Chapter 4, Please

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Gray's Pov Still, 

Lucy soon gave up trying to get out of my grip. She was a lot more quiet also. "Natsu is following us" Wendy sounded scared out of her mind. Then again I didn't blame her, E.N.D was inside him. Controlling him. I vowed to kill E.N.D, I promised my father. But I wasn't sure if I could kill my best friend. "He must smell Lucy's sent" Gajeel mumbled as we stopped at a dead end. The secret passages was a huge mage, it felt like we had been trapped in there for days. My feet was even killing me. I felt weak also. I couldn't fight that demon like this.

I placed Lucy down on the ground seeing two small holes in the side of her neck. "Guys" I was worried as they all looked. Wendy gasped as Erza stared shocked. "A-a demon mark" Levy whispered scared and worried. "A what?" Gajeel and I then asked confused as Erza also looked confused. Wendy put her hands next to Lucy's neck trying to heal the holes. "A demon can mark a person as their own, they normally do it for personal slaves or lovers" Levy answered as mine, Erza's and Gajeel's eyes widen. Slaves or Lovers? What one did that demon see Lucy as?

We all knew the idiot had a crush on Lucy. Everyone saw it but Lucy. If that demon had picked up Natsu's crush that meant he had to be inside that demon. Had to be in there fighting. "Lucy you have to remember us, you gotta fight that demon mark" Wendy then begged tears forming in her eyes as Lucy looked at her shocked. Her eyes soon soften as we heard running echoing through the hallways. "Demons" Erza whispered as we looked around "Maybe theres another door here" Carla whispered hopefully. We all looked around.

Lucy then tapped a brick behind her opening the wall, making her fall backwards onto the ground. I picked her up bridal style, thanking that Juvia wasn't there to see me holding Lucy like this. We all rushed into the room to see a giant old library. Levy looked around her eyes widen with joy and excitement as the wall closed. "There's no other exit or entrance" Erza whispered as I placed Lucy on a chair, slowly taking the gag out her mouth. She looked at the ground keep quiet. "Lucy we are your family, please try to remember" I whispered to her.

I couldn't lose another family member. I couldn't handle losing someone close to me again. Lucy looked at me, I saw the confusion in her eyes. "That demon mark on your neck has made your forget us, you have to fight it's spell" I then whispered/explained hoping she would believe me. Soon Erza walked over putting her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her. "We all miss you Lucy" she then started to help me. I was a little shocked at first but soon smiled and looked at Lucy. She then rubbed her neck thinking.

Soon we heard the wall we came through get bashed on. We all jumped turning around staring. "Lucy no matter what stay behind me" I ordered as I got ready to use my magic on the demons. Soon the bashing stopped. It went very quiet. "M-maybe they are leaving" Levy whispered walking over as we was all in a group. Sadly Levy was wrong for once. The wall came crashing down as demons filled the room. Natsu or should I say E.N.D stepped into the room glaring at us and then he was staring behind me. I turned my head a little to see Lucy staring at her hands.

I then looked at E.N.D who was now growling, glaring at us. I then saw it, he thought of Lucy as a lover. "You all will pay" E.N.D muttered his hair now covering his eyes as the demons started to get closer. Erza gripped her sword as Levy and Wendy hid behind Gajeel. We didn't have much magic left in us. But we had to fight. For the world. For Lucy. For Fairy Tail. "FLAME BRAIN YOU BETTER BE FIGHTING THAT DAMN DEMON" I then shouted, hoping, praying that he could hear me. I was praying that the idiot could just hurry up and stop messing around.

The air in the room started to get hotter as we clashed with the demons. E.N.D didn't move as we wasted our power. I froze demons in ice, Erza cut them in half and Gajeel protected the girls. I was very low on magic and out of breath as E.N.D smirked. He just used his men to make us weak. He used them like tools. "I won't let you destroy Lucy's memories of Fairy Tail" I soon snapped upset as E.N.D then looked right at me. He was glaring daggers at me with his glowing red eyes. He didn't like me. I hated him. I hated how he took over my best friend. 

"You dare talk to someone who's more superior?" he asked me upset as I laughed and rolled my eyes, shaking my head a little and then smirked at him. "Superior? Your still that idiot flame brain, we all know" I answered as he looked really upset. The air was getting even warmer, getting harder to breath even. With a blink of an eye I was being punched into the wall. As I hit the wall, I coughed blood and fell to the ground. Erza and Gajeel tried fighting him but ended up being punched next to me. Both ending up on the ground in pain also.

Levy and Wendy were frozen in fear as E.N.D walked up toward up his hands turning on fire. H-he was going to kill us. "NATSU STOP IT" Lucy soon screamed making E.N.D freeze. The fire on his hands died down as he turned his head. I looked also to see Lucy standing there, fear in her eyes. Even without her memories she still was the same. She hated to see someone she cared for have blood on their hands. "Lucee" E.N.D whispered sounding like the old Natsu. He was fighting.... He had to be in there.... That idiot had to be fighting!

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