Pine Springs Temptation

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Chapter 15

I was shock to say the least. My date was Caleb, Seth's best friend. "Hey Caleb what are you doing here?" "I am here to take you out". "Wow when mom told me that I had a blind date I wasn't expecting it to be with you. No offense I was just surprised, but surprise in a good way". He smiled so big. He really was handsome, sweet, and absolutely breathtaking.

"Bye mom see you later". "Ok sweetie have fun". Caleb lead me to his black four door F-150. He had huge tires so he had to help me get in. I was thinking it seem like all the gorgeous guys have a lot of money. Once he was behind the wheel he looked at me and smiled. I wonder what made him so happy.

"I take it you aren't upset about this blind date?" "No of course not. Why would I be upset?" "Well going out with someone you might not know can be a little upsetting." "Were you upset when you found out you were going out on a blind date?" "Yes because I like to know who I date before I say yes".

"Well I am glad you made exception just this once". "Yeah me too. At least I know you, but I wonder what Seth is going to think?" He froze when I said his name and I wonder why? "Caleb are you ok?" "Yeah don't worry he knows and was fine with it." "Oh well that is good."' Deep down I was screaming why didn't he care just a little? I thought he liked me? I guess I was wrong.

"Delilah you are a sweet girl so I tell you this because I don't want you to get hurt. Seth isn't what you think? He is a player. He is actually promised to a girl already." "Oh I didn't know he had a girlfriend". "He doesn't exactly just a arranged marriage." "Why doesn't he get to choose who he marries? This is a free country after all." "I will tell you one day, but not tonight. Tonight I want your undivided attention."

We pulled up to a very nice restaurant. He helped me down and he when I was touching the ground he continue to hold on to me. He finally let me go but kept a hold onto my hand. It was a very sweet gesture. If only it was Seth. I knew he was too good to be true. I wanted to enjoy my night so for just for tonight I put all thoughts of Seth Walker out of my mind.

Caleb was so much fun to be with. We had a lovely supper and he even spend me around the dance floor a few times. I was having such a great time I didn't see Joel walking towards me. "Delilah I thought that was you", said Joel walking up to me. Caleb froze when he saw him and I wonder if they didn't get along. "Hey Joel are you out on a date too?" "No actually just picking something up. I didn't know Caleb's newest interested was you?" I was offend how could he say that to me? Caleb growled, but I know I was hearing that because it is no way he would growl at Joel. After all he isn't an animal.

"Joel you are forgetting your place". "Caleb let's just go?" "Not until he tells you he is sorry for calling you a slut." "I wasn't calling her that because she isn't, but I have to wonder what Seth thinks about this?" "Don't worry Joel he was fine with it." "How can you say that Delilah? Do you really think Caleb told him?" Was Joel telling the truth? "I got to go". "No Delilah don't leave. He isn't telling the truth".

I didn't give him time to explain because I took off at the front door. I tried to flag down a cab but heard Joel and Caleb in the distance. I knew it was a matter of time before they caught up to me so out of my better judgement I took off running in the dark. It wasn't the smartest thing I have ever done and I had a feeling it wouldn't be my last.

"Sir Caleb is out now on his date with Delilah. It won't be long now that she will forget about your son". "I hope you are right. I can't have her messing up the marriage between Seth as Chloe. Let me know when he gets back. I will like to know how it went". "Yes sir". "The sooner she is out of his life the better. I can't let him go through what I did with his mother."

"Seth we have a problem!" The minute Joel mind link me I knew it had to be serious. The pack members don't know yet, but Joel is Delilah's protector. Since I first smelt her before I saw her at her house, I knew she was my mate. At the time I didn't want a mate, and didn't want to marry Chloe. My thoughts of not wanting her changed when I laid eyes on her.

I could tell she was nervous when she saw me, but what I wasn't expecting for her to speak her mind the way she did. She looked so shy and timid. After our date everything changed. I love her with every breath I take. Convincing dad will be my biggest challenge yet.

"What's up Joel? It sounds important.." "It is Delilah Seth." I was on full alert now. "What is wrong with my princess?" "Seth listen to what I have to say before you get mad". "Just tell me!" "She was out with Caleb, and when I went to say hello she has the idea you were only using her". "Do what? What made her think that, and why was Caleb with her?"

"I am not sure, but I will get to the bottom of this. Right now though we got bigger fish to fry. She was so upset she ran off in the dark. I haven't been able to locate her yet". Before I closed off mind link with him I said "Joel don't come around for awhile it wouldn't be safe for you". "Seth I am so sorry I will find her", but I didn't let him finish what he was going to say. I jumped out of the window and I was on all four in the matter of seconds. Once I got to the clearing I sent up a howl to Joel to let him know I was coming and I wasn't happy. I will deal with him and Caleb later for now I have to find my princess.

I heard a howl in the distance. I was hoping it wouldn't come my way. I didn't realize how far I ran to till I came to the lake. The full moon shone off of it so brightly. If I wasn't trying to run away from the guys and trying to run into that huge wolf that is somewhere in the distance I might would had stop and admire the beauty of it. My heart though skip a beat when I turned around and came face to face with the biggest wolf I have ever laid eyes on.

Pine Springs TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now