Chapter 8, War

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Lucy's Pov, 

I was scared and worried. I was alone in a field, Mira and Erza were watching from afar. I was standing in the field taking deep breaths as I heard a roar. I looked up in the sky to see Natsu flying. He had dragon wings. I stared, my eyes widen as he spotted me. He landed in front of me, his eyes glowing blood red. "Are you hurt?" he asked upset as I shook my head. "I want the truth when I ask this Natsu" I then whispered confusing him. "Is the human Natsu still inside you?" I then asked a little louder shocking Natsu. I stared at him, with a serious face.

I stood my ground as he sighed. "Yes" he then answered as relief hit me. Thank god. The old Natsu was in there. "Only for now, he won't be for much longer" Natsu then added making me worry. He pulled me close to him, placing his forehead on mine. "I-I can't let you hurt my family, I love you Natsu so please don't make us fight you" I then whispered my eyes watering a little as Natsu sighed once again. I didn't want to fight him. I wanted him on our side. "Lucee" Natsu whispered as he moved his head away from mine.

"Natsu please, I love you don't make us fight you" I begged tears rushing down my cheeks as Natsu looked at me. I saw his red eyes slowly turn onyx. "I love you, you damn baka" I nearly shouted as Natsu put a hand on my cheek. "I will not fight you my Star but who ever tries taking you from me must die" he then replied as my heart sank. I saw Natsu fighting him, I could see he was fighting but he wasn't able to beat him. "Please, don't" I whispered as Natsu kissed my forehead. "Im going to put you to see now Lucee, only for the battle" Natsu whispered.

Before he could move his hand toward the mark Erza came in pushing him away from me as I fell backwards onto the ground. Mira soon showed up next to me, helping me stand. "Lucy you don't have your keys so stay back" Mira begged as she changed into her Satan Soul form. She and Erza both ran at Natsu who growled attacking back. "STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER" I screamed as then everyone was a little fuzzy. "Lucy" I heard a woman's voice. A voice I had heard somewhere before. Then it hit me......

My mother. "Listen to me Lucy, Celestail Wizards have another power, that 'One' power" my mother whispered to me as I stood there confused. 'That One Power'? What was she on about? Soon her voice was gone as I saw everything clearly again. I was laying on the ground to see everyone around me fighting demons. Gray and Juvia were on the ground hurt, Juvia struggling to help Gray stand. I got up seeing Natsu standing there staring at me. "I have no choice" I whispered as I felt magic started to flow inside of me.

 "I have no choice" I whispered as I felt magic started to flow inside of me

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I felt the magic and I finally understood what my mother meant. I stepped closer to Natsu. "Lucy? W-what is this power?" Gray asked sounded confused and worried. "I finally understand now what my mother meant about the 'one' magic" I whispered putting my hands together making a glowing light. It felt so warm it reminded me of Natsu...

"LUCY" Juvia shouted worried as I stepped closer to Natsu

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"LUCY" Juvia shouted worried as I stepped closer to Natsu. "LUCY NO" Gray then shouted as I felt tears going down my cheeks. I knew what this strong magic would have a big price. It would ask for something bigger than me in return. "Give it up, Lucy you can't stop this" Natsu then laughed a I just smiled. "No, but you can Natsu" I replied lifting my arms up to make the rest of my body glow brightly. The warmth growing as it got hotter and hotter.

 The warmth growing as it got hotter and hotter

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I walked right up to Natsu grabbing his hands. "Natsu" I saw his eyes turn onyx as I moved my head close to his. "Lucy?" he asked confused and worried as I just smiled. "Everything is going to be ok now" I replied knowing inside it wouldn't. Knowing the price of this magic was. Knowing it would hurt everyone for awhile. Knowing it would hurt Natsu and Happy the most. I moved my head closer as I then pulled Natsu into a kiss.

A bright glow started as I pulled away to see the marks on Natsu were gone

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A bright glow started as I pulled away to see the marks on Natsu were gone. His horns also vanished. I felt myself start to fade . "LUCY?" I heard Natsu scream worried as I just gave a small laugh. "I love you Natsu" I nearly shouted as everything went bright light. By the time the light was gone I was no longer with Natsu and the others. I was in a field of pink and blue roses and saw my mother standing there smiling at me. "Im sorry it ended that way Lucy" she whispered as I walked over to her, tears still going down my face as I just smiled brightly.

"As long as Natsu and the others are ok, Im fine with what happened.... Im fine with dying....." I replied as my mother smiled at me.....

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