I'm not a monster!

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I sit on the couch fiddling my thumbs as I watch Mikey play video games. "Hey Apri- I mean Robyn." I hear Leo's voice behind me. I turn around and look at him. "Want some?" He holds up a slice of pizza. I shake my head, "I already ate some." He laughs, "so you're the culprit who ate all the pizza!" I smirk and my eyes widen when I feel someone sit next to me. Really close. Donnie... Leo laughs at me and I turn to Donnie. "How you feeling?" He asks, " Much better! Thank you!" I smile. I then feel his lips connect with mine. My eyes open widely.

"I'm not a monster!"
"I love you too Donnie."
"I'm glad I have you."
"Here let me help."
"I-I think I'm in love with you..."
"You don't just schwing off your best friends hair!"
"Ooh! $20!"
"Ow fuck!"

(You might not get these references if you didn't  read my first story, Secrets In The Sewers, I wrote this book 4 years ago which was when I was in 7th grade and I was 12, so the beginning is a bit rocky, it was a 3 year long experience for me to write that book and I've never completely finished it, though I did write a nice sappy ending!)

I pull away from him holding my head, all these memories flooding in and they're not even mine! What is this?!! "Robyn are you okay?!" He grabs me because I was about to fall off the couch. He pulls me close to him. "I'm fine... " I stand up, "Where are you going?" "To the bathroom.." I walk towards the bathroom and open its door. I lock it and splash some water on my face. I look at my hair. "What?!" I grab it and my long braid is no longer long. It's shorter. Not quite as long. "Ohhhhh fuck!" My nails are painted the colour black and my clothes are the same ones she wore the day she disappeared, my body shape isn't the shape of a growing woman's anymore.. I have my 15 year old body back.... I was just 17 last week! This is all going down hill fast. I walk out after washing my face and sit on the couch. "Are you okay now?" I nod and he opens my arms and I can't help but to enter the warm embrace he gives me. He holds me close his slow breathing keeping me calm. "I love you..." Shit! I didn't mean to say that! I didn't want to say that. What am I doing?! "I love you too. Robyn." Robyn... Yeah that's right, I'm Robyn, Robyn, Robyn Marie Redcliff. I'm not April Robyn-Marie Lawrence... Who's that? When he pulls apart from me I smile.
"Robyn can I talk to you?" I hear Leo's voice from behind me. I nod and get up leaving Donnie there. "I'll be right back." I walk with Leo to the hall. "Did you just say?", "Say what?" He looks at me confused. "You just told Donnie you loved him...", "Yeah, I do.. why wouldn't I tell my own boyfriend I love him?", "Your boyfriend?", "What's your first and last name?", "Leo this is ridiculous-" "Just tell me.." I sigh, "Robyn Redcliff.", "Oh no... this is bad.." "Look, I'm going to go now.. you're freaking me out." I walk back over to Donnie and sit on his lap facing him. "Now, where were we?" I wrap my arms around him as he kisses me passionately.

"This is not good... I've got to go tell sensei." I run over to the dojo and find sensei cleaning up. "Sensei!", "Oh, hello Leonardo." "Sensei! April is turning into Robyn!" "April?!" "Yes sensei, she's with Donnie right now.", "But April is meditating over there." I look and see April O'Neil. "No not that April sensei. April Lawrence!" "My son, there is no April Lawrence nor have I ever heard of her... are you feeling okay?", "Yeah, just fine. I'm sorry for bothering you Sensei.." I leave an shut the shutter behind me. "Why does no one but me remember?!" I look over to her as she's flirting and talking to Donnie. "I've got to figure this out." I speak quietly to myself. I stand and think for a second. "The phone!!" They look at me as I shout, "Heh.. sorry." I rush into my room and grab April's phone. It's the only thing left from her but it's dead....
"Donnie's lab." I quickly rush without him seeing me, "There has to be a charger similar to this somewhere." I grab a bunch of wires and finally one is the match. "Yess!!" I plug it in and it makes a weird charging noise. After about 5 minutes it turns on. "A passcode?!!" I sigh and think, "Her birthday!" I put in the digits and voila it works! "Please work!" I scroll through her phone and fine a contact, "Leo!" I dial it. It begins ringing and someone picks up,

"April?! Hello? Where are you? I'm worried sick!"
I take a deep breath, "This isn't April, but I'm a friend of hers. She needs your help."
His voice gets angry, "Did you do something to her?! Who are you?!!"
"Please believe me. It has something to do with the KRAANG." The phone begins buzzing, 'Leo wants to FaceTime.'
"Answer the video chat buddy." I sigh and press the green button. It soon connects.
"Hi Leo, I'm also Leo."
"What the fuck?!!"
"Listen, the KRAANG transported her and your other friend to our dimension. She's going crazy. The version of her here, Robyn disappeared and April reverted back to her 14 year old self. She's no longer 17!"
"Robyn? Hold up, that's her Middle name. You're not making sense buddy." I flip the camera and show her flirting with Donnie. "She's literally crazy." I flip the camera back and look at him.
"Leo, from another Leo I'm letting you know, we have to figure this out. I'm the only one here who remembers, but I'm afraid my memory might be wiping too and fast."
"She's on another guy?!" He seems to be holding onto that and is very angry.
"Geez, what a hot head... I can't even imagine how Raph is." He shakes his head to my comment.
"Sorry, you're right. I need to be sound minded through this and help. I'll give you a call back in a few I've got to talk to my little brother. Donnie." I nod, "See ya."
Hanging up the phone I make my way over to April who is on top of Donnie. "Hey Robyn, lets go." I rip her off of him and he looks at me confused. I ignore him and continue. I pull her into my room and lock the door. " Don't move from here." I pull her over to the bed and she sits down. "Leo? What's this about?" The phone in my hand begins buzzing and I answer the FaceTime.
"I have her here."
"Put her on." I nod and hand her the phone.

"Holy shit, there's two Leo's?"
"April! Are you okay? What's going on? We miss you. I miss you, Donnie misses you."
"Look dude, I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm not April and my Donnie is right in the living room." I pull he phone from her hands and look at him. "This is what I'm talking about. She's not herself. I mean look at her." I flip the camera and his eyes widen. "That's not her. She looks like a little boy." I snicker and she gasps grabbing at her chest.

"I'm just a late bloomer okay!" She stands up and goes to the door but I block her. "You're not allowed to leave. Not until I figure out what to do."
"Leo!" I look at the phone.
"Maybe find a KRAANG. Have them open a portal. Force them! I don't know... or... this might take a while... but enter a portal and look through all the dimensions."
"That's crazy. But it seems like our only bet. I'll call you later." I hang up the phone and grab April by the wrist. "Let's go."
Leading her back to Donnie I look at him. "Let's go. We're going up top. We have KRAANG to find."
"Mikey!! Raph! Let's go! We have something to do."

Don't Fall For It. ||A TMNT 2014/2016 FanFic|| ||Short Story||Where stories live. Discover now