Unexpected visitor

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Chapter 21

Delilah's POV

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I follow the smell to the kitchen to find Seth cooking shirtless in my kitchen. Needless to say I probably had drool falling from my mouth. He must have heard me because he turned around grinning. Did he know how he affected me?

"Good morning princess. Did you sleep well?" All I could do will shake my head yes. "Yeah umm how long have you been here?" "About a hour. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed." "How sweet and thank you. Is Heidi up yet?" "She left with Hayden a hour ago. He was taking her out for her birthday." "Oh yes today she turned sixteen. I can't believe mom is missing it." "She will be back soon princess. Nothing will keep her away from you and your sister. I am not so sure about that Seth".

I could tell he wanted to say more but the door bell rang so I got out of telling him that my mom was a loving and caring woman that loved us, but deep down she was lonely and wanted someone to love her too. Maybe she finally decided to give in to those urges.

I open the door to find a man I have never seen before. "Can I help you?" "Yes I am looking for a girl name Delilah Russ? Does she live here?" I didn't know this guy so I knew what I had to do. "No sir I've never heard of her". I didn't have to say more because Seth came to see what was taking me so long. When he got to the door I could had sworn he growl and the other man had a strange look on his face. Surely I was imagining thing.

"Can we help you with something", asked Seth who was clearly pissed for some reason? "No I was just leaving". He then turn around and walk back to black car. Before he got in he gave me the strangest look. Did he know that I was lying?

Mollie's POV

Anthony's dad still took my breath away. He made me wish I was half vampire. "Mollie please come in. "There is so much we need to discuss." I went in and he lead me to the living room "please have a sit and I will go get Samantha . She will be so happy to see you." He left but because of his incredible speed he was back with Samantha following close behind him. "Mollie it is so good to see you again. Would you like something to drink?" I shook my head and she started laughing.

"You know Mollie when I first met Carlson I was just like you. That is why when Anthony bought you home for the first time I knew you were perfect for him." I was speechless was she really saying all of this to me? "Mollie your heart is racing is something wrong?" "No Samantha just never knew you felt that way towards me. I thought you hated me?" She laugh again "no sweetie I just wanted my son to be sure about you. Bringing a human into out world isn't easy, but he said he knew you were is other half when he laid eyes on you."

I wanted to cry. I thought I was doing the right thing about keeping Delilah from his world but now I know I made a mistake. "I am sorry what I did. To both of you and mostly to Anthony. I was so scared when I found out about y'all's world. To top it off I was pregnant with a child I didn't know if she would live or die once she was born." She came and hug me "Mollie I know that is the reason you ran. Anthony was heartbroken when you left. He tried to give you time, but when he gave you a week to think everything over you were no where to be found. I have always wonder how you did it?"

"Well my grandfather kept us hid well". "I see and what is your grandfather?" I laugh because he knew no human could hide me and not leave a trace of our whereabouts. "He is a alpha wolf ". "I figure he had to be. Does Delilah know about her heritage", asked Samantha? "No I never told her. I always wanted to, but how would I start the conversation." "She deserves to know Mollie," said Samantha.

"I know I will tell her soon". "Mollie it might be time to tell her now than later. You should go home. Anthony went to see her. I know you rather break the news to her yourself." "Yeah I should go". "Mollie I just want you to know Anthony still loves you. You are his other half. He is just upset you left the way you did. Give him a chance", said Samantha. "I will thanks for talking to me". I left their house wondering how I was going to tell my daughter she was half vampire plus having wolf blood in her. How do you break that to your child? I just hope I could tell her before Anthony got there.

Anthony's POV

"Was it her?" "Yes but we have a problem". "Ross you know that is not what I want to hear. What exactly is the problem?" "It seems she is surrounded by wolves. The young man that came up to greet me had a sense of power. Must be a alpha or son of one", said Ross. "Yes that does present a problem, but nothing I can't handle. Let's go back to the cabin I need to make a few calls. I have waited too long to see my only child I will not let a few wolves get in the way of meeting her", said Anthony.

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