Pine Springs Tempation

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Chapter 12

I woke up early that morning so I could get home. I tried sneaking out of Lizzie's room so I wouldn't disturb her, but she must have a dog's hearing because right when I got to the door I heard "where do you think you are going?" "Lizzie I thought you were asleep." "I was but you were being so loud trying to be so quite." We both started laughing because I guess when I tried to be quite that is when I am the loudest.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you". "It is ok I was about to get up so we can go shopping". "Lizzie I need to get home". "No you don't I told your mom you would be home tonight. We are going to go shopping and take in a movie and maybe shop some more."

"Lizzie I don't think I can because I need to get a job before i can go shop for myself." "I wasn't going to make you pay silly. You are my guest today and I want to treat you". "You are not going to let me out of this, are you?" "Nope you are stuck with us all day." "Wait who is us?" "Oh my brother and my boyfriend. You didn't actually think they would let us go into the city without them, did you?"

I showered, dress. and put my makeup on within a hour. Once I was finish I went downstairs to see if I could find something to eat. I walk into the kitchen and I was shock when I saw a older version of Seth staring back at me. "Oh hello I am Delilah." I put my hand out for him to shake, but he just stared at me. "I know who you are". He refused to shake my hand and acknowledge I was even in the room. I wonder what I did that was wrong?

I got up to leave since it was clear to me that I wasn't welcome he stop me to say "my son will never be mated to you". Then he turned and left. I wonder what he meant by that? We weren't even dating. "Good morning princess". I turned and there was Seth standing before me only wearing his pajamas pants. "Hey". "What is wrong Delilah?" "Seth, I think I am going to go."

"What? Why" "I just remember I need to get home". I moved to get passed him, but he caught me by the wrist. "Delilah if something is wrong I need to know", Seth said by putting my hair behind my ear. "You know you are nothing like I thought you were when I first met you". "Yeah I know I am sorry that if I was an ass".

"At least you are honest with yourself". He started laughing and I got sad because I knew we could never be together if his dad had anything to do about it. "Seth I need to see you in the study now", said his dad! "Sure dad. Did you meet Delilah?" His dad stared at me then walk out of the room.

"I'll be back don't worry about my dad. I guess you can say he doesn't like fresh meat". Then he did something unexpected he hit my ass. I was so shock I didn't know what to do. "You know he has that effect on all girls, but I think this is the first time I ever saw him smile so much", said Lizzie coming down the stairs.

I then was able to compose myself. "Oh he doesn't have that effect on me". "Yeah keep telling yourself that", said Lizzie. "We need to hurry Jake is ready to go". "Who is Jake?" "Oh my boyfriend, he is older by two years so he is in college." "Lizzie I was trying to tell Seth I think I am going to go home". "Don't be silly we haven't spent any of Seth's money yet." "I wasn't planning too". "Yeah I know I was going to spend it for you". I was about to object but we heard telling coming from the study.

"You can't tell me who I can be with", yelled Seth. "As long as you are under this roof you will obey me", yelled his dad. Seth then walk out coming toward me. "Seth you disobey me I don't have a problem kicking you out of this pack. Then where would you go", asked his dad?

Seth froze. I could tell that hit a nerve. In stand of saying anything he came towards me and grab my hand. He pulled me upstairs to his room and shut the door. "Seth I ---", but I couldn't say more because his lips were on mine. He tasted great. I wish that moment could last forever. "Princess listen to me don't listen to what my father saids". "Seth it is ok if he thinks I am out of your league because I know I am". "Delilah you aren't. You are perfect, smart, kind, and beautiful. Everything that he would want in a mate. He though he had that with my mother, but she didn't want this life".

"What kind of life do you have?" "I will tell you soon princess, but for now we are going to have fun." Shopping with Seth was actually fun. Lizzie made me try on so many outfits I felt like a model. When I thought she was finish playing dress up she drags me to the one store I thought I wouldn't ever step foot in with a guy, Victoria's Secret. Although Seth was looking forward to it I had to break it to him gently it was no way he was going to see me half naked.

"I love this store", said Lizzie excitedly! "Ummm Lizzie I think I will wait for you over there." "I don't think so you have to help me pick out something." "Why is it your honeymoon?" "You could say that", said Lizzie. I don't know why but I had a feeling Lizzie was keeping something important from me.

"Hey it is me. You might want to get to the mall. Delilah is here Lizzie and looks like they are shopping at Victoria's Secret." "Are they alone?" "As far as I can tell, no wait I see Lizzie's boyfriend and you don't want to know who else." "Tell me now!" "It doesn't mean she is shopping for herself for him." "Tell me! "It is Seth." The line went dead. I knew he was mad but if I didn't tell him he would eventually find out.

Seth's dad POV

"Hey we got a problem. It seems my son has fallen for a mix breed. I will not have my grandchildren being one of those." "But sir Seth is after all half wolf." "Don't remind me of my mistake! The only thing you need to worry about is getting this away from my son!" "Sir I will do my best but I have seen them together they are truly mates." "I don't care what you think! Do what you are told matter what it takes!"

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