Pine Springs Temptation

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Chapter 2

After I got most of my stuff put in my room I went and took a long shower. After my shower I threw on my pj's and crawl into bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke up about ten the next morning. I walk down stairs and when I got to the kitchen I see Heidi and that guy Hayden sitting at the table talking.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty", said Heidi. "Hey you are up early". "No you are up late. I have a lot to do today. Hayden volunteer to take me to the mall and show me around town", said Heidi excitedly. "Well that is very sweet of you Hayden." "Sweet is my middle name", Hayden said with a wink to Heidi. Give me a break, really we just moved here and she already has a guy swooning over her.

"Do you want to come too", asked Heidi? "No that is ok don't want to be a third wheel." "Go have fun I still have to finish unpacking." "Ok we will. Oh you need to go to school and register for classes and sign up for track", Heidi said walking out the door. "Ok will do."

After I finish eating some toast and eggs I went upstairs to take a shower, and to get ready to go find the school so I could register for classes. As I made it out the door I suddenly remember I didn't ask Hayden where the school was. So I got my phone out and called Heidi. "Hey Heidi I forgot to ask Hayden where the school is." "Oh ok here he is". "Hello". "Hey Hayden I forgot to get directions to the school." "Ok here talk to Lizzie she is good at giving directions."

Before I could protest a cheerily girl's voice came on the line. "Hey I am Lizzie I am so excited you will be attending North Senior High with us." "Thanks can you give me directions?" "Sure it can be difficult to get to though. Can you meet us at the mall for lunch and we can drive out together", said Lizzie. "Ok where is the mall?"

"After I got off the phone I drove straight to the mall. She really did know her way around. Once I was parked I hopped out. On my up to the entrance I saw a group of teenagers. As I got closer Heidi step out from behind Hayden. "There you". "Yeah Lizzie gave good directions." "Oh good you made it", I heard Lizzie from behind me. I turned around and notice a girl with brown long hair hair with brown eyes. "Hey I am Lizzie". "Hey I am Delilah it is good to meet you." "You too", said Lizzie. "Come on, we can get going, do you want to ride with me? We can get Hayden to drive your car with Heidi. He is sixteen so he has a license." "Yeah that will be fine." I passed my keys to Hayden and told him he breaks it he bought it. He laughed at me, but I was totally serious .

We walk to Lizzie's car and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Her parents must have money because it was a yellow jaguar. I am not a big fan of a yellow cars but this one was pretty. "I love your car". "Thanks I know it stands out in the crowd because it is yellow, but I like it." "You should see my brother's car. "It is a 79 black corvette. He restore it and it is beautiful." "How old is he?" "Oh he is seventeen too we are twins". He is older by three minutes but thinks he is years older because he likes to boss me around. You know how brothers can be very protective."

"Yeah but sometimes it is good to know that you have someone watching your back." "Yeah you are right. He acts like a jerk, but really is a sweet guy." "How far is the school from here?" "About twenty minutes".

We arrive at the school and it is a lot bigger than my old school. I knew I would get lost. "Wow it is big." "It is but once you have been here a week you can find everything with your eyes close." "I seriously doubt that, but good to know", I said laughing.

Lizzie was a good tour guide. I was just hoping I could remember everything when Monday rolled around. After I sign up for my classes Lizzie and I went out to the local diner to get some lunch. I could tell a long friendship was forming. She was easy to talk to and fun to be around. She let me know about the people to stay away from and the people who were cool to be around. Apparently her brother, which I still hadn't learned his name, was very popular.

After we ate she drove me back to my house. I was surprise to see my car in the drive way, and it was all in one piece without a scratch on it. Maybe Hayden was trustworthy after all. "Thanks for showing me around". "Your welcome this was fun. We will have to hang out again this weekend." "Sounds good".

"Did you have fun", asked Heidi walking into the living room? "Yeah surprising I did. Lizzie was sweet and showed me around the school." "I am glad you made a friend. Andy called for you". "Ok thanks I will call him back." "He said he will call you back tomorrow, he said he was going out". "Oh ok," I said disappointed.

I ran upstairs to take quick shower. By the time I was finished mom was calling me down for supper. When I came downstairs I heard laughing coming from the kitchen. I was surprised when I walk in the there and saw a man I have never seen before. "Hey Delilah I want you to meet Mr. Dave Cray. He is my new boss." "Hey Delilah it is good to finally meet you. Your mother has told me all about you and your sister." "Nice to meet you too Mr. Cray." "Please call me Dave."

Just when I was about to say something about eating in my room I heard the door bell. "That must be your son now", said mom. I was wondering why his son was joining us too. Surely if mom was dating her boss she would had mention it to us. "Joel you finally made it," said Dave. I turned around an met a gorgeous a guy. He had black hair with light blue eyes. He was about 6'2 and very well built.

"Delilah this is Joel, Dave's son. He goes to Minnesota School of Business, said Mollie. "Nice to you," I said holding my hand out for him to shake. He took my hand and shook it, his hand was so warm, but something was off by the way his eyes held mine. He made me nervous. "It is nice to meet you too Delilah. I have heard a lot about you," said Joel.

Supper was a little awkward to say the least. Apparently Heidi had a date with Hayden so she refuse to stay home. Mom kept looking at Joel and I, it seem she wanted us to get together. I was curious how old he was, but it seem mom didn't care about the age difference. "Delilah did you sign up for classes today," asked Mollie. "Yeah I did, and for track." "Good when are tryouts?" "In about a week". "You better start training again."

"I will I start back tomorrow." "If you want some company we live down the street, I would love to run with you, said Joel." Wow what was I supposed to say to that? "That is very sweet of you Joel, she would love that," said mom. Really I can't believe she is answering for me. "Thanks I will let you know", I said smiling. Deep down I was wishing I could get the hell out of there.

After dessert Dave insisted on helping with the dishes. I would had thought it was sweet if I didn't want to run away from Joel. I think I would rather be in the company of Mr. moody than Joel. Joel gave me the creeps matter he was fine. It was something about him that I couldn't put my finger on. "Thanks for a lovely supper Mollie", said Dave. "Thank you and thanks for coming," said Mollie. "I will see you tomorrow at work", said Dave.

I wanted to throw up the way they were looking at each other. I wanted my mom to find someone, but Dave wasn't the one. It was something about him too, like he was trying to hard to be nice. "Let me know where you want me to meet you Delilah for that run", said Joel. "I will". After they drove away I turned to mom and said "what the hell just happen!" "Delilah language please". "Mom how old is he?" "Only twenty". "Mom stop trying to play matchmaker. Don't you think I can find my own boyfriend?" "Yes sweetie but did you get a good look at him?" "Mom yes I notice how gorgeous he is, and I bet every other girl knows too." "I don't think he is a player Delilah. His father speaks very highly of him." "Give me a break, never mind I am not even going to bother I am going to bed."

"Delilah at least consider a date with him?" "I will think about it." I ran upstairs and change into my pj's. Right before I doze off to sleep I heard a howl in the distant. I was just hoping it wouldn't come close to the house. That night my dreams were filled with a black wolf chasing me.

Pine Springs TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now