Cave Lessons

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Becky had proceeded to rage about Merry-Sue's transformation to Rachel, who dismissed all of Becky's arguments, insisting Merry-Sue wasn't the type to let power get to her head. It took a few days for the two to simultaneously rekindle their friendship, but by friday they were on speaking terms once more. Becky was curious about the Wellington mansion and all the inconspiciosity that manifested within its walls. Merry-Sue was happy to indulge her cogitations with all kinds of insight. Myrna had never made it explicit that none of their "popular girl rituals" should be publicized.

"And they have this really cool chef, who always brought me tons of food, because Myrna would only approve of salad," Merry-Sue explained, "Most of the staff members were really nice to me, really. There was just this one horrible woman named Commander Pain. God, she was a bi-"

"Wait," Becky cut in, not only to censor unwanted profanity in my G-rated Wattpad book, but because it had just struck her to ask something, "Was that other girl with you while you and Myrna went shopping and had girly conversations and stuff?"

Merry-Sue blinked, "Uh. . . You mean Ally? No. I don't think I've ever seen her in the Wellington residence."

"Huh," Becky contemplated, "That's weird. . . Didn't you say you were supposed to have a grand enterance or something instead of Ally?"

Merry-Sue nodded, "Yeah, but then Myrna decided against it at the last second. Said people already thought I was a freak without having me under a spotlight."

"Ouch. Well, Myrna was never very picky with her words."

Merry-Sue shrugged, "What does it matter, anyway? When I first came to school, you told me to keep a low profile too."

"I did, but the thing is, you're not really in low profile mode right now are you?" Becky brooded, "I mean, you're right in the center of the popular circle, right where she wants you. . . There's got to be a reason Myrna substituted you with Ally. She's been trying to get you to be her right hand woman for months! Surely, she would want to show off how she got what she wanted again."

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It was a very beautiful, midwinter morning. Rachel and Ren decided to take their lunch outside, even though it was still quite chilly. Ren wanted to gaze at the abundance of snow and stare sadly at all those poor, beautiful trees and plants and life just rivetting and aching beneath the icy shell. Or something. Ren was poetic like that. All Rachel saw was a bunch of trees and bushes. If they were leafless and covered in frost, that's how they were supposed to be in January.

"So, how was your vacation?" she asked when she got bored of watching Ren stare at a particularly sad-looking rose bush.

"What do you mean?"

"You went on to visit your grandparents. . . right?" Rachel elaborated.

"Oh, yeah, it was pretty boring, I guess."

In the following silence Rachel decided to start on her sandwitch. It was cold and soggy. Kind of like her mood. She was so unprepared for the question Ren shot at her that she still had bread in her mouth when she answered.

"You know MC, right?"

"Who?" Rachel choked.

"That girl," Ren explained helpfully, "You know, the one who used to be friends with Becky. The one who stole the snowmobile on our ski trip."

"Oh, Merry-Sue?"

Ren nodded, "So, you do know her?"

"Well yeah," Rachel shrugged, "She's sort of my friend. . . I guess."

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