Pine SpringsTemptation

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Chapter 8

Why me? "And you are", asked the teacher? "Hey I am Delilah Russ. I just moved here from Maine." "Welcome to North Senior High, I am Mrs. Smith". "Go take a sit by Carla". "I see a girl raise her hand, I guess that is Carla. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She looks like she is shy like me.

The teacher starts passing out our assignment and it is a William Shakespeare poem. Just fantastic, I wonder how I could get out of this assignment. Maybe tell the teacher true love doesn't exist. "Class you will work with a partner for this assignment. Someone else has the same poem as you, go find them. Your assignment is to put in your own words what the poems means, and how it effects you."

Just kill me now. I hate William Shakespeare poems how was I going to write how I feel about it ? She has to know no one knows what that man is talking about. "Well princess looks like I am your partner". I look up and see Seth looking back at me. Looks like I just proved my sister wrong. This is going to be a bad day .

The poem we were chosen to do was Shall I Compare thee to a summer 's day? Sonnet 18. I was wondering why for all poems she pick one like that. Everyone knew it was talking about how a man loved a women. It is know why I come do this assignment. "Let 'a read it , shall we", asked Seth? Seth started to read and I got lost in his voice. Did he have that effect on all the girls?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

The bell rang and snap me out of it. "Come to my house tonight and we can start the assignment", said Seth. I was about to say I couldn't because I was going job hunting, but he told me he would see me at lunch. I knew I had to go hide when it came lunch time.

The rest of my classes went well. Seth wasn't in there so that was a plus. When I walk into algebra I froze because not only was in there but looks like the other football players were too. To make matters worst the blond that corner me earlier was in there too and all over Seth. It was disgusting I wanted to puke.

"Hey princess how is your first day going?" I tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't allow it. "Come back here princess so we can talk". "Why is she your princess, and I am not", asked the blond. "You know why", said Seth. Just great my first day here, and I am all ready getting on someone's bad list.

I decided to sit by a boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He was muscular and look to be a little shy. I found it kind of funny that he was shy, I guess he was like a big teddy bear. "Hey I am Delilah, what is your name?" He stare at me for the longest than said "hi I am Kip." "Well Kip that is a interesting name".

I could tell Kip and I would be like me and Andy. I heard a low growl coming from the back of the class, which was strange. I was starting to wonder if the teacher had a rapid dog in the back. Class pass in a blur, I could tell I would have to have a tutor.

"Kip where is your next class?" "Delilah you seem like a sweet girl, but I don't think we should be friends". He then pick up his bag and walk out of the room. Why couldn't I make any friends, what was wrong with me? "It is ok princess he is a jerk". "Seth am I not likable?" "Of course you are". "What did I do that was wrong?"

"I told you nothing. He moved here a couple years ago with his brother, he keeps to hisself." "So he doesn't have any friends?" "He won't get close to anyone." "Well looks like I need to change that."

Unknown 's POV

"Hey I found the girl ". "Which one would that be?" "The same girl I have always like. She has moved here." "Oh...the girl you always talked about, but never went to talk to her". "Yes, and this time she will be mine. However I am going need your help". "Why is that?" "The alpha's son is all over her like white on rice." "Not my problem ". "You have to help me!" "We will see I don't need any trouble in this town". (Click)

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