The end.

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"Keep an eye out for KRAANG portals."
"Leo, what's this about?"
"Yeah what's up Leo?" Mikey chimes in after Raph.
"Just trust me and follow me in when I do what I'm about to." I've spotted a portal and it's closing.
"Let's go." I grab April in my arms and quickly run toward the portal. "LEO!" I hear Raph shout, "ROBYN!" I hear Donnie.
Making it in the portal I see every dimension lined up. It's not fun being here again. "Leo!" I hear my brothers come in after me and the portal closes. "What are you doing?" "I'm taking April back home." I smile as I spot the portal. I see the other us' on the other side.
I hop in and soon I am standing in front of 6 to 7 door tall versions of us. "Woah, you're a lot smaller than I thought." I hear Leo's voice and I set down April. "What is the meaning of this? Leo where's Donnie?" My brothers enter behind me and she runs to Donnie who holds her. "Leo where are we- Woah...." Mikey looks at the other versions of us in awe. "YO! I AM RIPPED IN THIS DIMENSION!" Raph checks out himself. "Leo, I still don't understand what you meant by taking Robyn home." I watch as Robyn pushes off of Donnie. I smile looking at her. She's growing taller. Her body is becoming more womanly. Her hair growing longer. "Woahhhh."

"Where am I?" I turn around and see Donnie, his eyes watering as he pushes up His glasses." "Donnie?" My smile has to be cheek to cheek as I run to him and hug him. "Donnie!" I missed you!"
"Mikey!" I hug him tightly, Raph too. "Leo..." he looks at me and I smile. "I've missed you." He picks me up and I smile. "I've missed you the most." He places his lips on mine and I kiss him deeply."
"I don't mean to ruin this sentimental moment, but where's Veronica?"
"Yo get your hands off me dude!" She yanks her hand from the small Raph's. "Where am I? What's going on? Raph?!" I've never seen Raph smile as wide as this since he's met her. "Raph!" She runs to him and he picks her up twirling her. "I've missed you so much!" He kisses her passionately and I smile as Leo sets me down. I look to Donnie who looks awkward. "Donnie- I umm." "No no, don't worry about it. I don't mean to be rude. But I don't think you're my type. I've thought about it a lot now and I think you two are perfect for one another." I smile hugging him tightly. "Thanks Don." I turn then look to the other Leo and Donnie.
"Hey." He smiles, "Hey." I hug him tightly and he hugs me back. "Thanks for bringing me home. I appreciate it. I also hope I wasn't too much trouble." He shakes his head, "Never." I smile and he pulls my cellphone out, "oh don't worry. Keep it. I want to stay in touch." He nods, "Sure thing." I look to Donnie. "Sorry D, but I'm not your girl." He nods, "I can see that now." I hug him, then Mikey, and Raph. "I'll miss you guys. We'll stay in touch." I hug Leo once more and place a kiss on his cheek. "I hope you find your girl Leo. Really soon." He blushes and I chuckle. "Bye guys."

"Do you think they ever got their versions of us back?" Veronica nods, "Pretty sure." She speaks with her mouthful of Whipped cream. "I'm sure they would've snatched us back if they hadn't." We begin to laugh and I look down as my new phone rings. "Speaking of the devil." I answer the FaceTime and smile as I wave to Leo.

"April! How are you?"
"I'm good! How are you? How's everything over there?"
"I'm good, everything's back to normal. When we came back home Robyn and Alice were waiting for us. The same old, same old."
I smile, "Good! I'm glad!"
He look at the camera and sighs, "I miss you." I smile
"I miss you too Leo, but you realize I'm not your April." He chuckles, "I know, but that doesn't change the fact that I miss you." I bite the inside of my cheek, "You'll find your girl. Really soon. I know it."
He nods, "Yeah. I'll call you later. We're about to go on patrol."
"Have fun!"
He hangs up and my Leo walks in the room. "Hey, who you talking to?" I smile and lean into him as he wraps his arm around me, "Was talking to Leo, but they're going on patrol now." "Ah..." he lifts me up sitting me on the counter and I kiss his nose. "How are they?" I nod, "They're good. Everything is back to normal." "That's good." "Yeah..." I chuckle as I look to him, "What? What is it?" "You do this every time..." "What do you mean?" "Every time you want to kiss me you stay in awkward silence and stare at my lips. Just kiss me already Leo! I'm yours!" Grabbing his face I pull him closer to me and kiss him passionately.

This is the end of my story, what's yours?

Don't Fall For It. ||A TMNT 2014/2016 FanFic|| ||Short Story||Where stories live. Discover now