do this. He leans in for a kiss and I fake a sneeze. "I think I might be getting sick!" I speak. "Is Alice okay?" Veronica speaks. "Nooooooooo!" She groans and flips over onto her face. "I want to die." "Me too.." I whisper under my breath. My phone then vibrates. I pull it out my pocket. "Whose phone is that?" Donnie asks, "Oh it was Aprils but she gave it to me." I smile weakly. It's just buzzing cause it's dying. "It's dying anyway..." "Whose that on the lock screen with her?" He questions. "That's her Donnie, from her dimension." "He's huge." He says speaking about his muscles. "Yeah he is." We laugh and I put the phone back in my pocket. I groan and lay my head back. "What's wrong?" "Just a little tired is all." He moves and I lay my head on his lap. Gotta make this believable right?

"I'm dying!" Alice sniffles. "You need anything?" "I need a doctor!" "Then come on, we'll go." After a trip to the doctor Alice finds out she has Pneumonia. "IM AS GOOD AS DEAD!" "Me too." I speak. I groan.. April left me here.. What a friend... I walk into the lair and I'm pushed up against the wall by Robyn. "Robyn what the hell?" "Veronica.. It's me April.." "What?!" I pull out my phone. "See it's me.. Robyn didn't have a phone like this." "I still don't believe you." "Oh suck my ass." "Okay now I do... Where's Robyn?" "She disappeared! She's gone! I'm pretending to be her!" "What? How?" "Look, I didn't say this before because I thought it would be physically impossible, but by me being here since I'm basically her, her physical form started deteriorating as I stayed longer, until eventually she disappears and all that's left over is me and the longer she's gone the more memories I get from her and the more feelings I get that were hers!" "Alright Donnie 2.0! Wait, so might that happen to Alice too?" "That's what's happening to her right now..." "That might actually not be that bad.. You know that Raph of hers is-" "VERONICA!" "I'm kidding! Calm your tits!" She laughs. "Okay, you can't tell the others.. Only Leo knows." "Got it." I let go of her and she walks away. I take a deep breath and sigh.
Life as we knew it just got a whole lot more complicated.

Don't Fall For It. ||A TMNT 2014/2016 FanFic|| ||Short Story||Where stories live. Discover now