Rachel's Popular Party

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"Bye mom," Rachel and Becky shouted back as they exited Mrs Montague's car and watched her drive away; making sure no one had noticed their mother just drove them to school.

"I can't wait for my 16th birthday," Rachel commented as the two sisters, along with Merry-Sue, ascended the tall staircase surrounding school grounds, "Then I can finally stop depending on others to get me to where I need to be."

"That's not for another 2 years Rach," Becky rolled her eyes beneath her partially misted glasses, "Stop complaining about everything that doesn't go your way."

"Hey, if I can't complain to my own sister, what else would we ever talk about?"

Becky sighed because it was true.

"Well," Rachel announced, "It's your problem as of now," she stated regarding Merry-Sue and ran off as the girls reached the main enterance.

Becky noticed it wasn't very crowded yet. There were still a good 15 minutes before first period and she'd grown used to being among the first to show up, especially on days when her parents dropped her off. Usually she'd just shove her headphones in her ears and lock herself in a bathroom stall until the bell rang; but now she had to baby a lost little cave girl.

"Follow me," Becky said. Merry-Sue obeyed and tailed Becky into the girl's bathroom, where they hid until the bell rang. Becky contemplated whether anyone would question Merry-Sue's presence. She'd supplied her with a pair of ill-fitting jeans (Merry-Sue's legs were much slimmer than both Becky and Rachel's) and an appropriate, long sleeved, crimson turtle neck. Merry-Sue looked like a regular, emaciated teenage girl from the neck down; but her head was so disproportionately large and her features; beady eyes and flaring nostrils, were so odd she was sure to attract attention. Becky hoped that her own acute dis-alure and forbidding hostility would compensate for Merry-Sue's attention-grabbing self and the two would cancel each other out. Perhaps her lack of popularity and traditional attractiveness would finally come in handy.

The two girls emerged from the bathroom, Merry-Sue mimicking (for reasons unknown even to herself) Becky's sneaky and suspicious movements as she entered the hallway, scanning around for unwanted onlookers. Passers-by were all momentarily drawn to Merry-Sue, their curious gazes colliding immediately with her, naturally attention grabing and visually aluring, self. But, as they merely caught glimse of Becky's repulsive silhouette beside the weird girl, they all turned their heads, never thinking to look back again. Becky patted herself on the back; good job.

As they entered classroom number 57; biology class, Becky immediately cursed her nerdy soul for being condemned to the front row, where everyone would surely notice she wasn't sitting alone this time. The chair beside her almost grew its own layer of dust at the lack of company with which it was supplied. The only time of year there were actual candidates lining up to sit next to Becky was during finals; when everyone just wanted to coppy her work. Fleetingly, Becky attempted to steal a spot in one of the rear rows, but they were claimed by jocks and popular girls, with whom she did not want to stir trouble. Defeated, she realized the jig was up and decided to face her demise accordingly; by lying and persuading the teacher Merry-Sue was completely unfamiliar to her and she had no idea why this strange new girl was sitting next to her.

Suprisingly, Merry-Sue had not drawn much attention as she peacefully, too peacefully, sat down in the front row. She wanted to mirror Becky, who she deemed an "expert" at the 21st century, and be as convincing as her when it came to belonging in this world. Becky hung her backpack over the back of her chair like an examplatory student; so did Merry-Sue. Becky took her jacket off; so did Merry-Sue. Becky picked her nose surreptitiously; so did Merry-Sue. The only thing she couldn't follow was pulling out a textbook, because she didn't have one. She only took out a flimsy notebook and old pencil case Rachel had supplied her with and displayed them across her end of the table.

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