Chapter 5 (Picture of Jayden on the side.....)

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Another chappy for my lovely fans!!!  :* Picture of Jayden >>>>>>>>>


Chapter 5

Lexi's P.O.V.

After driving a grand total of almost 2000 miles and spending two days in motels, we made it to New York. Despite the crap we just went through, Jay and I were actually pretty happy to "start a new life", as he puts it. Since Jay's cousin lives here, he has been here before. Me on the other hand, I haven't even left the speck on a map that I call a town. We pulled up to a small apartment building in a town near the city. It wasn't busy or noisy like the city, but it had more of a buzz then a regular small town. 

"Alrigthy then. We're here, Tweety." He smiled at me and took my hand. I exhaled and smiled back. We walked up to the building, where his cousin, Jack, was goin' to meet us. I had never met him, and from what Jay told me, he was an ok guy. But I was still just a lil' bit nervous. When we walked into the entrance of the building, Jay was immediatly pulled into a tackle-like bear hug. Jay laughed and they wrestled on the floor for a bit. I smiled at them and then looked around the building. It wasn't that bad, for the front of it was a mess, but the inside was well-lit and reminded me of Daddy's office back home. Home. The thought made me feel empty inside. I miss my mama. 

"Jack, I want you to meet Lexi." Jay stood up and went behind me smiling. 

"Tweety, this is my cousin that I told you about." I looked at Jack and I could definitely see the resemblence. They both had piercing blue eyes, except Jayden's were more soft and made me feel safe. Jack's made you get the feeling that he was a bit dangerous. 

"Hello, Jack." I shook his hand and he gently grasped my hand.

"Well hello there. I know Jay told me you were pretty, but damn girl." He winked at me and kept my hand in his. I tried to pull back with a light laugh, but he wouldn't let me.

"Alright, Jack. Let her hand go." He said, only half joking. He wore a smile, but his eyes were hard and mean. They were only like that when he saw-. I cut my thought short and shook my head. I have to stop thinking about that. But I couldn't. He took my innocence. I trusted him. I bit my lip and held back tears. 

"Tweety? Did you hear me?" Jayden asked, looking at me concerned. 

"Is she ok?" Jack asked.

"We have to talk about that later, Jack." He gently put an arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug, throwing the bad memories out of my head I breathed in his delicious scent and relaxed.

" 'cuse a minute." Jayden told Jack and pulled me around the corner. 

"It's ok, Tweety. I'm sorry." He looked away from me

"Why are you sorry? You helped me Jay. Hell, I dragged you away from your family and friends and pretty much just messed up your carrer! God, what kind of person am I?!" I rambled. Panic shook through me. We shouldn't have done this. What are we goin' do for money? I can't get a good job without goin' to college. I haven't even finished high school! 

"Tweety, it's goin' to be fine. I arranged for you to go to school here. I'm goin' to NYU, which is about forty minutes from here. We'll be perfectly fine. Jack said he'll pay for our rent and other nessecites. He's a lawyer, so he said he can afford it. Once I get finish college, I can get a job." He rubbed my back and held me close.

"Whose gonna pay for your education. Whose gonna pay for my college?! I know mama wouldn't 'cuse we're broke!" I ranted. 

"My ma is already payin' for us." he told me like it was nothing.

"WHAT!?" I just about screamed.

"Jay, that's not right. I can't take Kayren's money!" There was no way I was lettin' that happen! No way in hell!]

"It's fine! We can definitely afford it! Come on, we can do this!" He lifted my chin up and stared into my eyes. I let out a small smile and a tear rolled down my face.

"Thank you so much, Jay. You didn't have to go through all this trouble for lilttle ol' me."

"Of course I do. I'll always be here for you. Remember?" He chuckled. I giggled and remembered when he told me that, which was any time that I was upset and cried all over him.

"Come on. Jack's waiting with our new home!" He said, actually sounding exciting.

"You actually want to live with me?" I asked.

"Well that's not a stupid question. I think it's goin' to be awesome, living with my best friend." Best friend. It was werid but the word kinda stung. I shook it off and kept walking. 

"Alrighty, well I haev to go to a meeting, but here are the keys. One for both of you and one spare. You're in apartment 4A. You can take the elevater or stairs. Enjoy and it was very very very nice meeting you Lexi." He smirked at me and walked away. 

"You too, Jack!" I called after him. I faced Jayden and he look actually pissed off.

"Jay, you ok?" He shook his head

"Yea, I'm fine. Race ya up the stairs." He slightly pushed me and booked it to the stairs. I laughed and chased after him. After 4 agonizing sets of stairs, we made it to our apartment. It was in the middle of the hall and over looked the town and if you could look down, you could see the pool they had on the second floor. 

"Ready, Tweety?" He asked, smiling a breath taking smile. I nodded and giggled like a school girl. We both put a hand on the key and turned it, opening our new home and in a way, opening a door to our new life.


I know, I know. Super short. But what can ya do? Remember to vote and Q.C.C.! Hope y'all liked it!!! I'm trying to update as frequent as possible. 


Sarritta14 <3 <3 

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