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Chapter 18

I woke up the sun shining through the window. I look to my right an Lizzie is spread out over the bed. She must be a heavy sleeper. I heard a light snoring coming from so I decided to wake her by hitting her with a pillow. "What the?" "Language please", I said laughing. "Why are you up so early", asked Lizzie groggy? "It isn't early sunshine. It is twenty passed eight". "Give me another hour or two", said Lizzie covering her head with the cover.

"Oh no you don't". "Let get up and maybe do some shopping". That got her attention. "Shopping you say?" She then pulled back the covers and jump out of bed and ran towards the bathroom. "You know shopping is my middle name", said Lizzie closing the door to the bathroom.

While Lizzie was taking a shower I went downstairs to search for food. As I got to the bottom I overheard mom talking to someone over the phone. It was clear that she was very upset. Curious I tip toe so I could hear what she was arguing with the person about. "This is unacceptable", yelled Mollie. "You can't just walk about into her life after all this time. You should have never left in the first place". "Don't you give me that bull shit speech!" Wow mom was really mad. She never cussses. "You're to late she is already promise to someone, and unlike you he will love her and protect her." I then heard her slam down the phone. I wonder who she was talking about?

I was about to walk into the kitchen when she accidentally runs into me. "Oh Delilah I am sorry. I didn't see you there." "Mom are you ok?" "Yes of course". "Mom I overheard your conversation. Someone made you mad". "What have I told you about eavesdropping? It is very rude and inconsiderate for the other person." "Mom I didn't intend to. I was just coming downstairs to get something to eat when I heard you yelling."

"Oh yes I was yelling. Sorry about that. The person really upset me and he has no right to", but she cut her sentence off. "Mom was that dad?" It seem all the blood rush out of her face. "No it wasn't my ex or Heidi's dad". I was confused because why did she say Heidi's dad? "Mom are you feeling ok because you just said Heidi's dad in stand of my too?" "Delilah I need to talk to you about some things but not right now. I need to go see your grandmother. She will know what to do."

"Mom you aren't making any sense. You are just packing her for Arizona right now?" "Yes I have to. Do you have someone you could stay with for about a week?" "Seriously? Mom tell me what is going on?" She just kept throwing clothes in her suitcase like her life was in danger. "I will be back in a week or two. Try and stay out of trouble." "What am I supposed to tell Heidi?" "Just say a emergency came up with grandma. "There is money in the safe if you need it." She then walk out the door leaving me so confused.

"Hey are you alright", asked Lizzie coming downstairs? "Yeah my mom has to go out of town for a few days. Do you want to stay for a couple of days?" "Yeah that would be great! We will stop by my house after shopping". "Ok sounds good I am going to go shower and change.

Unknown POV

"What was that all about?" "It seems Mollie is still running away from me. She refusing to let me see my daughter." "You did kind of scare her the last time y'all were together". "I tried to explain everything to her as calmly as I could. How could she run away from me with my only child? I finally track her down and she still refusing to talk to me. Looks like we will have to do it the hard way. We leave for Pine Springs immediately!"

Lizzie's POV

While Delilah was up taking a shower I called Seth to let him know what was going on. (Ring ring) "Hey brat what's up?" "Hey I am still at Delilah's". "Oh yeah what is my princess up to?" "Well if you must know she is taking a shower, but that isn't the reason why I called." He suddenly got very quite. "Hello are you still there?" "Yeah sorry just had a mental picture".

"Ok whatever, the reason I called because I need for you to tell daddy I am staying at Delilah's for a few days. Her mom had a emergency trip she had to take, which is weird. I actually think you should send someone to follow her. This whole trip seems fishy". "Ok I will send one of the trackers out. Did Delilah seem worried?" "Yeah she did. Look I got to go here she comes". He was about to say more but I hang up I knew he would fuss later. "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah let's go".

Andy's POV (thinking back before he went to Pine Springs)

"Andy I forbid you to go". "Dad I am seventeen you can't tell me what to do. I have to go see her". "What kind of hold does she have on you?" "Dad Delilah and I have always had something special." "Are you ready to die for her?" "Dad she is in trouble I have to help her". "Let someone else be her protector." "Dad I think is more than me protecting her. I am drawn to her. Maybe I will be her child's protector."

"Andy if you leave I can't let you back in". "Then I guess this is goodbye then." "How can you pick a girl over your own family?" "You know why?" "Just because you had that dream when you were little doesn't mean anything." "That is where you are wrong dad." I then did one of the hardest thing I had to do. I had to leave the only pack I have ever known. To be protectors in a pack is a very high honor. When I was young I had a dream that I would meet a very special girl one day that needed my protection.

I knew when I first saw Delilah she was special and it was something different about her. The only thing is the girl in my dream wasn't her, but she looked a lot like her. Which only means Delilah will have a baby girl that will be endanger. I haven't told dad but lately I have more dreams of the brown eye little girl. I have to go and protect Delilah and the baby girl that she is meant to have.

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