Chapter 3 (Picture of Lexi's Mom....)

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Chapter 3!!! Hope it'z a good one!!! Picture of Lexi's Mom on the side........


Jayden P.O.V.

Lexi started to stir after a few hours of me just staring at her. 

"Lexi? Lex, can you hear me?" I called to her. She mumbled something incoherently, but started to talk.

"Jay?" She called out, her voice barely above a whisper. 

"It's alright, I'm here." I took her hand gingerly and held it. 

"It hurts Jay. It's hurts." She whispered.

"What? What hurts, Lex?"

"Everything. I feel like I got hit by a bus." She grumbled. She reached up to rub her head, but I stoped her, because she might hurt herself. 

"Do you remeber what happened Lex?" 

"What do you mean?" Her eyes finally fluttering open. A look of shock drenched her face as she looked around the room.

"Where the hell am I?" She shoke her head, but winced when she did.

"Ow! Sweet baby Jesus!" She grabbed her head gently.

"Don't you remeber what happened?" I took her hand and stroked the back of it gently. 

"Remember what? What on earth are you talking about?" She looked at me like I was crazy. Shit, this is bad! I pushed the Nurse's button and sat on the edge of the bed.

"After school, I came over to your house to talk to you about what happened at lunch. You remember what happened during lunch, right?" I asked curiously. She looked off in the distance, but nodded her head.

"Well, I heard you yelling and you wouldn't open the door. So I kinda broke through your window. I found Alex," I stopped as I thought about what Alex had done. I clenched my jaw to control myself from beating him senseless. 'How am I supposed to tell her?" I thought to myself. Lexi's jaw hit the floor and she stared at me in shock.

"YOU BROKE THROUGH A WINDOW!?" She sat back and stared at me in shock. I smiled sadly  'Damn, she looked so beautiful, even if she was covered in gauze' I thought 'Okay, Jay, focus. You have to tell her.' a little voice in the back of my head said.  Before I could continue, the door opened and an old lady walked in.

"Hello darlin'." She smiled at Lexi. I moved so she could check on her. 

"She doesn't remember anything. Can you do somehtin'?" I told the nurse, still holding her hand. 

"Alright, well I'll get the doctor.I'm sure he can do somthin' for her." The nurse rushed out of the room and came back with the same  doctor who talked to me earlier. He looked about 45, balding and held a welcoming smile.

"Hello, Lexi. My name is Dr.Wilson." The doctor spoke and gave another smile.

 Dr. Wilson looked at her chart and flipped through some papers.

"Well, son why don't you help her out a lil?" He patted my shoulder. 

"Could you give us a minute?" I asked, looking up at him. I didn't want anyone around to hear this. He nodded and walked out.

"Ok, Lex. Do you remember anything at all?" I searched her face for any hint that she remembered. She shook her head and I inhaled sharply. This is gonna suck.

"Lexi, Casey told me you apparently  walked in on your sister and Alex." I said quietly. She then looked down at her hands and tears streamed down her face.

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