Chapter 7, Escape

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Lucy's Pov, 

I stared into Natsu's eyes. They was flashing onyx to red. I was confused as Natsu looked at me confused. "What is it my Star?" Natsu asked confused as I dragged him over toward the mirror. "Your eyes" I pointed out as he looked at them shocked. "Damn them insets" Natsu muttered upset as I looked at him confused. He soon took a deep breath and then smiled at me, putting his hand on my cheek once again. "My Star" he whispered leaning in. I slowly leaned in also our lips about to meet until the doors of the room burst open.

Natsu and I pulled away from each other as I turned my head to see the Dark Wizard Zeref. I moved behind Natsu scared. "She knows her place" Zeref smirked as Natsu started growling at Zeref. Zeref just looked at Natsu and sighed walking over. "I wanted to meet her before I left" Zeref explained as Natsu moved his arm backwards, making sure I was hidden behind him. His growling got louder making Zeref sigh, shaking his head. "E.N.D are you really not letting me see her? Is she blinding you that much?" he asked upset his smirking leaving his face.

I was shaking a little. "Your going to turn around and leave and meet her another day" Natsu snapped shocking me. Zeref was the new ruler and he was snapping at him.... Just to protect me... Zeref glared at Natsu before turning around and leaving, closing the doors behind him as he did so. "W-why does he want with me?" I asked scared as Natsu turned around cupping my face. He put his forehead on mine smiling at me. "Im not sure but I won't leave you alone with him Lucee" Natsu answered in a whisper.

I smiled at Natsu as my head started to hurt. "Lucy?" Natsu asked worried as I started to fall backwards. I felt myself get caught as everything went dark and fuzzy......

Meanwhile Wendy's Pov, 

The spell I used to get Lucy's memories back should of start working by now. I was worried they wasn't going to work. I stayed in my cell Juvia covering my eyes while I covered my eyes. I couldn't watch Erza getting hurt. I-it killed me. Soon the room was filled with smoke and dust making us all cough as Juvia moved her hands and so did I. My eyes widen as I saw Jellal, Meredy and Ultear taking out the guards. Meredy and Ultear started to free us while Jellal got Erza free. She landed in his arms as he held her close. They would make a cute couple.

"T-the only way to win this way i-is to get Lucy" Erza whispered to us all as we looked at her worried. Ultear smashed my chains as I rushed over to Erza using healing magic. I didn't have much left but it was better than letting her die. "Lucy?" Jellal asked confused. "She's E.N.D's weakness, she is the only shot we got in bring back Natsu" Gray then explained as Jellal nodded. When I was done Erza could walk again but I was out of breath, tired as hell as someone picked me up bridal style. I look to see it was Romeo. 

I felt my cheeks burn up right away. Romeo carried me as we all hurried out. "Me, Jellal, Ultear, Mira and Laxus will get Lucy the rest of you get to safety" Erza ordered as well all nodded. "Meredy take them to the camp, we will meet you there" Ultear smiled at Meredy who nodded. We all headed off leaving Erza, Jellal, Ultear, Mira and Laxus alone. As we kept running Meredy got us all out the prison we was once in to see we was in a castle. I was shocked as we kept running deep into the forest. "Hopefully we can bring Natsu back" Gray mumbled as I listened with my dragon hearing.

"If Lucy is the key who ever has her would win the war so we gotta make sure Zeref doesn't get her" Meredy replied as I started to get worried I hide my face in Romeo's shoulder, feeling weak and tired. I was also scared..... For my friends.... For my family.......

An Hour Later, Erza's Pov, 

We headed toward the room we last found Lucy to see guards at the door. "Laxus" I whispered as he nodded moving fast, punching the guards around the face, knocking the out right away. "N-normal people?" he whispered shocked as we walked over. "The demons are turning humans into slaves" Jellal then explained as my hands turned into fist. Mira opened the door as we saw Lucy fast asleep on the bed. I walked over with Mira to see her breathing pretty fast. "We need to hurry" Mira whispered as Laxus walked over, picking Lucy up bridal style.

We soon hurried following Jellal who lead the way. "We must hurry" Mira whispered staying near Laxus, staring at Lucy worried as she started waking up. Oh no. We didn't have anything to gag her with. "Laxus?" Lucy asked confused in a whisper as we all froze. "I thought she lost her memories" Mira asked confused as I stared at Lucy shocked. "She did" I replied confused as Laxus let Lucy stand. "Oh god, Zeref is after me" Lucy then sounded scared as Mira hugged her. "We need to move" Jellal mumbled as I nodded.

Mira dragged Lucy as we started running. Following Jellal to the exit. Sneaking past guards as we heard a roar. "Natsu" Lucy whispered as Mira looked scared out her mind. I felt myself shake a little as we all kept running. We soon made it out the castle, rushing into the woods. We kept running until we reached a small camp. I saw Gildarts hugging Cana, as many people where resting and helping Lisanna. "Lucy" Levy nearly shouted as nearly the whole guild rushed over. "Are you ok Lucy?" Jet asked worried as Lucy had tears in her eyes.

"I should be asking you all that, your my family after all" Lucy answered as we all had a group hug. I was so glad Lucy remembered us. Gray started explaining the mark on Lucy's neck and Jellal and I started talking about a way to attack. "We need Lucy and Natsu alone" I mumbled as Jellal nodded. "How?" Jellal then asked. "I have an idea Erza" Levy's voice mumbled as I turned my head to see her standing there playing with her fingers. At lest someone had a plan and it was the smartest person of the group.... Thank god.......

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