Chapter 9, Is She Gone?

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A Week Later, Natsu's Pov, 

She was gone. She left me. She died to save me because I was to weak to save myself.... Because of that weakness they was gone.... It had been a week since what happened and the town was finally back to normal. People were free living as Zeref and his demons vanished when Lucy let me have control once again. The guild had changed. Cana would drink less, Erza ate less cake and I sat in the corner by myself. Blaming myself for what happened. It was my fault. I was too weak to save the person I loved and never got to tell her.

I never got to tell her that I loved her too. I never got to tell her. I didn't smile anymore, always putting on fake smiles for Happy. Lisanna was scared to go near me and Erza was like that at first. I didn't blame them. I first thought they would kick me out the guild. Everything was just slowly getting done. Team Natsu wasn't there anymore, I went on missions alone. I even left Happy behind half the time when I could get away from him. I felt to guilty. I felt like that I would get the others killed also. E.N.D was still inside me. He was me after all.

He was another part of me. My dark side that I couldn't get away from. No matter how hard I tried he would always be there. Everyone now knew I was Zeref's younger brother and I hated it. I didn't want that to be even true. I just came back from a mission, my hands had some cuts and bruises on them. I didn't care. I felt like I had to work harder, I had to some how repay for everything that had happened. I felt as if the world was now always watching me. Watching every move I made. I even left as if Zeref was watching me. Waiting for me to turn once again.

Waiting for E.N.D to take over. Then again even I was waiting. Waiting that E.N.D would try taking over my mind and body once again. He already destroyed the one thing that I loved. The one thing that gave me the power to fight him. The one thing that I loved. I walked over sitting in the corner table of the guild alone. Like normal I placed my head on the table, missing how Lucy would be upset about her rent. How she would always make me laugh and smile. "Natsu w-want me to heal your hands?" I heard Wendy ask shyly.

I turned my head to see her. "No thanks Wendy" I whispered as she looked at me worried. Soon Mira walked over grabbing my head by the head, lifting it off the table. "Wendy heal him" Mira ordered and Wendy nodded, moving her hands over mine. She started to heal as I just sighed. I wanted the pain. I felt like I deserved more. I felt that I shouldn't even be in the guild anymore. I wasn't sure why I was fighting anymore. I had lost my main reason. I kept going on more missions than normal to pay for rent in Lucy's flat....

I kept it... Hoping that one day my Lucy would come home to me. Hoping that somewhere out there she was waiting. That she was alive waiting for one of us to find her... "Everyone come outside real fast" Levy nearly shouted as everyone rushed outside. I slowly got up and walked out. Once I reached outside I looked up at the sky to see the stars were shinning brighter than normal. I felt myself shaking a little. Lucy loved the stars. She would always stare out and look at them. We saw a shooting stars making the form of an 'X' all across the sky making us all stare in shock. 

"Levy what is this?" Erza asked as I saw Levy flipping through a book. "I dunno, something about the Celestail world" Levy answered as my mind went to Lucy. What if she wasn't dead? What if this was Loke's way of telling us? I noticed one of the stars flying off away from the 'X'. Soon my eyes widen as I smelled Strawberry and Vanilla. I saw Wendy, Gajeel and Laxus sniffing the air shocked, their eyes widen also. I started running toward the scent and the the star what flew away from the 'X'. I kept running and running, hearing and smelling others behind me. 

I didn't care. I had to see if it was Lucy.... My Lucy... I kept running and running until I saw it. Someone falling from the sky with Lucy's scent. It had to be her. "LUCY "I screamed rushing toward her. I kept running jumping toward her as I caught her in my arms. I was right it was Lucy. My Lucy. She was passed out a I landed on my back, hugging her. "NATSU" I heard Gray as I sat up shaking Lucy. "Lucy wake up" I nearly shouted as I heard her breathing and her heart beat. She was alive. The others soon got here staring at me in shock.

"We need to get her to the guild" I nearly shouted getting up, holding Lucy close. I didn't want to let go. The others only nodded as we rushed back. Everyone staring at us in shock. We soon hurried and ran off heading toward the guild.... I-I had my Lucy back and this time I wasn't going to leave her. I was going to protect her.

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