Pine Springs Temptation

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Chapter 9

By the time lunch came around I was starving. We had to run fifteen laps in gym. My legs felt like they were about to fall off. On my way to my locker I accidentally bump into a guy about six foot tall with light brown hair and brown eyes. "Oh sorry I wasn't watching were I was going." "It is ok no harm done".

He then walk in the opposite direction. I was starting to wonder why this school was filled with fine guys. Walking into the lunch room I hear "princess come sit with us". Seriously, I think he can sometimes smell me a mile away. I look to the far side of the room and see Seth and his friends sitting at a table. I also see the blond girl sitting by Seth and she is giving me a death glare. I wonder why she hates me?

I get in line to get my lunch and I notice I am behind Kip. I tap him on the shoulder and when he turns around he is surprise. "Hey Kip I was wondering if the food was good?" "Yeah sometimes, today we are having pizza and it is usually good". "Kip is it anywhere quite that I can eat it? It seems a little crowded in here." He smiled for the first time. Maybe he would change his mind about becoming my fried after all.

"Yeah I like to go sit at the picnic areas. Not many sit out there. Some say that is where the rejects go". "Perfect I think I will go out there". "I don't think Seth will let you". I was about to say Seth doesn't own me, but I hear from behind me "princess I want you to meet my friends don't go sit outside." How did he know that was what I was planning? It is no way he heard us talking it was way too loud in here.

"Princess it is your turn", said Seth. I notice I was holding up the line. I step up to pay for my pizza, but Seth best me to it. "I got it princess, no worries". "Seth I can pay for my own food ". " I know, but I wanted to." It was sweet, but mom raise me to be independent, and not depend on a man.

Before I could chicken out I made a bee line to the exit. I know I took the coward way out , but it was one of those situation, that the things he was doing was freaking out. Right before the door closes I hear " princess you can run, but can't hide." Well I was running whether he like it or not.

I make it outside and I see Kip talking to the boy I ran into on my way to my locker. I wonder what they were talking about because it look like they were arguing about something. They must sense my staring because they stop and look at me then the boy walked off. "That was weird I said to no one in peculiar."

"Talking to yourself again." I turn to see Lizzie. "No of course not". I start laughing "ok maybe just a little". "I was curious about Kip and the boy he was talking to". "Oh you mean Jonathan Daniels?" "Is that his name?" "Yeah he moved here around the same time Kip did." "Are they friends?"

"Maybe a little. Not too sure, they both keep to themselves". "Maybe I should go befriend them." "Delilah that isn't a good idea". "Why is that?" "For one Seth, and two Joel". "Lizzie I am not dating either one". "I know not yet". "Come find me when you get finish with lunch."

I wonder why she acted like I was Seth's and Joel's. It was no way I was being claim without my consent. I finish my lunch and when I look up I notice Jonathan staring. I guess he was trying to show me how it feels, or maybe he was curious about me too.

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