Chapter 6, Zeref Dragneel

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E.N.D's Pov, 

Lucy's lips were soft and tasted like strawberry. I didn't want it to end, I didn't want to pull away but we had to for air.  I placed my forehead on Lucy's wanting to taste her again. I wanted to taste even more of her, even more of her in honest truth. Lucy's hands were on my shoulders as my hands were on her waist. "Natsu" Lucy whispered as I leaned in for another kiss until the doors were knocked. I growled a little as I looked at Lucy. I could tell by her eyes she didn't want me to go. "I will be back soon, rest" I whispered to her.

Lucy nodded sadly as I got up and headed to the door. I left closing the doors behind me to see Mard Geer standing there. "Lord Zeref is here to see you" Mard Geer made me shocked. Zeref? Here? I walked off towards the throne room, I knew that he wouldn't be happy about Lucy but he would have to deal with it.  As I got into the throne room I saw my brother standing at my throne smiling at me. "I heard you have a pet human" he spoke looking at me. I glared at my brother walking up to him. I wouldn't let him take my Lucy.

"She's my lover not my pet" I snapped shocking him a little. He soon just smiled. "I would like to meet my future sister-in-law" he then looked around as I growled a little. "What not trusting me brother?" Zeref asked sounding a little hurt. I muttered some curse words under my breath as I glared at him a little. "She is resting, the insets tried kidnapping her" I informed as my brother nodded. "Have you marked her yet?" Zeref asked as I nodded. He just smiled more. "Im glad your happy with her brother" he shocked me.

I thought he wouldn't want her anywhere near me. "But if she tries to bring your human form back we will have to end her" he then had no emotion on his face as I growled at my brother. He then walked out the room leaving me there as I headed toward the cells. I had to know what they said to my Lucy. I had to brake them and fast. As I got inside I saw demons dragging Lisanna to the middle of the room. "PLEASE DON'T! LET HER GO" Mira was screaming, begging for us to let her younger sister go and live. I smirked closing the doors. 

Lisanna looked at me, tears in her eyes. "N-NATSU FIGHT THAT DEMON! PLEASE" Lisanna shouted tears streaming down her cheeks as I just laughed at her. What an idiot. "Whip her" I ordered as the demon with green hair from before grabbed a whip holding it tight. I saw fear grow in the Fairy Tail members eyes. What insets. The demon started to whip Lisanna, every time the whip hit she screamed in pain, begging for it to stop. Blood dripping from her back as tears went down her face. "STOP IT" Mira and most of the humans screamed.

"DAMN IT NATSU THAT DEMON IS KILLING LISANNA! FIGHT IT" Erza screamed upset. I just walked up to her cell smirking my head off. "Natsu is gone" I whispered to her. "Really? Then why have Lucy safe?" Erza asked/snapped as I growled at her. "You are worthy to say my Star's name" I snapped opening the cell, dragging Erza out throwing her next to Lisanna. "Swap to that one and use the fur whip" I ordered as Erza's eyes widen. I had all of Natsu's old memories. I knew about her past. I then walked over bending down grabbing her by the neck.

"ERZA" many of the guild shouted as I smirked at her. "Let's see some flash backs shall we?" I asked as Erza had fear grow in her eyes. I chuckled as I clicked my fingers making chains come from the ceiling above. I then clipped them chains on Erza's lifting her in the air a bit to show off her pain better. "Natsu if your in there, kick that demons ass" Erza nearly shouted as I just laughed at her. "He is gone" I looked at the Fairy Tail guild. They all had fear and worry in their eyes seeing Erza like that. I moved back to lean in the wall as the demon started to whip Erza.

She bit her bottom lip to keep back screams as blood dripped from her back. "Do what it takes to make her scream" I then ordered a smirk growing on my face. This was only just the start for what I had planned for them....

Meanwhile Natsu's Pov, 

I heard Lisanna's screams. I heard the guild begging me to fight the demon in control. I-I didn't know how. I had to beat this. I had to save the guild... I had to save Lucy. Soon the darkness around me turned white. I was floating around white background. I looked around to see an image show up. My eyes widen in horror as I saw Erza getting whipped as she was chained to the ceiling. W-what was that demon doing to them? I-if he was doing this to the others w-what was he doing to Lucy? MY Lucy!?!? I started to get more worried.

He could be doing worse to her. "FIRST YOU MAKE LUCY FORGET HER FAMILY AND NOW THIS? IF NATSU IS STILL THERE BLOODY FIGHT BACK" Gray soon screamed as my eyes started to water. H-he made Lucy forget Fairy Tail? H-how? W-why? I watched as E.N.D took my body out of the room and walking down some hallways reaching big black wooden doors. He slowly opened them as my eyes got even wider. I saw Lucy standing there wearing a black silk dress with red outline around the bottom. She also had black dolly shoes on with red bows on it.

S-she looked amazing. "Natsu" Lucy smiled at me as E.N.D closed the door behind him before walking up to my Lucy, he placed a hand on her cheek, making her cheeks go a little red. I then saw something on her neck. A-a bite mark? W-what did he do to my Lucy? "What's with the nick name?" Lucy asked her cheeks more red. I couldn't hear what E.N.D was saying. I needed to know. The more I fought the more I could see or hear. "LUCY DON'T LISTEN TO THAT DEMON" I screamed feeling anger starting to grow inside of me. I wasn't going to let the demon have MY LUCY!

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