14. The interview

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The uncontrollable sobbing is well... Uncontrollable.
I didn't cry because I missed Reece, it was because I thought I had saved him, but I didn't.

It took me until noon to get myself together, then I made my way down to lunch, and everyone stared as I walked in the room. Whispers were everywhere. Everyone knew that I had something to do with this whole thing, and they couldn't decide wether to be a afraid of me or like me even more.

A teacher approached me and I braced myself for the scolding and the classic, "why didn't you attend morning classes? You look perfectly fine you couldn't have been sick!"

But instead, I got a pleasant," I hope you're doing alright. The California Up to Date cast is here to interview you."

Not at all what I expected.

I made my way down the old carpeted hallway and to the main lobby. It's funny how our school has a "lobby."

There they were with cameras and microphones waiting for me to arrive.

"Hi there Lindsay! Take a seat! Don't worry we're not interrogating you, we're just gonna talk about you."

I nodded and sat down.

"How are you doing? After all the stress of yesterday?"

"I'm handling it all okay."

"So how did you know Reece was in the basement?"

"Well in the video that was sent out he says it looked like a basement and there were desks and cloths. I heard of a rumor about our school having a basement but it was locked off after a teacher was attacked, but I had no idea it was true."

"So, if that basement was locked off how did you open it?"

"There was a text message sent to my... Boyfriend Hudson saying that the key was hidden in this book in this bookstore. Anyway we drove around town trying to find it and it turns out it was in the principals... Office at St. Paul's."

"How did the key end up there?"

"I honestly have no idea, but I'm glad we got him out."

"That's a very courageous thing you did, skipping school to find the key and breaking into the basement. It's impressive that you put those pieces together."

"Thank you so much, but I couldn't have done it without Hudson."

"Thanks for joining us Lindsey, I'm glad we could talk."

I left and went back to my room to cry even more because I went through so much and I really believed that Reece would be okay; but he wasn't, and now there's nothing I can do.

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