Save Me When He Comes For Me (Picture of Lexi on the side......)

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Dear Wattpadians,

This is my first story!!!! YAY ME!!! I'm really excited and I'm looking foward to what you have to say about my writing. Go ahead, I'm a big girl. BUT don't write stuff like "You suck. Go die in a hole." I get that enough as it is. Anyhoodle, Enjoy my story!


Lexi on side (except you just have to imagine she has brown eyes)>>>>>>>

Chapter 1-The Beginging

Lexi is 17

Casey is 16


"Casey! Come on, let's go!!!" I yelled up the stairs. My sister, Casey, and I live alone in our house in Tennessee. Daddy walked out six years ago. Ma works almost all day, everyday. She travels a lot, so I take care of the household. That includes my sixteen year old sister, who I love to pieces. But she makes me late to school everyday, as usual.

"I'm comin'. I'm comin'. Don't rush me. Beauty like this doesn't just happen, ya know!" She clomped down the stairs in her usual way too tight, low cut blouse, empahsizing her chest. Her chest was smaller than mine, but she liked to show them off more than I did. Her shorts were so short, that they rode up to her bottom. Her vribrant blond hair flowing down a little bit past her shoulders and her face with her usual make up, which is too much for me to apporve. Her brown eyes shining with excitement. She got my mother's brown eyes, while I also had brown eyes, but I had a tinge of blue in the corners of both my irises, probably from my father's ligth blue eyes. But back to my sister's clothes, if you even consider them clothes, I know for a fact, that my sister is none the less a wh*re.

"Please, go up stairs and change. I'm begging you!" I shooked my head and sighed.

"No! We're gonna be late!" She mocked me smugly and walked past. I dealt with her attitude with a prompt smack upside the head.

"Damn smartass." I grumbled and walked swiftly passed her. I walked in front of the full-length mirror at the bottom of the stairs. I looked back at my reflection with a grom expression. I debated about my plain, loose red tank top and skinny jeans. My brown hair was pulled into a messy bun and I had on only a little bit of make up. That was the difference between me and my sister. I would never feel comfortable in what she wears. I sighed and grabbed my short black leather jacket and aviaters.

After a fifteen minute car ride, we pulled into the school parking lot. I parked my blue 1970 dodge charger in my usual spot, right next to my boyfriend's red avenger. He was propped against it, looking like a super model. His brown hair textured and soft, his brown eyes glancing at my car as I pulled up. He gave me a smile and jumped off his car.

"Well, hello there Case." He said as Casey stepped out of the car. I loved how they got along and I felt lucky that they never fought with each other.

"Hey Alex, you're looking good today." She teased and gve her flirty smile. I walked around the car and hugged him from the side.

"Hey ba-" Before I could even finish, Alex had his tounge down my throat. I just went with it. Alex didn't like it when I pushed him away, and I didn't feel like making him mad today. He has an extremely bad temper.

"Sorry, but these guys were looking at you as if you were a meal." He explained with a menacing tone. He got jealoous really easily too.

"And why in hell are you wearing that? You look like a damn whore!" He looked at me in disgust.

"Alex, please baby, can we not do this here?" I looked around us, and I felt the blood rush to my face as I saw half the parking lot watching Alex scold me like a child.

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