Pine Springs Temptation

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Chapter 1

"Delilah get up it's moving day", I hear mom yelled from down the hall. Today I leave my life in Maine to move to Pine Springs, Minnesota. How exciting, I wonder how I got to be so lucky? As you can see I disapprove of this moved. You would too if your mom was moving you during your senior year of high school. She got a job promotion and with it came moving to a new state.

"Delilah if you don't get up now I am coming to pour cold water on you." "I' m up". It's just my mom, my sister Heidi and I. I haven't really knew my dad. He walk out on mom after Heidi was born. Heidi is fifteen and she is excited knowing we are moving to a new state. You guess right if you guess the reason is because of boys.

Heidi has always been the out going type, but me not so much. I am shy, I have friends, but don't date has much. I have dark brown shoulder length hair with blue eyes. I am 5'3 with tan skin. Heidi is 5'2 with dirty blond hair with blue eyes. We are both slim. I am on the track team while Heidi is a cheerleader. That is why she is popular and I am not.

"Hey you need help packing", asked Heidi. "Yeah thanks". "So this is exciting isn't it", asked Heidi? "Absolutely not". "Don't be that way Delilah. This is a new start for all of us". "Yeah maybe but why do I get the feeling my life will forever change." "I don't know, but maybe that is for the best", said Heidi walking to the door.

After three hours of packing I had everything in my room pack in boxes. "Are you finish", asked my mom, Mollie? "Yeah all packed and ready to go." Closing my door for the last time was kind of sad. This was the only house we have ever lived in. I didn't have a lot of friends, but I would missed my best friend Andy. We have been inseparable since we were two. My mom and his were best friends.

As I walk out of the only house I have ever known I just starting wondering what Pine Springs would hold for me. "Hey are you leaving without saying goodbye?" I turned and saw Andy leaning by my car. "No of course not I was going to stop by on my way out". "I decided to save you the trip", said Andy. I put my bags down and ran into his arms.

"I am going to miss you". "I am going to miss you more", said Andy hugging me tight. "Don't forget to write", I tell him crying. He reached to wipe my tears away and said "this isn't goodbye Dee". He was the only one I let call me by a nickname. "This is just see you later". "Ok I will see you later". I turned to get my bags but paused when he said my name. "Delilah". He never calls me by my actual name. " I love you I will see you later." With those last heartfelt words he jump on his motorcycle and drove off. "I love you too". But I knew he didn't hear me . He was my best friend just like a brother to me.

"You will see him again". I turned to see my mom behind me. "I know it is just hard to leave." "This is the only place we have ever lived." "Delilah, sometimes change is good". "Ok let's get going", said Mollie. "Try to stay behind me". " I will mom." "Heidi are you riding with me?" "Yeah I am coming." I saw her with her boyfriend, and I was hoping one day I will find someone who would love me unconditionally.

"Did you break his heart", I said bucking my seatbelt? "We agree that a long distant relationship wouldn't work." "Are you ok with that?" "Yes of course. After all we are both young, and you know there is always more fish in the sea", Heidi said with a wink. "Is that all you think about?" "No I don't think about boys twenty-four seven." I gave her a yes you do look, and she starting laughing. "Ok maybe I do". "You never know someone in Pine Springs might capture your heart", said Heidi. "I doubt it."

After driving what seem like days, which wasn't really, we finally arrive at our new home in Pine Springs. I step out and was wowed by the house. It was a two strong brick home. "Mom how are we affording this?" "My new job pays a lot more." "We got a good deal". "Don't worry this is a new start for all of us, and I really want y'all to be happy here". "We want that too mom".

Walking into the house I couldn't get over how big it was. "Girls it has four bedrooms and two and half baths", I heard mom say. "Go pick out your rooms". Heidi and I look at each other and raced upstairs. "I call dibs on this one", yelled Heidi. I came to the room at the end if the hall it was facing the woods. I thought it was perfect. "So what do you think", Mollie said. " I like it mom it is perfect."

"The moving van is outside", said Mollie. "Ok mom I am coming". I walk outside and stop dead in my tracks. One of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen unloading all of our stuff. He stops and seems to sniff the air, which was weird I was wondering if I smelled. I probably did I was tired and sweating, but hey he would too if he was moving.

Right when I was about to walk up to him another guy came around the corner. He was just as gorgeous. He had light brown hair and blue eyes . Both were over six foot. "Well hello", I heard the guy with light brown hair say. I"m Caleb and this is Hayden." "Hey I am Delilah." "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl", said Caleb. I was about to shake his hand, but my sister came running out and caught both of their attentions.

And like always I became invisible again. I walk away without them even knowing. I grab my boxes and went to my room to start unloading everything. "Hey where would you like this?" I look up and I just thought the guys downstairs were gorgeous. They had nothing on this talk, dark, and handsome man. "Hey this is getting heavy ". Just great I knew it was to good to be true. All the fine ones are jerks.

"Sorry you can put it in the middle of the room." "It is about time you found your voice". "I have other work I need to do." I saw red how dare he treat me like shit . He didn't even know me . "That is fine I can take it from here." He seem to be shock that I stood up to him. "Fine have it your way." As he was leaving I said "what a ass". "What was that princess?" I froze because it was no way he could had heard me.

"Oh nothing have a great day", I said smiling. When I knew he was out of hearing range I said "not". I was hoping I wouldn't see that guy again. Although it was possible because he look to be around my age. I found another guy to help me with my mattress because it was no way I wanted to be in the same room with that guy again matter he was fine.

Once my bed was put back together I went downstairs to look for my box that had my sheets in it. "Mom do you know where the box is that has my sheets in it?" "Come in the kitchen Delilah, and have some supper. You can finish it later," mom yelled from the kitchen. I walk in and what do I find my sister and mom sitting at the table with five gorgeous guys. One being Mr. moody or I am too good for you, whichever you wanted to call him.

"Delilah this Tim, he is the owner of McCoy Movers. He was gracious to come out himself to help today and bought everyone pizza", said Mollie. I didn't know what to say because mom seem to really like this Tim guy by the way she was looking at him. "Hey thanks for helping today". "You are most welcome Delilah", said Tim.

"This is my crew; to the right you have my two sons Caleb and Hayden. Then to your left is Mike and I think you have met Seth already". Well what do you know Mr moody has a name. "Nice to meet all of you." They all said like wise except, you guess it Mr. Moody. I wonder why he didn't like me. It seem that Heidi and Hayden like each other by the way they kept looking at one another.

"Delilah are you going to eat", asked mom? "I think I will take a slice to my room. I still have a lot to do". "Ok but you can take a break it will be there tomorrow, and you can get to know the boys since you will be attending high school with them. Seth and Caleb are seniors too", said Mollie. Isn't that just peachy we will probably have a class together. "Isn't that good Delilah", asked Mollie? "Yeah thanks for y'all's help, but I think I will take my food to my room." "Ok sweetie don't work too hard", said mom. I made it to my room and lean against my door and thought this way going to be a long year if I had to be in the same room as Mr. Moody. I just hope I didn't have a lot of my classes with him.

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