Pine Springs Temptation

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Chapter 14

Joel dropped me off at home and once I was in mom tried talking to me about him. She kept wanting to day how sweet he was for coming to getting me. She wasn't fooling me I know she set it up. What I couldn't understand why she was pushing us together?

I ran up to my room and changed into my exercising clothes. I grab my iPod and ran downstairs. "I am going for a run". I heard mom saying something about Joel and his dad, but I chose at that moment to put my ear plugs in. After all whatever she had to say I more than likely heard it all before.

I started running and it felt so good to relieve some stress from the past few hours. I was mad and upset about the whole "Seth situation". Why couldn't I be good enough for him? I was do deep in thought I didn't realize I ran to the lake. I fell to the ground to catch my breath.

"Princess you are a hard girl to track down". I turned and saw the one boy I knew the reason why I was running. "How did you find me?" "That sweetness isn't important. Why did you run from me?" I got up and started to walk away from him, but he grab my wrist. "Delilah, why did you run?" With him saying my name I knew I couldn't hide anything from him. How did he have that effect on me?

"You know why Seth. Your dad made it clear this morning that I wasn't good enough for you." He closed his eyes and when he open them I could had sworn I saw love shinning through them for me. "Princess you can't let him get to you. He just don't know what to make of you because you are so special in many ways."

I started laughing because why would he even say that to me? After all he didn't know me. "You know you are full of it. I know I am not the kind if girl that you would ever give a second look at. Your dad is right it is best you forget about me." I saw his eyes flash a dark green then he grab me by the waist and pulled me closed to him. He bent his head down close to my lips and I closed my eyes and waited, but instead of kidding me he smelt my neck.

"Princess I will only say this once so listen closely. I don't ever want to hear you say that again". I couldn't breathe. He was too close to me, and he smelled amazing. Like pine and the guess cologne that I loved so much. "Delilah nod your head if you understand". I did what I was told because after all I was mesmerize by his voice. He then gave me the sweetness kiss I had ever receive before. It was absolutely wonderful.

"Now that you have blown my mind with that kiss, can I walk you home?" All I could do was nod. Maybe I was in shock because he was totally different from what I expected he would be when we first met in my room. He walk me home and he held my hand. I finally found my voice and we talked about everything. He told me about how he loved to play football and wanted to play professionally, but it was expected of him to take over the family business. Since he was sharing his hopes and dreams I told him I wanted to travel the world and take pictures. "I love taking pictures of animals. I want to go up north in the mountains to take some pictures of some wolves." He seem shock to hear that I was interested in wolves but chose not to comment.

"Well here you are", said Seth. "Yeah I guess so. I will see you at school." Before I could walk further away from him he grab my hand, and gave me a kiss wanting more. "Sweet dreams princess". "Good night Seth". I went up stairs to my room and shut the door. I couldn't help but smiled it turned out to be a great day.

"I can't believe this! He can't have her! I saw her first!" "You need to calm down son. I got word that the alpha doesn't want them together. She will be out of his life before you know it." "How can you be so sure? Seth always gets what's he wants." "Well maybe you should make sure you tell her everything you know about Seth. Make her despised him."

"Would you do that to your friend?" "I would do anything for the woman I love. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to be with your destiny." "Dad when he finds out you know I will be kick out of the pack or worst even killed. I just wished things could be differently." "I know son, but you know I have your back". "I am going out for awhile. I will be back later." "Son before you go just remember just because you aren't alpha born doesn't mean you aren't as strong as him. It might come down to a fight". "I know dad, that is the thing I am trying to avoided."

After I got to mom room and changed I was so hype up I couldn't go to sleep. Why was acting like this? I was not my sister. I do not act silly when it came to boys. As I laid on my bed I got the strangest feeling I was being watch. When I got up to see that is when my decided to scared the living hell out of me by sneaking up behind me.

"What are we looking at?" "Mom do not do that". "What did I do?" "You made my heart jumped to my throat". "Of course not dear, if I did that you would be probably be dead now". "Mom". "Ok sweetie I am sorry, but you did leave the door right open for that one". "Since when you do you crack a joke?"

"Well I wasn't going to say anything, but I met someone". "Really mom that is great! Who is it?" "Well don't worry about it right now, but I can't wait for you and your sister to meet him. He actually has a son your age". "Really well do I know him?" "Well he does go to your school and his dad said he will stop by in the morning to give you a ride to school".

"Mom I don't need a ride because I have a car". "Well Delilah I need to borrow it tomorrow while my brakes are being replace on mine". "Mom just call his dad back and tell him I will catch a ride with Heidi and Hayden." "Heidi isn't here just went to a friends house and Hayden will pick her up there so the mystery guy is your only hope." "Mom it is ok I will just walk". "No you won't! It is too far". "Just give him a chance you might like him". "Mom stop trying to fix me up".

"I'm not dear, I just want you to be happy here". "Ok not another word about it. He will pick you up and you will be nice". "Fine but I don't have to like it". Going to sleep that night I couldn't help but wonder who the mystery guy will be.

My alarm went off at six a.m. and I was dreading for laid ahead of me for the morning. I got up and took my shower, blow dry and straightened my hair. After I brush my teeth and put makeup on I went to my closet to see what to wear. I decided on my favorite pair of flare jeans and my blue shirt. Right before I could put my boots on mom was yelling at me that he was here. After I got my boots on I grab my backpack and walked downstairs. Once I made it to the bottom the mystery guy was finally revealed. I couldn't believe it. "You ready to go Delilah?" I wonder why mom kept the identity of the boy a secret?

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